It's not bad enough they're mechalel shabbos, they're ideologically twisted. The behavior of the Nutty Kartel & what they stand for is a big shanda!
Their ideology is identical to all Satmar. Satmar believes that all their brothers in Israel will die and that there will be a second coming of Israel. They just don't care enough to do anything because they know they're a bunch of phony intellectual dwarves. The Neutered Kapos believe they can violate shabbos because they love Jews in their fake Xtian-like way, because it's a life risk they're trying to draw attention to. They want to save us, Satmar doesn't care.
Both should never escape Gehenom, but at least the Neutered Kapos put their evil false prophesy ideology that adds to and removes from Torah out in the open for everyone to see and counter. Satmar does it in their little holy holes.
B"H so many people are leaving Satmar every year, and we can only hope Satmar stops pretending they're better than other Jews, so they become regular Jews instead of going secular.