Who is responsible for shoving gay make out scenes down our throats in TV & movies?
You guessed it self hating commie pinko liberal leftist JINOs?
These disgusting JINOs are the root cause of Anti Semitism & thoroughly disgust me!!!!
Any thoughts on this?
globalists, kommies, what ever they are. They need an umbrella name. They have a million names to confuse us.
But if you look at each individual group, you'll see they are just fools being used by the globalists, one-worlders, komies, whatevertheyarecalled.
Once staunch commies later feel betrayed by commie leaders.
Negros are certainly being used. They are the dumbest group, violent and stupid. They are easily used.
Homos, fags, queers, gays, lez, trans, they are being used too. Not all homos fall for it.
All the ethnic groups.
Envio-mental cases.
Vegetards. excluding people who don't eat meat for some reason. I'm talking about those who make it a religion.
None of them are perpetrating this krap because they are just too stupid. If they had brains, they wouldn't be used like tools.