Author Topic: The right will get stronger if Trump loses: Utter morons  (Read 1195 times)

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Offline Israel Chai

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The right will get stronger if Trump loses: Utter morons
« on: December 23, 2020, 02:46:05 PM »
I've read over 250 articles in the past month with that same theme. If only Biden is in charge and makes things bad, then the right will gain power. You are morons that know nothing about leftists. The misery they create creates more leftists. A ruined economy forces everyone to make immoral decisions to survive, and they'll vote for the people that back it.

That on top of mass illegal voting and statehood for Puerto Rico ends the right in America. These morons say "Well Obama gave us Trump" in their cluelessness, when really Hillary gave us Trump, and if Obama or any other leftist had run, they'd vote them in. Bernie is worse than Obama and would have wiped the floor with Trump.

The national mask mandate will allow the government to arrest and detain for years anyone who doesn't not blindly submit to authority. In Canada they arrest my people and stick them in secret jails in Quebec and Alberta, literal fortresses sprung up from the ground with a level of security you'd expect in Forth Knox.

Do any of you people understand the implications of half of small American businesses shut down? There won't be any money with anyone but the leftists corporations that is sufficient to exert political power. It's the perfect set-up to turn it into a system like Israel when the Bolsheviks were more openly in charge; get your card that says you vote for the left or you won't work.

Do any of you watch the "great reset" speeches and read the papers that the UN is salivating over? It feels like you're watching a group of kids that decided they're the NWO. All the guns won't put food on your table. Or get you a table. Right now, your food and tables and everything else are sitting in massive warehouses and ports and unable to move because of the "covid" restrictions. All Biden has to do is declare a covid lockdown in tactical areas to stop the supply chain to right wing places, and you're starved out. Iowa has the farms to survive, Texas doesn't.

Half of Facebook is Biden's staff, and Facebook is simply Darpa's LifeLog with colors. These people have been collecting information on everyone and doing their darnest to control the information we get for their political considerations.

So really what these morons are saying is "If the democrats take control of our lives and ruin our economy, we won't like it and we'll fight for what we have now". Maybe Trump will win with the legal trails, maybe not. Stop trying to by lying morons and pretend it's not the greatest tragedy of our generation.

I still wish it was a hard-nosed conservative leading this charge, but it's what we're stuck with. If we win we can push for more good things. If we lose, the right needs to change its strategy to reach people that aren't following political news, because the loss of interest in the political process will be widespread and virtually irreversible. After many years of liberals destroying the country, the Canadians voted for Stephen Harper. If Stephen Harper ran in America, he'd be to the left of Chris Christie. You want to take the country off of welfare and medicaid when they've given half their salary for years to do it? There is no walking back the leftist plans. I know of no country that went socialist that ever went back without a violent revolution, the destruction of all institutions of power and at least a quarter of the population, and even then it's not the same.

Newsmax likes to put bloomberg commie news on their page, because the morons on the right still think "well they're business so it's right wing they have a relevant opinion". The Wall Street of today is not the same as in decades past. It's true, these people will pay lip service to capitalism and vote against a socialist, but at the same time will promote vastly more radical socialism through their corporations because China owns wall street and socialism hurts America. These people are happy to destroy America for a hundred dollars, most of their headquarters aren't even in America, it bears no resemblance to the days when the growth in power of American corporations was synonymous with an increase in American power. It's the opposite today.

You may have the opinion that Trump will lose and there is evidence to support that side like there is that he will win. It's irrelevant to whether or not the right will get weaker if Trump loses. Thousands of articles from the right saying that Trump losing G-d forbid is the biggest gain of power we ever got. How many point out the simple logic that the right losing is bad for the right? A few, few listen to.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: The right will get stronger if Trump loses: Utter morons
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2020, 04:37:29 PM »
One intersting thing is a new perspectivr on Chaim's question; who's worse: Hamas or Fatah; the smart enemy or thr dumb one. The left has gone full Hamas in its efforts, not hiding anymore. The right has not changed much. So it depends which is worse; if tge population is willing to defend themselves, Hamas is less horrible, if they're not, they die slower under Fatah.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: The right will get stronger if Trump loses: Utter morons
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2020, 05:29:02 PM »
I can give you hundreds of examples, so just one and go read up on places that went socialist:

Right now in Canada a 10 bed hospice is in a years-long multimillion dollar legal battle because they want to treat patients and not euthanize them. The government takes their funding and keeps them from meeting, and funds armies of leftists to terrorize and smear them publicly for not killing sick patients in their little hospice. There's no law requiring them to do it, but the left controls everything, and they don't want a hospice not run by the left. So they force them to kill people so they shut down.

If you think shutting down your place of worship with a virus excuse was bad, with the left in power no excuses are needed. No laws are needed. They terrorize you into nothing. You can't even talk about Americans being unready for it, because the vast majority even among their thinkers have to ability to imagine the America leftists have created in many other nations.

Everyone's lawyer needs to be on the frontlines with the Trump campaign right now. We can win this, the stakes could not get higher.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge