The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

The Noahide Case Against Islam

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Israel Chai:

--- Quote from: Hrvatski Noahid on May 15, 2018, 12:51:30 AM ---Rambam Laws of Forbidden Foods 11:7; Tur Yoreh De'ah ch. 124 in the name of Rashba and the Gaonim; Beit Yosef and Rema Yoreh De'ah 146:5, all rule that Muslims are not idolaters.

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I side with the Ramban on this (not Rambam). I respect their opinion and disagree.

Hrvatski Noahid:

--- Quote from: Israel Chai on May 15, 2018, 02:23:35 AM ---I side with the Ramban on this (not Rambam). I respect their opinion and disagree.

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I respect that. I follow the Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.

Binyamin Yisrael:
Islam originated from lunar worship. Allah was originally the lunar god. Chaim said that Islam is not idolatry and that since Islam began, Allah simply means G-d in Arabic. The Kaaba was originally a pagan shrine dedicated to lunar worship but the Muslims converted it to a Muslim shrine.

It's still wrong to start a new religion but that doesn't mean it's idolatry. As long as they believe in the G-d of the Bible, it's not idolatry. Their problem is that they changed around Biblical stories, but at least they didn't change who G-d is. Sikhism says they believe in one G-d but I think it's still idolatry since their god is not the G-d of the Bible. I think it's just a version of Hinduism that got rid of multiple gods.

Hrvatski Noahid:

--- Quote from: Binyamin Yisrael on May 15, 2018, 11:04:54 AM ---The Kaaba was originally a pagan shrine dedicated to lunar worship but the Muslims converted it to a Muslim shrine.

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See Responsa of Rambam ch. 160, where he explains that the Muslims who bow down to G-d around the Ka'aba stone in Mecca (and in Rambam's time they would throw rocks specifically at it, and not at any other statues) are not performing an act of idol worship, since their intention is only to bow down for G-d. In an earlier time (before Mecca was conquered for Islam), this stone was a Merculis, and people used to throw rocks at it as a worship ritual at that exact location. However, the Muslims who continued that custom had no intention for it to be a means of worshiping the stone as an idol.

Israel Chai:
OK, so new religion, I worship G-d. G-d is a six foot tall black guy named bubba. He eats cheetos, and is the only one. Is my new (fake) religion idolatry?


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