As of two years ago sharpton's 'salary' was over 650 thousand dollars. When asked where the money came from he said it was from 'love donations'. It is interesting to read about the phoney rev. He said he was a rev at the age of nine. No. He went around with his drunken drugged up phoney rev father and that is where he started 'preaching'. In one of his books, I believe it was 'Go tell Pharoh' he admitted that the other phoney rev jesse baptised him and ordained him in the same day. As for jesse, he was made a rev in a basement by aretha, boy am I a pig, franklin's drunkin' pappi. It is rumored that jesse may be the proud pappi of one or two of ms. souls children. She refuses to say to this day ''who be the babbie daddie' and refuses to have the bastards pictures shown. The civil rights industry has done a lot of people good. Look at the king family. Where could they amass such an amount from a drunk, whore monger, commie and white hater. They are all worth a fortune now, since they are collecting money from the public for that obscenity they are erecting in washington d.c. for that whore, lliar, plagarist, white hater. Look at the white Jew hater andy, my best friend done be arafart, young. He is loaded. He makes the lecture circuit talkin' trash about the 'movement' that was 'back in the day'. Yes, the civil rights industry is massive. All an 'activiist' must do is cry 'racism', 'police brutaliity', 'discrimination' the checkbooks of self hating whites open up and send a check to try a cure a white guilt that they themselves have put upon themselves. So, my dear friends, just pay off the blacks in Jena and demand that they leave, so that civilization will come back to once was a wonderful white community before the plague of blacks mutiplied and ruin everything as they do in every single area that they come to.