Author Topic: Hi from a Finnish Chaim fan  (Read 13449 times)

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Offline MikeMiracle

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Hi from a Finnish Chaim fan
« on: July 28, 2020, 01:46:04 PM »
Hello again, I've been out and about. Still a loyal fan of this Chaim guy  חיים בן פסח. It's awesome to hear speeches that are saying exactly what I've been thinking, except that I still believe that - however imperfect man - the president of the United States will be all right, and nothing really bad and unrepairable is going to happen by his decisions. He is not excited to try and draw new borders to Israel, to say the very least.

By the way, some remote countries are in big trouble, and there are movements which are supposed to help their countries to get ahead or even survive difficult times, and catastrophic leadership. But instead of fixing their own issues, they're digging deep into anti-Israel and antisemitism. I told them that it doesn't help their cause, but they'll keep digging deeper.

Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Hi from a Finnish Chaim fan
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2020, 03:13:06 PM »
Hi! Gentile countries are in big trouble because they disobeyed the Noahide commandments. Blaming Jews instead of repenting will not help. 
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Offline Lisa

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Re: Hi from a Finnish Chaim fan
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2020, 03:49:18 PM »
Welcome to JTF.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Hi from a Finnish Chaim fan
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2020, 01:45:27 AM »
Hi! Gentile countries are in big trouble because they disobeyed the Noahide commandments. Blaming Jews instead of repenting will not help.

You weren't there when Hashem made the world to know why they're in trouble, and depending on the country, I have a list of other things going on that can cause them harm. No one ever said their life was improved by blaming others or worsened by repentance though.

Hello again, I've been out and about. Still a loyal fan of this Chaim guy  חיים בן פסח. It's awesome to hear speeches that are saying exactly what I've been thinking, except that I still believe that - however imperfect man - the president of the United States will be all right, and nothing really bad and unrepairable is going to happen by his decisions. He is not excited to try and draw new borders to Israel, to say the very least.

By the way, some remote countries are in big trouble, and there are movements which are supposed to help their countries to get ahead or even survive difficult times, and catastrophic leadership. But instead of fixing their own issues, they're digging deep into anti-Israel and antisemitism. I told them that it doesn't help their cause, but they'll keep digging deeper.

Nice to have you here.

Your statement is slightly ignorant of the corruptions of power. Left to their own vices, name the best human you know, a politician will ultimately do great evil, the power corrupts the mind. Even if the politician is a complete traitor, if the people make the political price of doing the wrong thing higher than the price of doing the right thing, politicians become spineless squids that'll fit through any hole you give them. It's the paradox of power, as you increase in power over others you decrease in power over yourself, unless you take extreme steps to stay humble daily.

Trump did of course draw new borders for Israel in his peace deal where he promised 50 billion to the Terroristianians, but B"H they were stupid again. Of course, now every terrorist can tell his kids if they murder enough innocent people, America will keep trying to offer them money and land, so it's objectively a bad thing he did either way. He has, however, done things that have impressed us enough to support him.

The nations drink from the frothing cup of madness and even if they don't want to drink Hashem says "drink" and they must. Isaiah has a whole thing on it. It's like the darkest poetic justice if you see the big picture, a balanced punishment measure for measure for what happened over the past millennium. Muslims raping the country, a show of toughness would scare them into hiding their behavior, instead they tell them "we support your cause". Muslims translate it as "we are submitted" and Europe defends Islam as it destroys her to attack Jews more. I can go deeper for an hour and don't know a tiny fraction of what there is to know on the topic, but I'll sum it up with the Gemarra, "the ox has a long tail so that it can swat the flies" = Arabs are allowed to exist despite their sins meriting them destruction because they attack decadent societies and force them to stop living entirely for their immediate pleasures. "the pig will become kosher when the messiah arrives" = Esav (white people) will be a part of the Jewish people in the messianic era, so Europe can't be destroyed because of that positive prophesy. When the Arabs torture them enough until they realize what being a good person and a bad person is again, they'll kick them out to uproot the evil and I'd like to believe a beautiful repentance will happen in the continent after.
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