Israel won in 1978, 1979, and 2018. Israel was considered as the "winner" by evil people in 1998 when a mutilated Kohen pretending to be a woman "won". Next year will be the third time Israel hosts. Israel hosted in 1979 but declined to host in 1980 since it didn't make sense to spend the money on it for economic reasons two years in a row and because it coincided with Yom HaZikraron. 1979 was Israel's best performance since it praised G-d (Halleluyah) and seems like a classic song among the songs of the Land of Israel and won it in Jerusalem.
Israel hosted in 1999 which I consider as a consolation prize for having a fool made out of by the 1998 homosexual performance by the mutilated Kohen.
The negative side is that the concert will involve Chillul Shabbat. Hopefully they'll start it after Shabbat is over but most likely there will be Chillul Shabbat in preparation. If Israel had hosted in 1980, it would have been Erev Yom HaZikaron but starting in 2004, Yom Zikaron is postponed to Sunday Night in order to avoid Chillul Shabbat in preparation.