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Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« on: September 23, 2016, 03:18:47 PM »
I wonder what JTF's take on this is. What a reversal!

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2016, 04:00:29 PM »

Very disappointed and I suspect Priebus and the establishmen were promising to destroy Cruz if he didn't so he gave in.  Just a guess but seems likely.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2016, 04:36:17 PM »
I also think cruz just killed himself politically and had nothing to gain by doing this, other than getting quid pro quo from eatablishment.  He just killed his brand.

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2016, 05:49:27 PM »
Nothing has changed for me.   I'm still planning on writing in Ted Cruz on the ballot.  I thought all along there was a realistic chance Cruz would eventually endorse Donald Trump.   I'm glad Cruz didn't endorse Trump at the RNC.   Waiting to see what would transpire was a good decision by Cruz.   

 Though ideally, my preference would have been for Ted Cruz not to endorse Trump at all,  I trust Cruz's judgment.   At least on this end,  much more importantly Cruz took the right stance on not signing the AIPAC letter.   I'm confident that most people here would agree with me that it's much more important to prevent a Fakestianian state than choosing between whether to vote for Donald Trump or not.  Both Trump and Hillary Clinton are horrible candidates and individuals.   Either way,  we are screwed.  Try to help prevent Israel from committing suicide is much more important:

88 Senators Signed AIPAC’s New Pro-Israel Letter. Here’s Why Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Ben Sasse Didn’t.
Three dissents from the GOP’s rising stars reflect the growing challenges in forging a bipartisan pro-Israel consensus

By Yair Rosenberg
September 20, 2016 • 2:06 PM

Yesterday, the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC released a letter signed by 88 of 100 U.S. senators calling on President Obama to oppose one-sided U.N. intervention in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “At this delicate stage the international community should both provide hope to the parties and avoid taking action that would harm the prospects for a meaningful progress,” it read. “Even well-intentioned initiatives at the United Nations risk locking the parties into positions that will make it more difficult to return to the negotiation table and make the compromises necessary for peace.”

Signatories to the letter included everyone from progressive stalwarts like Elizabeth Warren and Chris Murphy, to Hillary Clinton running mate Tim Kaine, to conservative leaders like John McCain and Mike Lee. It’s an impressive bipartisan display seldom seen in today’s polarized Washington, and a reflection of historically high pro-Israel sentiment in the United States.

That said, the letter is largely symbolic. Obama and past presidents can and have disregarded Congress on Israel and many other matters of foreign policy. Moreover, with its emphasis on “one-sided” U.N. resolutions, the missive leaves room for U.S. peace parameters, which would be presented as a balanced proposal.

But precisely because the letter is a symbolic gesture, it is particularly noteworthy which senators did not sign it—chief among them Republican leading lights Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Nebraska’s Ben Sasse. All three legislators are seen as the future of the party, and all three consider themselves passionately pro-Israel. The reasons they did not sign, then, offer a window into the shifting pro-Israel landscape in DC and the challenges any effort to forge a bipartisan consensus will face in the years to come.

For Cruz, the letter’s enthusiastic embrace of the two-state solution gave him pause. “I support the spirit of Sens. Gillibrand’s and Rounds’ letter to President Obama, which is to urge him to oppose any anti-Israel activities at the United Nations Security Council,” the Texas senator said in a statement. “Unfortunately, the language in the opening paragraph declaring the ‘two-state solution’ as the ‘only’ resolution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians undermines this well-intentioned effort, and makes it impossible for me to sign. This matter is an internal one for Israel to decide, and it is not the place of the United States—or the United Nations—to impose a solution on a sovereign nation.”

Cruz’s stance reflects an important shift on the right of the Republican party. George W. Bush was the first American president to make the two-state solution the official policy of the U.S. government. That goal has since been adopted by both major political parties in America and Israel, and formed the backbone of the bipartisan approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In recent years, however, support for two states has eroded on the right, in part due to skepticism among Republican voters and in part due to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s hedging on it during his reelection campaign. The two-state solution was subsequently removed from the 2016 Republican party platform.

By contrast, Florida Senator Marco Rubio did not overtly distance himself from the letter’s two-state solution rhetoric, but argued that Israel lacked a Palestinian partner for peace at this time, and that the letter was insufficiently forceful on this point. “The fact that U.S. Senators must plead with an American president to not abandon Israel at the United Nations is a disturbing sign of how much the Obama Administration has undermined our alliance with Israel,” Rubio said. “I join my colleagues in hoping President Obama does not break from our country’s longstanding tradition of supporting Israel at the U.N., but I reject any notion that Israel is at fault in the current impasse with the Palestinians. Israel is America’s closest ally in the Middle East and has made good faith efforts to pursue peace. However, Israel does not currently have a viable partner for peace. Palestinian leaders continue to incite violence against innocent Israelis even as they seek to elevate their cause at the U.N. It is Palestinian leaders, not Israeli leaders, who stand in the way of the peace all Israelis and Palestinians deserve.”

Both Rubio and Cruz have close ties with GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson, who has been funding a right-wing competitor to the bipartisan AIPAC, the Israeli American Council. Whether their absence from AIPAC’s latest initiative reflects a turn towards other more hawkish pro-Israel outlets will be worth watching.
Finally, Nebraska senator Ben Sasse, a Yale PhD and former university president who has emerged as one of the right’s leading anti-Trump voices in Congress, also did not sign out of concern that the letter did not draw a sufficient contrast between Israel and the Palestinians. “While I share my colleagues’ aim to stand with Israel,” he said, “I am concerned that the United Nations treats Israelis and Palestinians as equivalent partners—there is simply no comparison. Israel has worked toward peace but Palestinian leaders still incite violence. Israel is committed to freedom and Hamas uses civilians as human shields. Too often the United Nations pretends that there is some kind of moral equivalence between these two parties and, until that stops, the U.N. will not broker any solution for our ally Israel that Americans can support.”

Taken together, these dissents from the younger wing of the Republican party reflect the increasing difficulty of crafting a pro-Israel line that can attract broad bipartisan support. For now, the erosion is only on the margins, but with J Street pulling politicians on the left and Adelson’s IAC making a play for the right, it remains to be seen if the center will hold.

"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2016, 07:24:03 PM »
I still think he is a man of far more character and integrity than any other candidate... and I can tell this was a tough one for him... as it is for so many other... including myself.  But Cruz did a really good job explaining his position.... A REALLY GOOD JOB!!!  He pretty much explained exactly how I feel.

This election is unlike any other in our nation’s history. Like many other voters, I have struggled to determine the right course of action in this general election.
In Cleveland, I urged voters, “please, don’t stay home in November. Stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket whom you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution.”
After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.
I’ve made this decision for two reasons. First, last year, I promised to support the Republican nominee. And I intend to keep my word.
Second, even though I have had areas of significant disagreement with our nominee, by any measure Hillary Clinton is wholly unacceptable — that’s why I have always been #NeverHillary.
Six key policy differences inform my decision. First, and most important, the Supreme Court. For anyone concerned about the Bill of Rights — free speech, religious liberty, the Second Amendment — the Court hangs in the balance. I have spent my professional career fighting before the Court to defend the Constitution. We are only one justice away from losing our most basic rights, and the next president will appoint as many as four new justices. We know, without a doubt, that every Clinton appointee would be a left-wing ideologue. Trump, in contrast, has promised to appoint justices “in the mold of Scalia.”
For some time, I have been seeking greater specificity on this issue, and today the Trump campaign provided that, releasing a very strong list of potential Supreme Court nominees — including Sen. Mike Lee, who would make an extraordinary justice — and making an explicit commitment to nominate only from that list. This commitment matters, and it provides a serious reason for voters to choose to support Trump.
Second, Obamacare. The failed healthcare law is hurting millions of Americans. If Republicans hold Congress, leadership has committed to passing legislation repealing Obamacare. Clinton, we know beyond a shadow of doubt, would veto that legislation. Trump has said he would sign it.
Third, energy. Clinton would continue the Obama administration’s war on coal and relentless efforts to crush the oil and gas industry. Trump has said he will reduce regulations and allow the blossoming American energy renaissance to create millions of new high-paying jobs.
Fourth, immigration. Clinton would continue and even expand President Obama’s lawless executive amnesty. Trump has promised that he would revoke those illegal executive orders.
Fifth, national security. Clinton would continue the Obama administration’s willful blindness to radical Islamic terrorism. She would continue importing Middle Eastern refugees whom the FBI cannot vet to make sure they are not terrorists. Trump has promised to stop the deluge of unvetted refugees.
Sixth, Internet freedom. Clinton supports Obama’s plan to hand over control of the Internet to an international community of stakeholders, including Russia, China, and Iran. Just this week, Trump came out strongly against that plan, and in support of free speech online.
These are six vital issues where the candidates’ positions present a clear choice for the American people.
If Clinton wins, we know — with 100% certainty — that she would deliver on her left-wing promises, with devastating results for our country.
My conscience tells me I must do whatever I can to stop that.
We also have seen, over the past few weeks and months, a Trump campaign focusing more and more on freedom — including emphasizing school choice and the power of economic growth to lift African-Americans and Hispanics to prosperity.
Finally, after eight years of a lawless Obama administration, targeting and persecuting those disfavored by the administration, fidelity to the rule of law has never been more important.
The Supreme Court will be critical in preserving the rule of law. And, if the next administration fails to honor the Constitution and Bill of Rights, then I hope that Republicans and Democrats will stand united in protecting our fundamental liberties.
Our country is in crisis. Hillary Clinton is manifestly unfit to be president, and her policies would harm millions of Americans. And Donald Trump is the only thing standing in her way.
A year ago, I pledged to endorse the Republican nominee, and I am honoring that commitment. And if you don’t want to see a Hillary Clinton presidency, I encourage you to vote for him.

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2016, 08:09:26 PM »
I also think cruz just killed himself politically and had nothing to gain by doing this, other than getting quid pro quo from eatablishment.  He just killed his brand.
It's just a bit of good old Texas politics :::D Which is go with the winner ;D I don't want to say I told you so but I just can't help it... I told you so ;D
:dance: Trump 2016 Make America Great Again :dance:
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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2016, 08:53:52 PM »
Oddly enough ted Cruz wrote this speech at the time I made the post considering voting trump so that Hillary loses versus going write in.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline nessuno

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2016, 07:46:24 AM »
Personally, I feel Cruz would have endorsed Trump at the RNC convention if he did not 'owe' so much to Glen Beck and his supporters (like JTF.)  And for exactly the reasons he now gives in his endorsement.  Number one reason being the supreme court.  It would have been a bitter betrayal to Beck who spent capital, time and reputation trying to get Cruz to the nomination.  But Ted Cruz is only a man.  Eventually people do what is best and most expedient for themselves.  No matter the cost to others.  No matter how supportive others have been.  This is life.  So, I don't think he is to be criticized for that.  Even the best people do it.

Except, I think this makes him look weaker and does his image damage.  As far as another run at the presidency. At this point what difference does his endorsement make?  He would have been best staying out.  But I think he sees a path to the Supreme Court.  And who would be disappointed if that happened?
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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2016, 08:32:48 AM »
Ted Cruz is not a moron and I don't believe chooses to do most things political reasons.

The endorsement for trump was due to a hard realization that Hillary was to the extreme bad news.  We talk about trump being a megalomaniac. And Hillary isn't?!  And what has she done to get her way? Steal money, take money from our enemies, and kill people.

What has trump done?  Insult everyone. I don't know about you, but my feelings aren't worth the head of which I wish not to be removed by Isis refugees. My life and my family's are worth more than my feelings getting hurt.

I think Cruz knows better. How much power will he have in an establishment left wing congress if a corrupt Hillary, worse than Obama, becomes president?  At least with trump, he can sway some rhinos in the correct direction in some things.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2016, 10:12:32 AM »
Personally, I feel Cruz would have endorsed Trump at the RNC convention if he did not 'owe' so much to Glen Beck and his supporters (like JTF.)  And for exactly the reasons he now gives in his endorsement.  Number one reason being the supreme court.  It would have been a bitter betrayal to Beck who spent capital, time and reputation trying to get Cruz to the nomination.  But Ted Cruz is only a man.  Eventually people do what is best and most expedient for themselves.  No matter the cost to others.  No matter how supportive others have been.  This is life.  So, I don't think he is to be criticized for that.  Even the best people do it.

Except, I think this makes him look weaker and does his image damage.  As far as another run at the presidency. At this point what difference does his endorsement make?  He would have been best staying out.  But I think he sees a path to the Supreme Court.  And who would be disappointed if that happened?
I don't see Cruz ever sitting behind the desk in the oval office... Its politically impossible going forward... He might have been Trumps VP had he played his cards better early on... I would have liked Cruz as a VP but as things  played out I like Trump's present VP pick better... The VP slot would have been Cruz's path to the presidency... Now it might be Pence's...  I do Cruz as a potential court justice... He would be far more effective in that position if he was able to become appointed.
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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2016, 10:59:01 AM »
Ted Cruz is not a moron and I don't believe chooses to do most things political reasons.

The endorsement for trump was due to a hard realization that Hillary was to the extreme bad news.  We talk about trump being a megalomaniac. And Hillary isn't?!  And what has she done to get her way? Steal money, take money from our enemies, and kill people.

What has trump done?  Insult everyone. I don't know about you, but my feelings aren't worth the head of which I wish not to be removed by Isis refugees. My life and my family's are worth more than my feelings getting hurt.

I think Cruz knows better. How much power will he have in an establishment left wing congress if a corrupt Hillary, worse than Obama, becomes president?  At least with trump, he can sway some rhinos in the correct direction in some things.
If Ted Cruz didn't know Clinton is extreme bad news until now...he is a moron.  And all politicians are political and play the game.  Same for most people.
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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2016, 01:08:25 PM »
I don't think Ted Cruz is doing that for impure reasons. He gave his reasons. Did you notice the absence of foreign policy or specifically Israel in from his arguments? Perhaps Cruz too has doubts whether Trump would do any less damage than Clinton.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2016, 09:15:54 PM »
I think that this take by Steve Deace essentially hits the important points on diagnosing this decision.  And btw, Deace praised Cruz's RNC speech while all the media morons and trump robots attacked him.   It doesn't seem there is anything for Cruz to gain by doing this.

There are five rules for political endorsements, ranked in order of priority:

    It must advance your convictions/principles, otherwise it will have minimal impact and isn’t worth the risk.
    It cannot violate your “brand” because if it does you risk substantial backfire, which can long out-live the endorsement itself.
    It must mobilize your base to action and not split your base, otherwise the endorsement will pit you versus your own base.
    It should have a reasonable expectation of return on political investment; whether that’s adding credit to your integrity, reinforcing your brand, electoral success, and/or raising your own profile.
    It cannot risk you descending into self-parody, where you become an object of scorn in the social media age—because the internet never forgets.

Guess what potential endorsement currently being discussed in political circles violates every single one of these rules?

A potential Ted Cruz, R-Texas (A, 97%) endorsement of Donald Trump.

To be clear, the political class has been breathlessly hoping for a Cruz endorsement of Trump for months now, because they know this to be true. The number one goal of the system isn’t power and control, for it must accomplish something before power and control can be maintained.

"Cruz will not mobilize the remnant of his base not already supporting Trump, but rather split that remnant and risk turning it against himself"

That “something” is the corruption of every potential champion/reformer to show that it’s impossible for anyone to maintain their integrity within the system. So resistance is futile and you might as well assimilate. This is how the system maintains power and control.

The Matrix cannot abide any potential Neos. So if it cannot corrupt them, it will then say they’re only defying the system for selfish reasons such as raw ambition. And then the system will stand by and wait for its potential challenger to make a major political miscalculation, which reinforces their false premise. Thus, another potential Neo bites the dust, and the Matrix marches on.

That is really all any Cruz endorsement of Trump would accomplish, which is why the political class has been hoping for it all this time.
Until some recent comments from Cruz’s former presidential campaign manager, Jeff Roe, it looked like Cruz had the titanium spine to withstand the peer pressure from the system that has taken down his predecessors for a generation. Especially after his “vote your conscience” speech in Cleveland, which was one of the most epic mic drops I’ve ever witnessed in politics.

But Roe says Cruz is now thinking of endorsing Trump “every day.” Why? Because Trump has apologized for calling Cruz’s wife ugly and his dad a presidential assassin? Because Trump has shown a sincere dedication to conservative principle and constitutional governance? Because Trump has shown he regrets insulting the disabled and prisoners of war?

Um, no.

“To be honest, watching Donald run a better campaign lately has been helpful to (Cruz),” according to Roe.

Not exactly the most inspiring rationale, which is why it’s already being spun by the system as “Cruz really isn’t principled, he just wants to jump on the ‘Trump Train’ now that he’s polling better.”

Ugh, these are not the droids you’re looking for.

But rather than argue amongst ourselves, let’s return to those aforementioned rules and let the chips fall where they may.

While it could certainly be capably argued Trump would be better for conservatives than Hillary, a man whose closing sale to voters is a massive expansion of the welfare state via paid maternity leave simply doesn’t share Cruz’s convictions.
Cruz’s brand is the guy who challenges the “Washington cartel” paradigm of the two-party scam. However, all the reasons Cruz would give for endorsing Trump would just make him sound like everybody else. When he starts sounding like everybody else, he goes against his brand. And you never should go against your brand.
This week I asked Cruz supporters on my Facebook wall their thoughts on a potential Cruz endorsement of Trump. We broke a record for most comments ever on my page, with over a thousand. I’d suggest clicking here and reading a sample of them for yourself, because Cruz supporters feel pretty strongly about this. The results were striking: only 3% were more likely to vote for Trump based on Cruz’s support, but a whopping 63% had a negative reaction to Cruz making the endorsement at all (the rest were indifferent). Translation: Cruz will not mobilize the remnant of his base not already supporting Trump, but rather split that remnant and risk turning it against himself.
Given what I just wrote, no one can make the case this endorsement will have any return on investment for Cruz. Quite the contrary, it would be as foolish as signing up for Trump University.
The social media culture will ruthlessly emasculate Cruz for assimilating with Trump despite the way Trump ransacked his family, which could end up being far more politically damaging than violating a principle. Not to mention Trump is likely to contribute to this himself the first time Cruz breaks ranks from him, no matter the reason. He’ll return to his favorite past time of mocking Cruz, which he was just doing this week. Once you become a joke, your ambitions usually go broke. Just ask Sarah Palin, Chris Christie, Dan Quayle, etc. No one survives becoming an object of scorn or ridicule.

The conservative graveyard is littered with the remains of would-be champions, who buried themselves after misspending their political capital, and choosing the wrong hills to die on. Men and women who didn’t know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em. Who didn’t know when to walk away, and when to run.

As someone that knows, respects, and loves Ted Cruz, my fear is his endorsing Trump risks adding his name to that tragic list. And given the fact Cruz is one of the last remaining constitutional champions we have, if he falls he won’t fall alone

The left, and of course the media, is already clobbering Cruz talking about his "cowardice" and hypocrisy about standing on principle.

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2016, 10:23:48 PM »

Ted Cruz and his family will definitely NOT vote for Donald Trump. Cruz absolutely hates Trump and knows what a dangerous fraud he is.

However, Cruz felt that he could not win the Republican Presidential nomination in 2020 without endorsing the orange Mussolini.

This is not surprising and changes nothing from our point of view. We will always be Never Trump. Trump continues to be WORSE than Hillary Clinton.

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2016, 05:26:07 PM »

Ted Cruz and his family will definitely NOT vote for Donald Trump. Cruz absolutely hates Trump and knows what a dangerous fraud he is.

However, Cruz felt that he could not win the Republican Presidential nomination in 2020 without endorsing the orange Mussolini.

This is not surprising and changes nothing from our point of view. We will always be Never Trump. Trump continues to be WORSE than Hillary Clinton.
I would have had more respect for Cruz had he stuck to his guns and left things as they played out after the Republican convention... Now he looks like even a bigger fool than he did before... Cruz is going nowhere he will be lucky to retain his present position... He and his family could do a so called write in vote but the problem is that even they will be torn on which name they will write in... Maybe they should just vote for Hillary :o
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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2016, 06:36:40 PM »
I think it is wrong to have already have picked Cruz as "our" candidate for the election 4 years from now.
I think we have to see at that time, who bests represents our interests and who is the most reliable from the available politicians.

I personally would like JTF to devote much more time and energy to Israel, than the current election or positioning ourselves now, for an election 4 years from now.

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2016, 01:26:02 PM »
I think it is wrong to have already have picked Cruz as "our" candidate for the election 4 years from now.
I think we have to see at that time, who bests represents our interests and who is the most reliable from the available politicians.

I personally would like JTF to devote much more time and energy to Israel, than the current election or positioning ourselves now, for an election 4 years from now.

Fair point. But would add that during the next administration, to speak up against the wrong American policies
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2016, 04:45:56 PM »
I would have had more respect for Cruz had he stuck to his guns and left things as they played out after the Republican convention...

Baloney.  You guys were crying that he snubbed Trump by saying to vote ones conscience rather than endorsing, and you said he got booed off stage because it reflects that people resent him for not endorsing.  Now changing your story.

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2016, 10:20:23 AM »
Donald Trump is the best Republican candidate for president  in decades.

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2016, 06:20:39 PM »
Baloney.  You guys were crying that he snubbed Trump by saying to vote ones conscience rather than endorsing, and you said he got booed off stage because it reflects that people resent him for not endorsing.  Now changing your story.
I am not changing a thing... It's Cruz that's changing his story and he will change it again as needed.
:dance:                                                       :dance:
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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2016, 12:58:57 AM »
Donald Trump is the best Republican candidate for president in decades.

This is the primary reason why I can't stand the vast majority of people. I hope you have a contingency plan because the next elected president will be America's last.

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2016, 07:31:57 AM »
Baloney.  You guys were crying that he snubbed Trump by saying to vote ones conscience rather than endorsing, and you said he got booed off stage because it reflects that people resent him for not endorsing.  Now changing your story.
Kahane-Was-Right BT, no one was crying about Trump being snubbed by Cruz.  Not even Trump.  I didn't think Ted Cruz should have attended the RNC. At all.  Unless, he was going to endorse.  Personally, I think he may have planned on endorsing Trump at the convention.  But caved to external pressures not to.  He should have gotten back to the grindstone.  Planned for 2020.  Now, that he has endorsed, Mr. Trump, after he correctly stated he should not endorse a man who insulted his wife and lied about his father. Nor, should he have gone to Trump's Convention.  What do you make of him?  My conclusion is that he is the typical politician.  Disappointing.  And, oh,  he is saying exactly what us guys have been saying all along.  Clinton is wholly unacceptable.  Who becomes your write in now?  Trump is not the best candidate since sliced bread was invented.  But, in my mind, Clinton is the worst.  On par, or worse, than Carter and Obama.
Glen Beck on Cruz's endorsement of Trump
Beck, who campaigned for Cruz in the primaries, made his comments after a marathon grilling session in which he pressed the Texas senator on his Friday endorsement of Donald Trump.
For the for the very first time I heard Ted Cruz calculate,” Beck said of his interview with Cruz. “And when that happened, the whole thing fell apart for me. And it’s my fault. It’s my fault for believing men can actually be George Washington. It’s my fault.”
« Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 07:44:25 AM by Poppy »
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2016, 07:57:00 AM »
Hillary Clinton is so evil and not an option ever.  Her list of abuse and corruption gets bigger by the day.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2016, 05:45:44 PM »
Glenn Beck is such a clown.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Cruz endorsing trump!!!
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2016, 07:36:44 PM »
Glenn Beck is such a clown.
Why do you say that? Cruz did let him down.