These blacks are only following in the footsteps of their heros. The Carr brothers, the Zebra killers, OJ, and the rest of the murderers they worship. It was a horrible mistake to bring these creatures to the former great USA. We have been cursed by their presence. They cannot adapt to a civilized society and I firmally believe that it isn't their fault. They cannot think in a logical manner. Try and teach a black C++ progamming and see what happens. They cannot get the code or the proper sequence of the statements. They are not intellectually up to it. Is it any wonder that they would not be up to the code of society ethics? Of course not all blacks are like that but I would say over 99 percent of them cannot fit into a working society. If we had any type of compassion for these poor creatures we would give them the high tech reservations where they could live out thier lives in a hip hop manner. We could air drop them mac and cheese, crack, malt liquor, cheap wine, a cadre of sterilzed white sluts like you see on Springer and most of the liberals that infest our news channels. They can curse, rob, rape and kill each other without any type of white interferrance. This what will make them happy and it will make white society safer and less apprehensive as to working, riding public transportation, and sending our children to school. It is the only thing to do for these poor creatures.