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Rasmussen report : Blacks give Trump 46% approval rating
« on: October 25, 2020, 03:12:30 PM »
Rasmussen poll: Blacks give Trump 46% approval rating

It appears many African American voters are no longer buying into the Democratic Party’s campaign inciting racial tensions against President Donald Trump, as a daily tracking poll found on Friday that 46% of likely black voters approve of the job he is doing heading into the November election.

Even though other polls at this time do not show this dramatic turnaround in the black community, Rasmussen Reports’ latest tally indicates that many blacks did not buy Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s narrative that the president and the United States are conduits of systemic racism, with its recent daily tracker showing a dramatic surge of likely black voters from 25% on Monday, which nearly doubled to 46% on Friday.

On Friday, Rasmussen’s daily tracking poll also revealed that likely U.S. voters approving of Trump’s job performance outweighed those disapproving 51% to 48%.

Standing in contrast

It must be noted, however, that the numbers released Friday from Rasmussen stand in stark contrast to other polling on Trump’s approval rating, with Real Clear Politics‘ average of recent polls showing that there is a negative 9.5% gap between those who approve of the president’s job performance (44.4%) compared to those who disapprove (53.9%).

This is reflected in the Economist/YouGov poll showing Trump’s approval at -9 points, Politico/Morning Consult’s at -12 points, Quinnipiac’s at -14 points, and Reuters/Ipsos at -16 points.

Real Black movement toward Trump

Corroborating the trend indicated by the Rasmussen poll – yet not as dramatic – The Hill put out a headline reading “Black male voters are tired of being taken for granted,” reporting that young African American voters born between 1990 and 2002 are not buying into what many consider lip service by the Democratic Party, as it continues to pull the race card inciting racial tensions – and little more – to secure the black vote.

“Black voters tend to be overlooked as closers in the last days – viewed largely as lock-boxed Democratic voters – but such a view overlooks the diversity among black Americans,” The Hill contributor Sam Fulwood III reported. “In our Black Swing Voter Project – a study conducted earlier this summer – a group of American University colleagues and I reveal that black voters are not as loyal to the Democratic Party or its candidates as so many political observers and pundits imagine, [but] rather, they are a set of richly complex swing voters who oscillate between voting for Democrats and not voting at all. This is especially true for young and male black voters.”

The study showed that 18–30-year-old black swing voters view Democrats more negatively and Republicans more positively than their older peers, as even though they believe the mainstream media’s anti-Trump narrative that his is racist, unfit for office and has bad policies, they look up to the way he “shows strength and defies the establishment.”

Look at the record

With Trump bringing down black and Hispanic unemployment to historic lows before the coronavirus pandemic and actively working to make these minority groups more prosperous and independent – as opposed to lackluster numbers produced under Biden and the Obama administration, which orchestrated programs such as giving minorities free cell phones without long-term plans for their success – he is boldly going where previous presidents have not gone before to help black Americans thrive.

“Last month, Trump gave a speech introducing the ‘Platinum Plan’ – a sweeping set of policy proposals calling for a $500 billion investment in black communities to create 3 million new jobs for black Americans,” TheBlaze reported. “His plan aims to give black Americans greater access to capital for business development, expand school choice and education opportunities, and expand criminal justice reform among other policies.”

Heading into the election, Trump’s support from black voters continues to rise as his outreach to this group has become a top priority, and he addressed them at the second and final presidential debate in Nashville, Tenn., saying he has been the best president for black Americans in U.S. history – with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery.

Trump did not stop there to buttress his support and decrease Biden’s backing from the black community.

“At Thursday night's presidential debate, Trump touted his record on criminal justice reform, funding historically black colleges, and creating economic opportunity zones,” TheBlaze noted. “He accused Democratic nominee Joe Biden of being in government for 47 years and failing to achieve anything for the black community. Trump attacked Biden for sponsoring a crime bill in the 1990s that led to an increase of incarcerations of black Americans, questioning why Biden, if he now opposes the crime bill, didn't act on it when he occupied the White House with President Obama and had a Democratic-controlled Congress.“

Contrasting 2016 to 2020 election years, Trump – who claimed to be the least racist person at Thursday’s debate – is making headway with black voters between the ages of 18 and 44, whose support for the president increased by 10 points during that period, according to a FiveThirtyEight study.

First orthodox Jews 82 % Trump now Afroamericans 46 %. And this is only the beginning. A few days to election remain.

I will not forget this loyality and righteousness. I always told you bolschewik Protestants and Jews are the MAIN problem. Without their support all the wicked murderers of Muslim or black descent can not do anything and will be marginalized.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani