Author Topic: G-d punishes Trump for Israeli suicide plan & refusal to condemn Nazi Proud Boys  (Read 3304 times)

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Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Offline Israel Chai

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I'm in the proud boys. I'm in probably everything everywhere by now but them too. You have to say you're not a Nazi or a white supremacist to join. They are totally not Nazis. Also the founder is a latino. Bro do you not see us feeding commies knuckle sandwiches? Like tell me you don't want to go out and beat their pantifa faces in. The information you have received about them which you are reacting to is not correct.
Here’s Why the Mainstream Media Ignored the Proud Boys/Black Lives Matter Press Conference

Posted at 2:30 pm on October 4, 2020 by Jeff Charles
Here’s Why the Mainstream Media Ignored the Proud Boys/Black Lives Matter Press Conference

AP Photo/Noah Berger


On Wednesday, local leaders of the Proud Boys in Salt Lake City held a joint news conference with the leader of the local Black Lives Matter chapter to publicly “denounce white supremacy,” after the Proud Boys were mentioned during the first presidential debate. It was a show of solidarity and a repudiation of the notion that the right-wing group comprises white supremacists.

“I will go out and say that the Proud Boys as a whole — I will say this on behalf of the entire national organization — denounce White supremacy,” said Thad, the leader of the Proud Boys’ Utah chapter. “We are in no way, shape, or form White supremacists,” he continued. “We have a vetting system that gets those people out of our hair. We do not have anything to do with White supremacy. We do not have anything to do with the Ku Klux Klan. We denounce those organizations.”

One of the Proud Boys’ other leaders named Seth echoed Thad’s sentiments. “I don’t care what color your skin is, we’re all Americans, and we need to find a way to come together instead of divide,” he told reporters.

Jacarri Kelley, the leader of the Black Lives Matter Northern Utah chapter, argued that Americans of all political stripes must be willing to have conversations with one another even if they disagree. “We do need to be able to reach across the aisle and have these tough conversations,” Ms. Kelley said. She stated that she had met with the Proud Boys leaders in Portland, Oregon and that they engaged in a “productive conversation.”

As of this writing, this story has been covered by local news outlets, but not a single national news organization has reported on the press conference. It is not difficult to discern the reason why they are ignoring this story, of course. Ever since the group came up in the presidential debate, the corporate press has been painting the Proud Boys as a white supremacist organization without ever bothering to speak with members of the group to get their side of the story.

But it is not the Proud Boys who are the target of the media. Portraying them as white nationalists bent on promoting white supremacy is the tactic establishment media outlets are using to attack the President as Election Day draws near. Their strategy is to convince the public that when Trump told the Proud Boys to “stand back” and “stand by,” he gave them covert orders as if he were somehow running the group.

Any real coverage of the press conference would throw a monkey wrench into their plans as would showing the public that the Proud Boys have a significant number of minorities in their ranks. The fact that the organization’s leader is Latino doesn’t help, either.

But is there something more to this than a cynical strategy designed to damage Trump politically? It’s not only possible, it is likely. This press conference represents something that seems to be missing from political discourse in American society: People with differing political views coming together to find areas of commonality. It is a repudiation of the division that the corporate media has been mostly responsible for stoking for years.

Establishment media outlets have used their platforms to sow discord in American society, polarizing the people to earn a profit and promote a political agenda. To put it simply, they thrive off of division and tension. Calling attention to a press conference in which a group unfairly maligned as white supremacist stands shoulder to shoulder with a group like Black Lives Matter might show the nation that we do not need to hold hatred for people on the other side of the political spectrum.

Indeed, if America were more united, it would be more difficult for the elite to manipulate the public through outrage and other unproductive emotions. Moreover, people might find solutions to the problems they face, which means the media wouldn’t be able to use those problems to garner clicks and revenue, and they can’t have that, can they?
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Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Israel Chai, you are ignoring everything that I cited on this week's program that clearly prove that Proud Boys are covert (hidden) Nazis, and sometimes they are not so covert. They march together with self-proclaimed Nazis in Charlottesville and other cities. The fact that their local chapter in Salt Lake City held a joint news conference with the local leader of Black Lives Matter impresses you? Here is what Gavin McInnes, the founder and creator of Proud Boys, says about Jews, Nazis and the holocaust:

McInnes went on an antisemitic rant in 2017, in which he defended Holocaust denial and repeated antisemitic stereotypes. The rant came in a video he originally titled “10 things I hate about the Jews.”
“I felt myself defending the super far-right Nazis just because I was sick of so much brainwashing and I felt like going, ‘Well, they never said it didn’t happen. What they’re saying is it was much less than 6 million and that they starved to death and weren’t gassed, that they didn’t have supplies,’” he said, before adding, “I’m not saying it wasn’t gassing.”
He also blamed Jews for Josef Stalin’s starvation of millions of Ukrainians. “I think it was 10 million Ukrainians who were killed,” he said. “That was by Jews. That was by Marxist, Stalinist, left-wing, commie, socialist Jews.”
He then said Jews have a “whiny paranoid fear of Nazis.”

As far as the Salt Lake City chapter, some observations: first, this local chapter does not speak for the national organization; second, they seem to be afraid of being exposed as "white supremacists" and so even if they are, they want to establish deniability; third, this local chapter clearly sought to deny racial hatred toward blacks but did not even mention the vicious Nazi anti-Semitism of Gavin McInnes or Jason Kessler; fourth, why do their other chapters march together with open Nazis in Charlottesville and other cities?

Offline Dr. Dan

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I would normally find the proper punishment to do land for peace to be essentially a sacrifice for one’s kids to decades of war.

Covid unfortunately hit some relatively righteous people and some not so righteous people. It killed good Jews and bad Jews. Good gentiles and bad gentiles and everything else in between.

The fear of covid or after getting it should wake us up to realize who the real King is and serve Him instead of our yetzer hara.

Why would God give even a righteous Jew a death sentence with covid?  To save 10-1000 others in his merit so they can do teshuva.

Why would God give Trump the covid?  I mean he definitely isn’t righteous and this peace accord is nothing more than a Trojan horse. It was decreed in heaven to get Trump and wake the rest of us up. Not completely convinced it’s from the peace agreements mainly based on what I indicated in the beginning.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Israel Chai

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Israel Chai, you are ignoring everything that I cited on this week's program that clearly prove that Proud Boys are covert (hidden) Nazis, and sometimes they are not so covert. They march together with self-proclaimed Nazis in Charlottesville and other cities. The fact that their local chapter in Salt Lake City held a joint news conference with the local leader of Black Lives Matter impresses you? Here is what Gavin McInnes, the founder and creator of Proud Boys, says about Jews, Nazis and the holocaust:

McInnes went on an antisemitic rant in 2017, in which he defended Holocaust denial and repeated antisemitic stereotypes. The rant came in a video he originally titled “10 things I hate about the Jews.”
“I felt myself defending the super far-right Nazis just because I was sick of so much brainwashing and I felt like going, ‘Well, they never said it didn’t happen. What they’re saying is it was much less than 6 million and that they starved to death and weren’t gassed, that they didn’t have supplies,’” he said, before adding, “I’m not saying it wasn’t gassing.”
He also blamed Jews for Josef Stalin’s starvation of millions of Ukrainians. “I think it was 10 million Ukrainians who were killed,” he said. “That was by Jews. That was by Marxist, Stalinist, left-wing, commie, socialist Jews.”
He then said Jews have a “whiny paranoid fear of Nazis.”

As far as the Salt Lake City chapter, some observations: first, this local chapter does not speak for the national organization; second, they seem to be afraid of being exposed as "white supremacists" and so even if they are, they want to establish deniability; third, this local chapter clearly sought to deny racial hatred toward blacks but did not even mention the vicious Nazi anti-Semitism of Gavin McInnes or Jason Kessler; fourth, why do their other chapters march together with open Nazis in Charlottesville and other cities?

There's other Jewish people in the one in it. Gavin Mcinnis founded it and then left and then made a video condemning it, so he's not relevant. I didn't think about even mentioning them until much after he left, despite their interesting potential as an anti-antifa.

They're a new group. They could go the Nazi way and become irrelevant or require erasing. I want them.

The Nazi thing going on with them is laid out in detail here:

I regularly talk to a lot of the Jewish and non-Jewish people in those facebook threads, but I was banned. There's not that many retarded Nazi morons to educate or replace to make that group capable of making a right wing chaz, there's a lot of good guys that just want to punch antifa back.
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Offline Zelhar

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The proud boys are not anti semitic. I don't think Gavin McInnes is a 'Nazi' and anyway whatever he said at one time of Jews have nothing with the activities and ideologies of the 'proud boys'.

Offline briann

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The proud boys are not anti semitic. I don't think Gavin McInnes is a 'Nazi' and anyway whatever he said at one time of Jews have nothing with the activities and ideologies of the 'proud boys'.

Gavin McGinnes is NOT a nazi and never was.  Not even close.  He, along with Evan Solomon that Ezra Levant of The Rebel Media made it one of their primary goals to FIGHT jew-hatred. He is a HUGE supporter of Israel, and spends much of his time there.  This is just 'gas-lighting' from the left.

That video “10 Things I Hate About Jews” was was meant to be a satire, to show the idiocy of jew-haters.  He and Ezra were really big into these types of satirical videos.  But I agree it was in bad taste, especially with lines like 'Jews are ruining the world with their lies and their money and their hooked-nose, bagel-eating faces' (oy vey).

So why does the leftist media identify Rebel Media and Proud Boys as 'Alt-Right' and 'White supremacists'?  because they found anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric on their message boards.  Well if that is the standards for being white supremacists... then we are all 'White supremacists'.  (I'm not a misogynists, but the leftists use that label very 'liberally' nowadays.

The left also points to a the Proud Boys using the 'OK' symbol in one of their group pictures.  And according to leftist morons, that symbol equals 'White Power'.   But there's a problem with this assertion.  Nobody in the picture that they refer to is even white. 

The 'Proud Boys' are multi-ethnic, and their ideology is very much in line with conservatives, not with leftists or neo-nazis.  But just in case your unsure of their policy on Nazis...  Gavin openly states  'all white nationalists/anti-Semites are banned from Proud Boys even if they never bring up said topics,”
And this isn't because their bad publicity.  It's because he Gavin hates Nazis.

Offline Israel Chai

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There are Nazi morons in proud boys that make everything crap, like a wedding cake six feet tall with the best eveything and a chewawa poop falls in the middle level. You can't discount their existence, see the conversation with Meir Ha Levi Weinstein and the others. It is majorly problematic if they decide that Jews raise their kids right and run the media and politicians and air molecules and also get together to denounce other Nazis with commie lies matter because now you get those two united over Jew hatred G-d forbid, the worst possible scenario.

So Proud Boys is a totally awesome idea and they did totally awesome work in kicking the butts of the bands of weak commies that have banded together with makeshift weapons. They're also a solution to keep this from reaching a breaking point by showing we're not just weak targets. You guys have it easy in America, in France in the 1970s communists would beat you to death if they didn't like what you said, just grab you off the street. They need to be handled now. If they are all Nazis G-d forbid you should be a bit ashamed to admit that Nazis beat you to the right thing to do, which is clearly not the case here, not a Nazi group. No heils or anything. They went to a rally where groups that are Nazis go to, so right now very delicate time to see how the new thing grows. The appeal of the group is not to people who want to have a racial whatever. So if people who only care about that direct it, it'll become a Nazi recruitment vehicule, a major threat. There's a mitigation strategy for that too, and another 1000+ potential other things that could go wrong and a whole mitigation strategy for as well, which are best to have beforehand so you're not flustered in a crisis.

So far though groups that are wonderful now have started worse. Why don't you try to influence it, they'd probs love you.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Like bitchute where you post the video is for Nazis. I'm not going to their faggy videos, but do you know anyone that saw them promoting the proud boys on their crap?
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge