Author Topic: Whigger "Pastor" Was Inciting Against Police and "White America" in Dallas  (Read 1066 times)

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Offline angryChineseKahanist

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such trash these people.

Offline Lisa

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I wonder where this idiot lives.  No doubt in some lily neighborhood. 

If he feels so strongly that white dominance of America needs to end, why doesn't he go live in Detroit, Michigan or Gary, Indiana?  Or better yet, why not renounce his American citizenship and move to some lovely African country (snort)?

Unfortunately, he's not the only whigger. 

The CEO of Twitter is one Jack Dorsey, who is a *big* supporter of Black Lives Matter.  I found this out when I read about how Twitter has been filled with tweets of blacks inciting murder against police officers. 

And let's not forget Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook who also supports these thugs. 

Frankly I think people like this a menace to civilized society.  In an ideal society, they would have their American citizenship taken away, and be deported to live among the savages they so admire. 

Offline Lisa

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You know what else?

I just wonder if it's possible for the families of these murdered and injured police officers can sue Twitter for incitement to violence?  Any JTF'ers in the legal field?

Anyway, here's more about how the social media CEO's have embraced BLM:

Offline Zelhar

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I think that "pastor" is a professional agitator. He gets publicity and funding for doing his stick.

The CEO and other Silicon Valley top honchos think they are above the laws and morality of the rest of humanity. They want to concentrate all power in their little clique and to that aim it is advantageous to them to fracture the society eliminate the middle class.

Offline nessuno

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I think that "pastor" is a professional agitator. He gets publicity and funding for doing his stick.
As are Obama and Clinton. 
From a CNN interview with Madame Hillary
After a perfunctory statement about the police in Dallas, Clinton had this to say.
"Too many African-Americans shave been killed in encounters with police over matters that should not have led to that action being taken," she said.
Clinton called on white Americans to put themselves in the shoes of blacks "who fear every time their children go somewhere; who have to have the talk about how to really protect themselves when they're the ones who should be expecting protection from encounters with the police."
"I'm going to be talking to white people -- I think we're the ones who have to have to start listening to the legitimate cries that are coming from our African-American fellow citizens," she said.

I would rather put my self into the shoes of the police officer of any color.  But that is just me.  It might not be the same for someone that has soothsayer abilities, like LSDBR, to determine good from evil.  And can determine who's shoes to walk in exactly.

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Zelhar

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If you believe in the bible then God gave you the ability to recognize good  and evil.
As are Obama and Clinton. 
From a CNN interview with Madame Hillary
After a perfunctory statement about the police in Dallas, Clinton had this to say.
"Too many African-Americans shave been killed in encounters with police over matters that should not have led to that action being taken," she said.
Clinton called on white Americans to put themselves in the shoes of blacks "who fear every time their children go somewhere; who have to have the talk about how to really protect themselves when they're the ones who should be expecting protection from encounters with the police."
"I'm going to be talking to white people -- I think we're the ones who have to have to start listening to the legitimate cries that are coming from our African-American fellow citizens," she said.

I would rather put my self into the shoes of the police officer of any color.  But that is just me.  It might not be the same for someone that has soothsayer abilities, like LSDBR, to determine good from evil.  And can determine who's shoes to walk in exactly.

Offline nessuno

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I think most people can tell right from wrong.  Even those who don't know the bible or G-d.
Zelhar, when you are in a high crime neighborhood can you tell good from evil?  No.  You are nervous and cautious in general.  You feel it's all bad.  You hope you meet good and decent people along the way.  And that you make it out in one piece.  That doesn't make you racist.  As LSDBR would like to label me.  Put your self in a police officers shoes.  I don't expect police to be abusive to anyone.  But they aren't G-d.  They can't read into peoples souls.  They can just judge based on their experiences and the behavior they see.  Can you imagine what they are exposed to on a daily basis?  What they have to go on?
I don't think most police officers wake up in the morning with intent to kill someone at some point during their work day.  They are thinking they would like to return home to their family alive.

So, Obama and Hillary should call for calm.  Ask people to cooperate with each other.  Wait for a verdict.  Not incite more hate against white people or police officers.  Not create a bigger racial divide.  They themselves have set back race relations 20 years.  That is all I am saying.  They are on the same level as Screwy Louie Farrakhan and this pastor.

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Zelhar

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Yes of course being cautious is a different matter. I agree with what you say here.