« Reply #50 on: September 26, 2007, 09:08:07 AM »
Thank you for the title guy. I have added it to me "to read" list. I guess to answer the question you origionally posted through a book that will keep you glued to the pages was written by a Liberal Democrat and representative of the Middle East during the Carter Administration, of all places: Joan Peters "
From Time Immemorial the Arab-Jewish Conflict over P-lestine". There is a video link above to an interview of the author about the book...
"Of all the bigotries that savage the human temper there is none as stupid as the anti-Semite. In the sight of these fanatics, Jews of to-day can do nothing right. If they are rich, they are birds of prey. If they are poor, they are vermin. If they are in favour of war, that is because they want to exploit the bloody feuds of Gentiles to their own profit. If they are anxious for peace, they are either instinctive cowards or traitors. If he lives in a strange land, he must be persecuted and pogrommed out of it. If he wants to go back to his own, he must be prevented."
– David Lloyd George, Former Prime Minister of Britain. 1929
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 09:41:15 AM by MarZutra »

"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician. 1475-1550.