While searching for the history of the Kama knife I came across this website apparently being maintained by people from that era. Scroll all the way down to the photo of 'a Serbian četnik in the uniform of a SS-Unterscharführer (probably of the "Prinz Eugen" Div.) killed by his men (četniks). He also had attached a "Kama" knife on his belt. '
also see: Bosnia's nazi past:
Wrong, the Serbian chetniks cannot be Nazis. Communists gained power in Serbia when red army entered Belgrade. English support to chetniks stopped and they were betrayed. At battle of Zelengora 1945 chetniks were fighting Nazis at front but communist animals came behind their backs and that was end for chetniks. Most of pictures on Google that chetniks are cooperating with Nazis are fake. On mountain Kraljica/Qeen chetniks killed over twenty thousand German and Croatian Nazis. Very few Nazis were able to escape..

lets say this picture, communist after gaining power showed this picture how chetniks cooperated with nazis, the truth is this man on the right side is russian kozak, not the serb, do not have long beard
this is list of cities which chetniks liberated from german nazis
1.Лозница (31.август 1941)
2.Богатић (1.септембар 1941)
3.Крупањ (4.септембар 1941)-уз малу помоћ партизана
4.Бања Ковиљача (6.септембар 1941)
5.Горњи Милановац (29.септембар 1941)-уз малу помоћ партизана
6.Чачак (1.октобар 1941)
7.Страгаре (4.октобар 1941)
8.Љубовија (октобар 1941)
9.Пријепоље (12.септембар 1943)
10.Прибој (12.септембар 1943)
11.Зворник (17.септембар 1943)
12.Бања Ковиљача (17.септембар 1943)
13.Бијело Поље (септембар 1943)
14.Рудо (18.септембар 1943)
15.Брза Паланка (18.септембар 1943)
16.Љубовија (30.септембар 1943)
17.Бајина Башта (30.септембар 1943)
18.Нова Варош (октобар 1943)
19.Вишеград (8.октобар 1943)
20.Чајетина (10.октобар 1943)
21.Рогатица (14.октобар 1943)
22.Мајданпек (26.август 1944)
23.Кучево (28.август 1944)
24.Лесковац (31.август 1944)
25.Власотинце (31.август 1944)
26.Петровац на Млави (септембар 1944)
27.Сврљиг (2.септембар 1944)
28.Бреза (11.септембар 1944)
29.Кадина Лука (2.септембар 1944)
30.Лазаревац (3.септембар 1944)
31.Пљевља (септембар 1944)
32.Подлугови (10.септембар 1944)
33.Варварин (октобар 1944)
34.Крушевац (14.октобар 1944)
General Dragoljub Mihailovich distinguished himself in an outstanding manner as Commander-in-Chief of the Yugoslavian Army Forces and later as Minister of War by organizing and leading important resistance forces against the enemy which occupied Yugoslavia, from December 1941 to December 1944. Through the undaunted efforts of his troops, many United States airmen were rescued and returned safely to friendly control. General Mihailovich and his forces, although lacking adequate supplies, and fighting under extreme hardships, contributed materially to the Allied cause, and were instrumental in obtaining a final Allied victory."
March 29, 1948, Harry S. Truman, president of USA.

Sharl De Gol, lider of french troops gave this to Draza in 1943..
“During the war I thought I could trust Tito... But now I am aware I committed one of the biggest mistakes of the war.”
Entoni Idn:
“My biggest regret of the war was abandoning Mihailovich.”