Author Topic: Black Karen Fag gets White Karen Butigieg Donor Cannibalized by the Left  (Read 3203 times)

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Offline Israel Chai

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Yeah she's a crazy Karen. So is the black homosexual, I don't go running around in parks telling people to put their dogs on leashes and then offer the dogs biscuits. The Karen-off obviously lead to her life being destroyed, but more interestingly, somehow the dog shelter was able to take back her dog (right off the bat there, probably never going to adopt from a shelter if they can do that). She's also facing the human rights commission now. The media is jumping on this because they can sell themselves off as good people for destroying her life, but the reality is this is part of a massive leftist cannibalism of the last generation, the AOCs are what they want right now.

On a side note, how are there so many snitches in NYC? You people don't kill them?

May 27, 2020
Turns out 'Central Park Karen' was an Obama and Buttigieg donor
By Monica Showalter (video in link)
A white woman who got into an incredibly stupid altercation with a black man in the wilds of Central Park over her inexplicable refusal to put her dog on a leash as he politely asked and the park rules required, and then threatened to call the cops on him, pretty well did herself in.  After getting herself on film in the throes of her episode, and seeing it go viral, Amy Cooper lost her $170,000-a-year job at Franklin Templeton, any prospect of employment afterward, her reputation, and even her dog.  And sure enough, her lowly dog-walker was the one who turned her in.

It was rough justice for sure, given what she did, but she knew the rules of living in New York.  Tom Wolfe's Sherman McCoy pretty well mansplained it.  For being a "Karen," or entitled white woman, as the annoying term now means, she's now a Sherman.  As for the black man, Christian Cooper (no relation), he was unjustly treated, too, given that the woman was trying to call the cops on him and counting on the cops to believe her over him, and she was lying about being "threatened."  The only creature who got a real scare from that encounter was the poor yelping dog.

But for all the talk about who got injustice, whether it was her, him or both — and Christian Cooper was quite magnanimous to say she was probably being over-punished — the most indisputable victims in this miserable instance were President Trump's supporters.  Leftists pounced on the matter and splatted all over the internet that this foolish woman was a Trump-supporter.  Here's one of them, per the Independent of London.

Actually, she was a liberal.  Just like everyone else in that picture.  She'd voted for Barack Obama twice.  She was a big fan of Hillary Clinton.  She donated money to the John Kerry and Pete Buttigieg campaigns.  She went to the now-left-wing University of Chicago.  She was as proper as they come in the eyes of the left establishment swamp.  And still she attempted to pull that call-the-cops stunt on the black man after he asked her to put the dog on a leash (he was an avid bird-watcher, and dogs disturb ground bird nests) and then offered dog biscuits to her dog to get her to put the leash on.

Yet lefties have yet to delete their tweets claiming this was MAGA in action, and the product of the "climate" President Trump had created.

Even the Independent of London thinks that's a problem.  It has a great curation of all the leftist smears.

The Independent goes to great pains to argue that racism can exist anywhere, including among the left's polite people.

But that's not the story.  The story is that leftists are so filled with their own sense of self-virtue that they can't possibly conceive of racism sitting in their own ranks.  Any time anything bad happens, Trump's supporters did it.  Nobody's apologizing for that nonsense.  The people who got smeared in this instance, for sure, were the Trumpsters.  Call it left-skin privilege.  Where's the lefty apology on that?
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Offline Israel Chai

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I don't care that her life is being destroyed because she's a snitch, and a lying snitch more than I don't care it's happening because she's a leftist. Understand that the level of caring I have for the years of suffering she will now experience is only measurable in microns. Snitches get ditches. She got off easy.
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Offline Israel Chai

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The cops aren't charging her. She said the black homo was threatening her life. He wasn't. He was being a Karen and a creep for offering a stranger's dog biscuits without permission. That's lying to police. The police in my experience, and here too, never do anything to lying snitches. They like them. There's only one way to get justice for them, and it's not through the justice system.

I would probably end up killing half the city with my rules, so I'm just glad to never go back there. I convinced my company to entirely divest from any direct focus on NYC, I really want to make Texas the manufacturing "or ha goyim" and not them.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Almost literally the same thing happened to me. Fat ugly piece of crap in New York hits me, I hit him back with my left at half strength and he falls like a little b, calls the cops and says "this guy is threatening to kill me and my family, he attacked me and he's a foreigner from Canada". Freeking obviously, he believed that would help him, which it kind of did. Obviously, the girl says he's black because she thinks the cops will come faster. You're not going to say "this white guy is attacking me", wouldn't make them come faster. I can imagine it happens quite frequently there. How do any of you live in such a disgusting place and not go postal?
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Offline Israel Chai

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Freeking Russian friend there convinced me not to kill him because I couldn't respond when he said it's chilul Hashem for him to die while in yeshiva, but the name is branded to my skull and he still has to pay the piper. He got some sort of cancer after, really would suck if that thing gets him before me. Or maybe my curses work, supposed to.
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Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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What is a "Karen"? I know it's a woman's name but how is it relevant to call people that as an adjective?

Offline Israel Chai

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What is a "Karen"? I know it's a woman's name but how is it relevant to call people that as an adjective?

It's a meme. It started with people posting pictures of screaming girls in restaurants that demand to see the manager for no reason, and the response is, OK, Karen. I don't know why chose Karen, maybe like you care too much or something. Anyways it developed into a meme term which means any little dictator white girl who tries to boss everyone around. It's a good response, they scream at you and demand you support Biden because Trump will kill us all, and you say, "OK, Karen". So then these people tried to fight back, they made a page and said it's a world wide movement (limited to western nations) called NOT KAREN, and they spray painted KAREN with a big X on it onto their hair. The rest of the message was that saying Karen is a mysoginistic tool to silence the political opinions of white women. Naturally the response is, "OK, Karen", but now everyone wanted a piece, and all their other Karenesque fighting back just made it go more and more viral. So now the left is taking the term for themselves and trying to say it refers to white women who call the cops on black people for no reason, which it also does but as an adjective, it's a women who screams at everyone and tries to boss everyone around.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Here's a good one:

A Karen is pretty much an entitled parent.
"My son deserves your property!", said the Karen.
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Offline Israel Chai

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The Urban dictionary definitions leave much to be desired, but here is an OK one with Karen as a verb:

an act of taking someone's kids, asking for the manager, getting a bob haircut, and want free things from any store
James: Why does Linda have to be such a karen?! She won't even let me see the kids on Christmas..

Fred: I know buddy, I know... shes just in a Karen-ing faze. Things will get better
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Offline Israel Chai

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Yeah to make a more academic definition, a Karen is a middle-aged self-entitled white woman that engages in the practice of false victimization.
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Offline Zelhar

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The guy according to his own report which he foolishly posted online, told her:
"If you are going to do what you want, I am going to do what I want, but you are not going to like it"
Then he started calling the puppy and tried to entice it with treats that he kips with him "just for such intransigence". That's when the woman got hysteric and that's when this thug started filming.

So he DID threat the woman and the puppy.

Offline Ulli

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The guy according to his own report which he foolishly posted online, told her:
"If you are going to do what you want, I am going to do what I want, but you are not going to like it"
Then he started calling the puppy and tried to entice it with treats that he kips with him "just for such intransigence". That's when the woman got hysteric and that's when this thug started filming.

So he DID threat the woman and the puppy.

Yes, but even my over 80 year old mother would not have acted this hysteric and irrational. She would have put simply the dog on the line and apologized. I remember very well when she visited me before a time and then even handled the worst animals in the shop well. In the end there was the most money in the cash register that I have ever taken in one day. And some of this people behaved like people directly from the mental asylum. I wanted to throw them out, but my mother told me to be quiet and learn. This situation was far more worse than this in the park. I hate hysteric women.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Israel Chai

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The guy according to his own report which he foolishly posted online, told her:
"If you are going to do what you want, I am going to do what I want, but you are not going to like it"
Then he started calling the puppy and tried to entice it with treats that he kips with him "just for such intransigence". That's when the woman got hysteric and that's when this thug started filming.

So he DID threat the woman and the puppy.

It's threatening language but it's not a threat, clearly he means he's gonna give treats to the dog. He didn't say he wanted to murder her like she said. Death threats are a crime. Saying we're going to do what we want isn't. It's clearly lying.

Yes, but even my over 80 year old mother would not have acted this hysteric and irrational. She would have put simply the dog on the line and apologized. I remember very well when she visited me before a time and then even handled the worst animals in the shop well. In the end there was the most money in the cash register that I have ever taken in one day. And some of this people behaved like people directly from the mental asylum. I wanted to throw them out, but my mother told me to be quiet and learn. This situation was far more worse than this in the park. I hate hysteric women.

Yeah when I have to do sales you have to wipe butts a bit, but walking the dog in the park I'd just tell the black guy Karen to sit on a tree and keep walking. The dog needs exercise like she said. You can be damn sure I wouldn't call the cops and lie to them over this, and if he made a death threat you can be completely sure I wouldn't call cops, that's mine. I understand the girl might be scared, like she said, who knows what are in the dog treats, lots of freaks in the world. So if you have to be a rat, say guy's scaring me and making threats, mostly true there, not turn into one of the happy Trump rape accusers who think rape is sexy.
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Offline Zelhar

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While her reaction was 'suboptimal' it's hard to judge her in this situation. The real victim here is cute puppy. I hope it has found a new home.
Yes, but even my over 80 year old mother would not have acted this hysteric and irrational. She would have put simply the dog on the line and apologized. I remember very well when she visited me before a time and then even handled the worst animals in the shop well. In the end there was the most money in the cash register that I have ever taken in one day. And some of this people behaved like people directly from the mental asylum. I wanted to throw them out, but my mother told me to be quiet and learn. This situation was far more worse than this in the park. I hate hysteric women.

Offline Israel Chai

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While her reaction was 'suboptimal' it's hard to judge her in this situation. The real victim here is cute puppy. I hope it has found a new home.

Lying snitch. Very easy judgement. In the words of R. Shimon bar Yochia for just a regular snitch, "this one still lives?".

She could have been all karen and had plenty of leeway to exaggerate without committing a crime. She definitely should, the guy is walking around with dog biscuits to troll walkers, contextual and literal fag and a Karen. They're both crap. However, they could have Karened off and been fine, being a lying snitch is not fine. Lying snitches have caused me trouble in my life, and I wish them all short lives and painful deaths.
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