
Is Xtianity a tool?

Yes, and it will be destroyed when the time comes.
2 (40%)
No, it's just some goyish nonsense that evil people came up with.
3 (60%)
No. This is the choice for Xtians who believe in Xtianity to click on.
0 (0%)

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Author Topic: Is Xtianity a tool?  (Read 7861 times)

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Offline Zelhar

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2019, 02:15:13 PM »
Thanks stay well too.
That explains some of your previous replies. According to your profile you have been a member of JTF since 2006. I doubt I will change your mind. Nevertheless, it saddens me that I, a Gentile, believe in HaShem and you do not. Stay well.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2019, 03:11:53 PM »
Bro, why are you mentioning Serbia? I live in Croatia, not Serbia.

I have my reasons for being here. I do not prevent chr*stians from being here, but I do not believe that they are sincere allies. I think I have the right to say that. This is the General Discussion section, not the shut your mouth if you have a different opinion section.

When chr*stians become observant Noahides, I will have no reason to doubt the sincerity of their support.   

Well like you'll know Seribans are way chiller than Croats then. I am cool with you being here. I did not say you are preventing people from being here, but if you call someone the enemy who's trying to be your friend like you're not working together, we think there are things we can work together on, if you do not believe so then say it and we can discuss that.

Define: sincere allies, and define: allies.

I do not believe in the concept of rights. You have obligations to do some things and obligations to not do others, and all other things, which this falls under, you get what you get and take. I can tell you stop and you can say no la la.

Also, semantics, but the support is almost always sincere from this place, except in the case of big missionary groups. The average American farmer in Iowa that supports Israel can't do much to much outside of his crops, he's not supporting Israel because he wants Haifa or Japanase support, he thinks it's the right thing to do and supporting the Arabs over us is the wrong thing to do. I would ask, "what is the real reason for their support", but it's a fake question that baits you into a generalization, so really you should have said is that they have ulterior motives, and not all, but many and they all should if they follow every letter their religion, that all relate to converting Jews to their religion. So you have to expect that they're going to try to hint at and incorporate some JC thing into everything they say. You have Debbie Schafer or whatever here that comes on and does it, painfully obvious to the trained eye.

That explains some of your previous replies. According to your profile you have been a member of JTF since 2006. I doubt I will change your mind. Nevertheless, it saddens me that I, a Gentile, believe in HaShem and you do not. Stay well.   

Yeah embarrassing... What do you even know about any other religion, Zelhar? I've been around this stupid wet ball and been though every religion you can pronounce. They would wipe my feet with their hair after six months and act like I was an idol, it doesn't take longer than that to understand every aspect of any other religion if you study seriously, and they all do half-good emotional manipulation that had as much chance against marketing tactics as using political tactics against Trump doing the same had. You can geal some chill and health stuff off Eastern religions, but you better kiss your butt before sleep every night and be thankful it was born in a Jewish house with a religion that gives you access to all the information out there, and you don't think bathing in a toxic stream for your idol is clever.

You said you think? Who cares what any of us think about religious matters? Read what the Rabbis and prophets say, you shake. I've been at doing Judaism for a while now, I'm still a shrimp ant in a room full of beards, I can walk into any other religion I was in now and take over for the pope to cheers. Also, it's a rule that when someone makes a blanket statement about "religions" it is a topic he knows such an abstract tiny amount about he can't tell the difference between night and day.

If you think the answer is in religion, go study the religions of the world, ask me questions while you're at it, you'll realize how much you should be kissing the dirt you were born on. If you think athiests have it, you're wrong they know crap and are willing to sacrifice logic and all moral faculties on the altar of their secular humanist religion. They have "faith in humanity" to do anything more than be self-serving in the short term, and since they know they're ridiculous they lovingly tolerate the monsters that are the irreligious version of their religion, I hate people death to old people and babies. I can't even tolerate it, not because of emotional reasons, but you just have not met or talked to enough of these people, they don't even want to use the tools that can give people answers because it proved a hoax someone made on their side once or twice, so no answers there waste of time.
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Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #27 on: January 10, 2019, 03:54:04 PM »

Define: sincere allies, and define: allies.

I do not believe in the concept of rights. You have obligations to do some things and obligations to not do others, and all other things, which this falls under, you get what you get and take. I can tell you stop and you can say no la la.

Also, semantics, but the support is almost always sincere from this place, except in the case of big missionary groups. The average American farmer in Iowa that supports Israel can't do much to much outside of his crops, he's not supporting Israel because he wants Haifa or Japanase support, he thinks it's the right thing to do and supporting the Arabs over us is the wrong thing to do. I would ask, "what is the real reason for their support", but it's a fake question that baits you into a generalization, so really you should have said is that they have ulterior motives, and not all, but many and they all should if they follow every letter their religion, that all relate to converting Jews to their religion. So you have to expect that they're going to try to hint at and incorporate some JC thing into everything they say. You have Debbie Schafer or whatever here that comes on and does it, painfully obvious to the trained eye.

The meaning of sincere allies is obvious to a fluent English speaker. I don't wish to define them beyond their obvious meaning.

The new testament is the Greek Mein Kampf. If you follow Mein Kampf, you cannot be an ally of Israel. That is my opinion. If you agree, that's fine. If you disagree, that's fine too.     

Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.

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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #28 on: January 10, 2019, 04:23:28 PM »
The meaning of sincere allies is obvious to a fluent English speaker. I don't wish to define them beyond their obvious meaning.

The new testament is the Greek Mein Kampf. If you follow Mein Kampf, you cannot be an ally of Israel. That is my opinion. If you agree, that's fine. If you disagree, that's fine too.   

Rav Kahane defined allies as people with shared interests for now. In that case they would be sincerely that. There are irredemable points of contention. As long as we're honest about it, Jews don't pretend they think he's just a prophet and Catholics don't pretend we don't consider missionary work hostile, we can put all that aside and focus on our alliance against the goat-humpers.

Like it's not like we're entrusting them lordship in the realm and they swear an oath to our lineage. Even mercenary leaders would just say, "your enemies are my enemies", and this is a completely other nation that wants to take the flank against a shared enemy. You're like nah I don't like em. K fine like maybe they do their thing like send missionaries to the middle east and we do our thing completely separate away, even that minimal example we can still have a group to share information so we're both smarter. Yeah we think we're going to perfect the world and they think they'll be raptured while it cooks (or some after like the first 250 degrees on the stove) and a million other tactical considerations that would lead me to talk about certain long-term strategy with you more, but for now you can't say they're useless, or we don't help by spreading what facts and reason we find to them.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #29 on: January 10, 2019, 04:38:47 PM »
Mein Kamph deserves its own post. The book starts "I wanted to be a faggy artist, but I couldn't because of the Jews" and the message is kill Jews. The New Testament is the same thing as every other religion before with Jewish names on stuff, and a couple like "Jews are the son of the devil" [that line being in John]. You must infer that this means kill Jews, it doesn't say kill Jews. Mein Kamph and the Koran are like a Jew-hating photograph while the New Testament has some late period blurry Monet impressionism. If you erase history till before the enlightenment, any yahoo can take the book and use it to justify burning villages of Jews alive again, but the book is the danger it always was in regards to merciless slaughter, the people that follow it they choose as they please the "holy spirit" told me screw you, so it's the heart. OK not reliable, changes every five minutes, but some people have such hearts they can hold to the good, and it's the whole reason why white people had the merit to convert more than any other nation, sometimes their hearts make them really good people.

It's not the same, the New Testament was used to kill more Jews then Mein Kamph, and today would scarcely be conceivable as a tool for slaughtering Jews, but it's not impossible in the distant future after global catastrophe that changes the order of everything G-d forbid. For now they are allies against our shared threats and not enemies, and even after like they're just slightly hostile neutrals because of the missionaries, so it's not like we need to put up our spikes on their front, let them set up camp in the field next to ours, a battle's coming and they have girls screaming in Saudi Arabia to be freed like ours, they're coming to the same battle, might as well coordinate.
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Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #30 on: January 10, 2019, 07:07:41 PM »
That explains some of your previous replies. According to your profile you have been a member of JTF since 2006. I doubt I will change your mind. Nevertheless, it saddens me that I, a Gentile, believe in HaShem and you do not. Stay well.

sorry to bud in.
I always thought you were orthodox for some reason. I always imagined you in a black hat and coat. I don't know.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #31 on: January 10, 2019, 08:25:46 PM »
sorry to bud in.
I always thought you were orthodox for some reason. I always imagined you in a black hat and coat. I don't know.

Yeah I kinda thought he was religious too, that was like a coming out of the cloest thing, I was all, "Oh..."
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Offline Zelhar

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2019, 12:10:15 AM »
I guess you should have asked me sooner.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2019, 11:06:05 PM »
The meaning of sincere allies is obvious to a fluent English speaker. I don't wish to define them beyond their obvious meaning.

The new testament is the Greek Mein Kampf. If you follow Mein Kampf, you cannot be an ally of Israel. That is my opinion. If you agree, that's fine. If you disagree, that's fine too.

The Koran is the Arabic Mein Kampf. I remember Chaim said Churchill called it the Mein Kampf of war.

Here's a better direct quote. He actually called Mein Kampf the new Koran.


Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2019, 11:13:31 PM »
The New Testament is the same thing as every other religion before with Jewish names on stuff, and a couple like "Jews are the son of the devil" [that line being in John].

So that means Yeshu is the son of the devil. What an illogical religion. The only way to explain that is the Farrakhan approach. He claims Jacob was an evil black scientist named Ya'akub who created the white race (the 12 tribes of Israel) in a test tube and that Jews are devils "and when Allah give da signal, Elijah Mohammad in da mother ship gonna suck up all of da white devili race, UMM HMM.". So according to that, Yeshu was the real Jew and the current Jews are imposters. Similarly, Muslims say the real Jews were all Muslims and the Jews changed the Bible and the Koran has the real story.

Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #35 on: January 13, 2019, 11:32:53 PM »

The Koran is the Arabic Mein Kampf. I remember Chaim said Churchill called it the Mein Kampf of war.

Here's a better direct quote. He actually called Mein Kampf the new Koran.


It is, but the new testament is worse because it is the first antisemitic holy book. The new testament influenced the koran. 
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.

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Offline Yerusha

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #36 on: January 15, 2019, 04:14:50 PM »
Do you think that G-d uses Xtianitiy as a tool to bring the World closer to the truth?

“Jesus of Nazareth who aspired to be the Moshiach and was executed by the court was also spoken of in Daniel’s prophecies [Daniel 11:14], “The renegades among your people shall exalt themselves in an attempt to fulfill the vision, but they shall stumble.“

Can there be a greater stumbling block than [Christianity]? All the prophets spoke of
Moshiach as the redeemer of Israel and their savior, who would gather their dispersed ones and strengthen their [observance of] the mitzvos. In contrast [the founder of Christianity] caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humiliated, the Torah to be altered, and the majority of the world to err and serve a god other than the L-rd.

Nevertheless, the intent of the Creator of the world is not within the power of man to comprehend, for [to paraphrase Yeshayahu 55:8] His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts. [Ultimately,] all the deeds of Jesus of Nazareth and that Ishmaelite [i.e. Mohammed] who arose after him will only serve to pave the way for the coming of Moshiach and for the improvement of the entire world, [motivating the nations] to serve G-d together, as it is written [Zephaniah 3:9], “I will make the peoples pure of speech so that they will all call upon the Name of G-d and serve Him with one purpose.

How will this come about? [meaning, in the future, not that the nations which follow these religions already serve G-d] The entire world has already become filled with talk of [the supposed] Messiah, as well as of the Torah and the mitzvos. These matters have been spread among many spiritually insensitive nations, who discuss these matters as well as the mitzvos of the Torah. Some of them [i.e. the Christians] say: “These commandments were true, but are not in force in the present age; they are not applicable for all time.” Others [i.e. the Moslems] say: “Implied in the commandments are hidden concepts that cannot be understood simply; the Messiah has already come and revealed them.”

When the true Messiah king will arise and prove successful, his [position becoming] exalted and uplifted, they will all return and realize that their ancestors endowed them with a false heritage; their prophets and ancestors cause them to err".

(Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melochim 11)

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #37 on: January 15, 2019, 04:27:53 PM »
I guess you should have asked me sooner.

that's strange.  I thought I quoted you.  Instead I quoted someone else.  but you did properly answer.
hey, you're honest,  so that counts plenty.

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #38 on: January 15, 2019, 04:34:34 PM »
Just a general remark to all,
I don't believe Christians in general are a problem.
There are those who don't like you but none the less support Israel.
There are some who want to replace the jews.  But those are just some opportunists.
Seriously,  do you see them screaming in the streets against the jews?
Everyone's immediate problem is not the christians.
I'm sure a few more head chops will convince you who the real oink oink enemy is.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #39 on: January 15, 2019, 06:27:46 PM »

“Jesus of Nazareth who aspired to be the Moshiach and was executed by the court was also spoken of in Daniel’s prophecies [Daniel 11:14], “The renegades among your people shall exalt themselves in an attempt to fulfill the vision, but they shall stumble.“

Can there be a greater stumbling block than [Christianity]? All the prophets spoke of
Moshiach as the redeemer of Israel and their savior, who would gather their dispersed ones and strengthen their [observance of] the mitzvos. In contrast [the founder of Christianity] caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humiliated, the Torah to be altered, and the majority of the world to err and serve a god other than the L-rd.

Nevertheless, the intent of the Creator of the world is not within the power of man to comprehend, for [to paraphrase Yeshayahu 55:8] His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts. [Ultimately,] all the deeds of Jesus of Nazareth and that Ishmaelite [i.e. Mohammed] who arose after him will only serve to pave the way for the coming of Moshiach and for the improvement of the entire world, [motivating the nations] to serve G-d together, as it is written [Zephaniah 3:9], “I will make the peoples pure of speech so that they will all call upon the Name of G-d and serve Him with one purpose.

How will this come about? [meaning, in the future, not that the nations which follow these religions already serve G-d] The entire world has already become filled with talk of [the supposed] Messiah, as well as of the Torah and the mitzvos. These matters have been spread among many spiritually insensitive nations, who discuss these matters as well as the mitzvos of the Torah. Some of them [i.e. the Christians] say: “These commandments were true, but are not in force in the present age; they are not applicable for all time.” Others [i.e. the Moslems] say: “Implied in the commandments are hidden concepts that cannot be understood simply; the Messiah has already come and revealed them.”

When the true Messiah king will arise and prove successful, his [position becoming] exalted and uplifted, they will all return and realize that their ancestors endowed them with a false heritage; their prophets and ancestors cause them to err".

(Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melochim 11)

Does that mean Islam is also a tool?

Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #40 on: January 15, 2019, 07:18:31 PM »

Does that mean Islam is also a tool?

Since chr*stianity and islam are forbidden, this is an academic discussion. Outside of practical Torah Law there are only subjective opinions.
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.

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Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #41 on: January 15, 2019, 07:33:57 PM »
Just a general remark to all,
I don't believe Christians in general are a problem.
There are those who don't like you but none the less support Israel.
There are some who want to replace the jews.  But those are just some opportunists.
Seriously,  do you see them screaming in the streets against the jews?
Everyone's immediate problem is not the christians.
I'm sure a few more head chops will convince you who the real oink oink enemy is.

I had many discussions with chr*stians. I see them making anti-Jewish videos: https://youtu.be/jyOhrl_lrIA     
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.

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Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #42 on: January 16, 2019, 10:39:15 AM »
I had many discussions with chr*stians. I see them making anti-Jewish videos: https://youtu.be/jyOhrl_lrIA     

Ok.  that's your experience.
I'm entitled to my own experience.

I don't bother the jews.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #43 on: January 16, 2019, 11:33:38 AM »
In Europe the big institutionalized churches are agents of the regressive left. They are enemies not just for Israel but for the future of liberty and western civilization in Europe.
Just a general remark to all,
I don't believe Christians in general are a problem.
There are those who don't like you but none the less support Israel.
There are some who want to replace the jews.  But those are just some opportunists.
Seriously,  do you see them screaming in the streets against the jews?
Everyone's immediate problem is not the christians.
I'm sure a few more head chops will convince you who the real oink oink enemy is.

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #44 on: January 17, 2019, 05:01:36 PM »
In Europe the big institutionalized churches are agents of the regressive left. They are enemies not just for Israel but for the future of liberty and western civilization in Europe.

thank you. they are fake.  just like in communist china they have fake Buddhists.
i dont see a reason christians would hate jews when half of what they read are jewish books.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: Is Xtianity a tool?
« Reply #45 on: January 17, 2019, 06:50:51 PM »
Since chr*stianity and islam are forbidden, this is an academic discussion. Outside of practical Torah Law there are only subjective opinions.

It's also forbidden to worship Egyptians gods and goddesses but Egypt enslaving the Jews was still a tool. It's forbidden to murder Jews but doesn't mean the Holocaust wasn't a tool to bring Jews back to Israel.