The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
The Noahide Case Against Islam
Israel Chai:
Even just the concept that their fake idol is physically in hell torturing the mostly female inhabitants at all times has at least 10 points on the idolatry scale.
Hrvatski Noahid:
--- Quote from: Israel Chai on May 15, 2018, 11:40:29 PM ---OK, so new religion, I worship G-d. G-d is a six foot tall black guy named bubba. He eats cheetos, and is the only one. Is my new (fake) religion idolatry?
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If G-d were to have body and form, He would be limited and defined, because it is impossible for there to be a body which has no limitation. Everything that has limitation and definition, by virtue of its body, also has a limited and bounded power. Since G-d's ability and power have no limitation or boundary, His power is not the power of a body. And since He does not have a body or any form, He cannot be affected by any circumstances that can affect a body. The six foot tall black guy named bubba has a human body and a human form, so he is not G-d. The new religion is idolatry because it worships a person.
Hrvatski Noahid:
If a religious statute is innovated to gather to the site of a specific pillar, this becomes the type of forbidden pillar that is mentioned in the Torah. An example is the Ka'aba stone at Mecca; since the congregating of people at this specific pillar, and the rituals, honor and holiness that were connected with it, were made into statutes of a religion, it is the type of pillar that is mentioned in the Torah (the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Ask Noah International, 2011, p 195-196).
Israel Chai:
--- Quote from: Hrvatski Noahid on May 18, 2018, 04:01:33 AM ---If G-d were to have body and form, He would be limited and defined, because it is impossible for there to be a body which has no limitation. Everything that has limitation and definition, by virtue of its body, also has a limited and bounded power. Since G-d's ability and power have no limitation or boundary, His power is not the power of a body. And since He does not have a body or any form, He cannot be affected by any circumstances that can affect a body. The six foot tall black guy named bubba has a human body and a human form, so he is not G-d. The new religion is idolatry because it worships a person.
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So not only do we have limitations on Al**h's omnipotence, he fights the Satan just like the Xtians think Hashem needs to, so same idolatrous nonsense, you have the good "G-d", bad "G-d" and in this case they didn't bother with a son and wife idol because Islam doesn't worship those concepts, observe them if you need proof. Al**h might as well be Bubba. Saying Hashem has an incorporeal spirit that occupies a physical location like hell and does physical actions like torture mostly women in hell is further proof.
So there is nothing new under the sun, but murderer goyim came up with a religion that is a path to Hashem like Torah now? Either Shlomo ha Melech was wrong, or prayers to Al**h are like prayers to the Xtian "holy spirit", except when he's in a really genocidal mood. No physical form for the "holy spirit", but does anyone deny it's 100% idolatry?
Hrvatski Noahid:
--- Quote from: Israel Chai on May 24, 2018, 03:38:10 AM ---he fights the Satan just like the Xtians think Hashem needs to, so same idolatrous nonsense, you have the good "G-d", bad "G-d"
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That is a very good point. "Satan" is the name of a prosecuting angel in the Heavenly Court. Yet some say that he became an independent ruler over a realm of eternal damnation, and that he acts in opposition to G-d's will - i.e., that he is a separate god. This idolatrous concept is not even a belief in an intermediary, since it claims that Satan is not under G-d's control.
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