She's a captive of Donald in that marriage.
The concept is pretty absurd. I don't know whether she likes being with him personally or not, but even if not, she's got other things going for her being there, and I seriously doubt she wants out. If she did, she could easily anyways.
The leftists hate her.
Not one of the qualifications to be a tzadik.
I think we should go back to the Obama's. They are what this country deserves. Especially, Michelle.
Or maybe we should have first lady Bill Clinton. That gem.
No one is suggesting that these were good people. If you would like to talk about other bad people, you can revive old threads on them. We're talking about one person, comparing is for retards.
Can't you see that I was being sarcastic?
And Moochelle did indeed look like a simian!!!
Yeah, but many people say the exact same thing and are dead serious, and base their political decisions around base and pointless things like how hot the wife is comparatively. Commenting on how the wives of political leaders look isn't an intellectual discussion anyways, I can make stupid jokes with my friends, I came here to learn. If there is a group where we make stupid jokes about politics because we are mad and accomplish nothing, I will not join. What if a righteous woman sees that who isn't a model and decides to stay away from politics because no one will like her? That's the only effect that could have, and that's even unlikely, probably just a second to idle the brain.
Like the Trumps or not, Melania is beautiful, tasteful/modest (as first lady) and intelligent. She is a naturalized citizen. She speaks several languages. I'm glad that she drives the liberals and Trump haters insane.
They would like her to be classless. But I think she is doing a good job. And the Michelle lovers cannot even make a comparison. Two totally different women.
And she seems like her own woman to me and a good mother. No one's captive. She would be captive in the White House if she cared about appearances and was trapped by Donald Trump.
I know....but this is just the opinion of a boot licking sycophant. ![rotflmao! :::D](
I have never seen so-called conservatives so concerned with the opinions of brain-dead liberals. If a liberal doesn't like jumping off a bridge, will you do it?
We should have a day at JTF to celebrate all the wonderful things she's done to save America. What good job has she done though, exactly?
I'm not into the commie conspiracy that she's an MK ULTRA slave and Trump controls her fragmented and brainwashed mind with keyword commands, or aliens or whatever evil cabal you want that controls our great and obviously flat earth. There are women lined up around the block to take her place; power and money is attractive.
She's still an x-lesbian porn star, I don't think that's the kind of person we want to have as our concept of a model citizen.