I have written this article in German for our site. I translated it by my hands into English. The original-article you can find here:
http://www.gruene-pest.de/showthread.php?t=241775Without doubt it's right, that the state of Saudi Arabia and the local Wahabismus is the greatest supporter of terror worldwide.
Whole countries will be paved with mosques. The money for the islamisation of the world come from the enormous reserves of oil in this country. It is possible for a lot of muslimes in Saudia Arabia not to work, but live from public money transfers.
In this way it is possible for Saudi Arabia to buy sympathies for their radical way of islam and for itself.

Before a short time I have read some issues from scientific magazines concerning the restoration of environmental damages, which was caused through released oil. A new way in the environmental studies is to use special bacterias to transform the oil in other substrates. But sadly nobody has found a way up to today to transform the Oil anaerobe effective.
Anaerobe means, that the bacterias run their metaboilism without oxygen. This is important because the oil deposit is deep under the surface of the earth and there is no oxygen.
When the engineers in the near future find ways to breed bacterias, which don't need oxygen to run their metabolism, to transform oil in other substrates, we can make them available for us and we are able to increase them in low-tech bioreactors. Than we are able to contaminate the Saudian oil-fields.

Because of the fact, that muslimes are not so clever, they will notice it behind time, and than it's too late.
Sources and further texts:What is a Bioreactor? (German):http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioreaktor
Conveying of oil (German):http://www.wissen.de/wde/generator/wissen/ressorts/technik/index,page=2471116.htmlCurrent analysis (German):[/U]
http://nadine.helmholtz-eos.de/risks/oilspill/info/oil_behaviour_de.htmlAn oil-destroying clade of bacterias (German)http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrocarbonoclastic_BacteriaCurrent analysis (German):http://www.io-warnemuende.de/research/de_oel_allgemein.html