Lots of mixed up people out there, no matter where they're coming from Ideologically.
I think it's important on Social Media or sites like this to be respectful of others. I have opinions that, while I'm not afraid to share if asked, would probably offend some even here. I wish I would have more dialogue with people here over the years, but i think it's understood that the basics concerning the Jewish people and their being in Israel by the will of G-D is a given, no matter what else is said.
The Gentiles are going to get worse, and Israel should be dependent on G-D, not dependent on these Gentile powers.
Agreed. I don't care about the Nazis in America for Israel, they can come invade G-d forbid and get wiped out by the Creator of the universe like everyone else that tried. I don't care about them for Jews, means more aliyah. As America does to Israel, so happens to America, and I got a bit of a soft spot, I'd rather them not go where Europe is headed.
Tolerance of intolerance is intolerance. I'm not going to be respectful of Mr. Gas the Jews when he starts screaming that or posting it on his crappy news page. Compassion on the cruel is cruelty to the compassionate, I'm not interested how confused they are and how horrible their childhood was, mine sucked too and I'm not a monster, confusion is not an excuse for evil.
I've seen people go that way out of spite, liberals call everything racist, it makes racism seem like a less serious thing, becomes mainstream, they do the self-righteous hypocritical thing where you'll get a drag queen wearing an aborted baby necklace comes on and say Americans are all evil for being born racists, and now they get into it out of spite. They say the ugly underbelly and left, people that stay in that ideology made a choice, and no respect for people that want to exterminate the Jews, like Skokie in 1977, KILL NAZIS NOW.