Taki Theodoracopulos
the traditional Right does have some anti-Semitic tinges, as it should. Pro-Israeli groups, and especially the loathsome neocons, have painted people like Pat Buchanan,
Joe Sobran, Thomas Fleming, and Peter Brimelow as Nazis, as outrageous charge as there is. The powerful lobby that runs American foreign policy decided long ago on a policy of "apostomasis" against anyone who dares challenge
Israel's policies of oppression and occupation of Palestinian lands and people. Anyone who protests on humanitarian grounds is immediately painted as an ant-Jewish bigot and a modern fascist. I personally have been called this by scum like Frum and weasels like Podhoredz and Kristol.
why shouldn't we be anti-Jewish, especially now, with 1.2 million dead following the Iraq disaster that was hatched up by people like Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, and cheer-led by the men I just mentioned. AIPAC and the above mentioned have plumbed the depths of dishonor and character assassination and indecency and fabrication of falsehoods.
Israeli Likudists and neocons are the ones who should be charged with an anti-Christian and traditionalist crusade, not we with anti-Semitism. They are the very bad guys who for much too long have been getting away, literally, with murder.