Author Topic: First mosaic of Satan in Ravenna: It shows an angel without horns and hoofs  (Read 1975 times)

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Offline Ulli

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The mosaic was made in the 6th century. With him are 3 sheeps with tainted woll.
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Offline Noachide

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Satan looks totally human here. After all he the prosecuting angel under HaShem control.

Offline Ulli

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Satan looks totally human here. After all he the prosecuting angel under HaShems control.

Yes this was my point.

The reportage says, that hundreds of years Satan were not there in religious painting. And when he appeared in the 6th century he was pictured as an angel. Different color (blue) but no other distinctions.

Btw. There is nothing there in the Christian bible that shows Satan with hooves and horns and bat wings. 

Horns I know only with the altar in the temple. Hooves are at the pawns of the horses and bats are sitting on the idols in the temples of the pagans.

The reportage says, that he is shown as an "administrator of sinners" and a bureaucrat in heaven.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2020, 01:15:11 PM by Ulli »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Israel Chai

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This is obviously nothing to do with Judaism. Hasatan isn't a person, and if you saw him or just about any angel, just about anyone would go psychotic from fear permanently G-d forbid.

They mixed understanding of demons, and basically called him the boss of the demons, which is absurd. I don't recall reading anything about horns, but we were able to catch the demon that had taken King Solomon's place that he took the Shamir worm from (which we made the temple stones with) because demons can hide any part of their form but their hooves, so they noticed he never wanted to take off his shoes and when they saw the feet they got him. A lot of the witchcraft people say is from Solomon is likely to have come from this demon while Solomon was traveling thousands of miles back home.

So hooves is a demon thing, I don't know about horns, maybe that's a thing for some or maybe they figured if it has hooves it must have horns, or maybe they did what Catholics always do, take idols and make them saints or characters in their religion, and this was just a way for the Catholics to religiously appropriate "Pan" (Greek idol), into a figure of equal importance in the new religion, albeit a hated one now and sort of mixed with their "hades" idol.
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Offline Israel Chai

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To explain why deciding HaSatan is the boss of the demons is utterly ridiculous to the Jewish mind, angels live in higher worlds and don't see a separation between themselves and Hashem. It would be like no doctors or jobs here, just ask Hashem and poof, and you see the reasons why for everything. They have no free will as a result or the potential for any other desire than to serve Hashem in their state. Demons are things created technically last, even though it says humans were the last to be created, Hashem keeps demons around for their uses, but he doesn't seem to like to do that, so we don't give respect to them and say that. Demons are the lowest creatures, while humanity can intellectually perceive what angels do, that everything is Hashem, demons get their power "thrown behind Hashem's back", as Tanya explains (and is bringing older sources to do so), meaning their power is recieved indirectly in such a way as to keep them from seeing that it comes from Hashem. That's why Torah sometimes calls them "gods" (small g) as Tanya explains, that they think the power is their own and that they are the Hashem, because they are not made to perceive him or anything from him.

So we're talking about two types of beings that are utterly different in every way. The Catholic story that demons are really fallen angels is vastly to absurd to justify a response. Even early Catholic ideas like HaSatan runs the demons are a joke, the ray of light controls another ray of light? What's more, HaSatan goes around all day for millenia doing whatever Hashem says and nothing else because it's his job, and he doesn't have free will to choose to do what he wants, and if he did, the being he is only wants to serve Hashem. To make a dualist system where he's the bad guy running the bad guys and Hashem is the good guy running the good guys is a concept that is specifically forbidden in the written Torah, the prohibition against dualism, there is 1 not 2. HaSatan would hang out and have chats with King Solomon, and a demon attacked King Solomon. They're just opposite, and if already the angels consider us lowly, they certainly have virtually no regard for such beings.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Cherubs have horns but they're angels...
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