Author Topic: State of Confusion  (Read 8999 times)

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Online Hrvatski Noahid

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State of Confusion
« on: August 31, 2019, 05:47:21 PM »

“Danger Will Robinson, danger !”

This popped in my mind after seeing what is going on in a Noahide Facebook group.

After skimming several threads and even answering some questions I quickly saw that such a page only breeds confusion and thus the birth of this next blog.


For those who do not know, I studied 6+ years for Orthodox Jewish conversion. My personal Jewish teachers have been Satmar and Chabad chassidim. For over 10 years I have studied Breslev and Chabad sources along with other Orthodox Jewish sources on various subject pertaining to Torah,  Halakhot/Jewish Law. One of the things I had to learn early on is to unlearn my western way of thinking and learn the Torah way of thinking.

When I answer a question from another Noahide, my answer is formed from my learning, not my own ideas. If I do not know the exact answer, I will contact my teacher.

That being said, now “The rest of the story” as Paul Harvey use to say.

Some Noahide pages or groups have become a free-for-all, and actually are nothing but a fertile breading ground for confusion. Everyone offering up their opinions. It is not a good place to truly learn how to be a righteous person of the nations. It is a place where ex-Christians can come and get their feelings, emotions and desires vindicated.

Even when a solid rabbi, well studied and is a leading teacher of the Noahide Laws gives an answer to a question in one of these groups, many argue with him wanting to follow their own thinking. And it does not help when another rabbi answers with an opposite answer of the other rabbi. Again these kind of places breeds confusion.

These pages are full of Christians minus jesus. It is like everyone is coming with their own ideas on how things are to be done and when they are told correctly – they ignore it and say things like, “Well, I think or I want to keep…”.

The last part of Zech. 8:23 states, “We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”

We go to the Jews to learn about God,

A person needs to self evaluate themselves, rejecting a false deity alone is not coming out of idolatry – if you come to the Jews to learn about God and your emotions are , “Well I think or I want to keep” then you have not truly left idolatry, nor do you really desire to learn the ways of God.

Such a person is clinging on to the poison of false religious thinking and desires. This only causes one to be in a state of confusion.

We are given an example to learn from in the Torah.

Israel complained many times to Moses that they wanted certain things that they had in Egypt. This caused problems with Israel.

These events, God had recorded in the Torah for us to learn from.

To be one of the righteous of the nations, we have to let go of our Egypt and move on, if not then a person will remain in a state of confusion.

Terry W. Hayes


Photo Credit: John T on Unsplash
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.
