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Hello from Shangri - La

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bullcat jr.:
no :(

Ok bullcat jr. I am not sure your still in the mood to look up some more stuff about our presidents but I will post a new question anyway. I tested this one out on a few people already and they could not come up with the answer. Some years back this boat was owned by the United States Government it was used by our presidents. See if you can come up with its name. Here is a hint. Its named after a very large tree.

Yup, MacArthur, McCarthy and the younger Goldwater (before the turned into a Libertarian) were the great voices of America.  I think it is sad that anyone, including Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo etc. who out of the "fould of Establishment power", really have no chance of being elected and therefore America's path will not change unless either at the State level they break out of the union (constitutional republic) or a civil war...imo.  The Establishment will not let them run unless they bend and hop on board of their Globalism bandwagon.  "To get along...go along" mentality is ever apparent.  Heck, this is what happened to Ronald Regan for example; the man who "defeated" communism.... ???  Look at Fred Thompson, for example, is a Trilateralist...

American political realities since the days of Woodrow Wilson and his shadow, or alter ego; Col M. House have been continually turning away from the Constitution towards the Socialist Welfare State being sold to the public as a "democracy"...which it is not. 

Bullcat you will enjoy these books by Antony Sutton and too, being a mother, the one about American academia.  All of these books, even though of different topics, all are connected in some sort of way, even the Kahane books...  Too if you get an opportunity John T. Gatto's "The Underground History of American Education:

Thank You MarZutra.  I do love to read.  These topics are especially of interest to me now!  I worry every day about the world my child will live and lives in.  The education system...what is there to say?  It is all upside down.  
Thanks again for the suggested is always appreciated...knowledge is power as they say!
BullCat Jr. has had fun and learned alot from reading and  posting on this thread - Thanks for mentioning some of your favorite people in history  O0

bullcat jr.:

--- Quote from: cjd on October 20, 2007, 11:54:29 PM ---Ok bullcat jr. I am not sure your still in the mood to look up some more stuff about our presidents but I will post a new question anyway. I tested this one out on a few people already and they could not come up with the answer. Some years back this boat was owned by the United States Government it was used by our presidents. See if you can come up with its name. Here is a hint. Its named after a very large tree.

--- End quote ---
This one was easy  :)
My Mom saw this boat in New York City.
She was able to go on it!
She said it was beautiful.  Even if it wasn't fixed up yet.
She helped me find this

The Sequoia is a meticulously restored, 104-foot, 1925 Trumpy-designed yacht that has served Presidents since Herbert Hoover.

The yacht is a national historic landmark and is available for exclusive charters in Washington.


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