Billionaire Jared Kuschner, who's good looks, unusual by Jewish standards, have been compared to Yosef Hatzaddik's.
And just like Yosef was Pharoah's right hand man, so too has Kuschner become Trump's right hand man, with remit to solve the Israel-PLO dispute!
Trump's son-in-law cleared to serve in White House
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/223627It will be interesting how Jared tackles his first meeting with Abbas & other Ishmaelites.
Politicians wearing a kippa and putting tefillin on every day are no guarantees that they'll be on our side: Mandelblit, Rubinstein, Gold, Berg, Alsheich, Deri, Elkin, Glick, Yishai, Sharansky, Bennett, Stern etc etc are just a few examples of those politicians & judges whom we had hopes for but who have turned out hostile drek!