Like I've been looking for a nice way to say this but it's just logical facts. Your argument that Regan and others ignored the black vote is dumb. I would like to have a long conversation about the lasting idiotic effects of that strategy on both sides, but you said the reality, 60% of America is non-white. Not only do you alienate more voters than you can survive with, and lots of black people do vote for the right, the voters today aren't like "well he don't like blacks? Guess he's got my vote!" and the only effect of that was the Regan democrats who are still about calling for us to be more leftist and say right wing stuff in tough tones.
Some people aren't into ugly by race, they're into girls with some weird thing that might not be as pretty as others in some way, but have that. No one really cares what you think is pretty or not, and it's really annoying that you bring that up while making an excellent point that the left is obsessively sexualizing black people and pushing that white people aren't sexy, when as far as preference, virtually all males in the world like white girls while much less like black girls. This is part of a bigger thing of pushing fat as sexy, whatever your sexual preference (and the actual meaning not their fag crap) is they want to destroy the reasons for it to promote homosexuality and other perversions. Simple, you make the guy go with the black girl because now he thinks it's ideologically a good thing but he's not really attracted to her so he decides something is wrong with him, they say not that's the right thing and he goes and is a nut. The black girl-white guy scenario is one of tons, guy with feminist cow to say he's not a body shamer, same thing a billion times and now he can't admit the reason he married her is dumb so he has to build a monstrous hyper-rational tower on a base of fecal matter. Your speech is literally the planned by-product to make normal people say, "wow they have hate and we have love" and it doubles down and more fags.