OK like you need to calm down with the cursing facebook, they're a bunch of evil tools, but your irritation at them is clearly keeping you from using them for your purposes. Emotions are a liability.
The advertising campaign couldn't have been better. You got a ton of views and didn't pay crap. Do it every week, and when you want your money make a post that you know they'll take you down over. You need a bunch of backup pages so you get all the stuff back in a second, and then they only hurt themselves when they attack. Pay with a new credit card in case the old one is like "why go again?".
For people in the news or blogsphere, facebook gives 75%+ of the traffic. If you want the news page to do good, facebook will help. There are many other social media sites popping up that JTF should have a presence on in case they explode, but for now this is what it is.
If they take you down a couple times, you can even sue them. You have them a knight's move away from a checkmate, be happy that they're evil little [censored], it would be harder to get free advertising if they followed their own rules.