Not to brag, but I've had many. (Technically we're all having mystical experiences with each and every moment that we're in this strange, mystical world, but you know what I mean....

Some years ago, perhaps 15, I laid my head down to sleep and straight-off flipped into another world!
I found myself fully awake as a sphere of energy traveling about 20-feet over a beautiful shoreline. On my left was a large burnt-orange sun that was resting half-way in a magnificent ocean ... with waves of clean, dark water crashing upon the shore and on some large boulders that jutted out into the water in front of me. And on my right was a great sand-dune that swept up into the distance and which seemed to shimmer in the weak rays of the sun. The pitch-black sky was void of both clouds and stars, as far as I could tell.
As I floated along, I could feel the air on my being. It was magnificent to say the least, as I took it all in. I was comfortable and not at all afraid; I felt free.
The entire experience probably didn't last for more than 15-seconds.
I awoke in my bed and have never forgotten what it was like to be in that hauntingly beautiful world for the short time that I was. I felt all alone there; just me, God, and that dark, clean, empty world with all its water, sand and rocks.
I bring this experience up because for some time now I've been feeling like there's not much going on in this world except hatred and misunderstanding. And not to pick on the blacks, but I'm particularly unhappy about seeming to always see them in the media saying one thing after another about how racist "white America" is and, yet, never do any of them make so much as a single mention about how good they've got it with respect to the standard of living that they enjoy (though in a million eternities I doubt they could ever come up with air-conditioning, plasma TVs x a million x a billion were they left to discover and invent these things on their own).
Spoiled, evil, loud-mouths (of all races and colors) are a cancer to the joy that people as a whole *should* be feeling about themselves and this country in regular day to day living, IMO. Thus the whole downer that I feel makes me reflect on some of my better mystical experiences and is the reason why I bring the issue up, so as to share with others that also feel dragged down ... to take some comfort and hope in knowing that there really are places where there are no lib a-holes doing their thing.
Anyone else had pleasant other-worldly experiences they'd like to share in order to spread some hope and joy around?
Thanks for your time!