Author Topic: Important things  (Read 1291 times)

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Offline Israel Chai

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Important things
« on: January 04, 2021, 03:39:58 PM »
I found an important imbalance in the world that those that look to impurity call on it constantly for power and we who serve Hashem need to be asking for more, especially when the reason is to do more good. There is a contradiction in the "New" Testament where it says man's heart is evil and King David who says that to let your heart be valiant, because it wants to stand up for what's right in the face of all odds every time. I found the root of their belief to be that "the devil runs the world" vs. "Hashem is in everything and everything is in Him and controlled by Him". It explained the illogical propensity to authoritarianism that is present in the Catholic world and their progeny in child education vs. the Jewish world. However, they have lots of data of bad in the world as ammunition for their nonsense idea of "the devil" runs it. Investigate there, to do a tiny curse you have a dozen people that ruin their lives just so they can chant for three hours and the entire time focus on bringing up impure energies that are not readily available to them. You just feel and Hashem is obviously sending you energy, it's only necessary to open up to get more and it's very obvious that this can increase during a mitzvah. How many people are actually trying to use their time davening to connect to the divine instead of trying to be able to say it faster, if you're thinking about what you're doing at all? That's not even the most important part, bottom line to a whole thing is go pray that streams sprout and grass grows in Israel, the evil clearly has more obvious advantage to them currently and there's supposed to be a balance, so Hashem will do for you too. Obviously I can't see every minute detail to know if there's balance or imbalance, and this could just be me giving respect to their arrogant rock eyes that their ego decided can see how the world is run, but even people that aren't connected to their religion seem to resign to the rule of evil. How much of that is obvious powers of impurity and how much is just people being evil, which doesn't need to be balanced is another question. So this theory might be complete trash and there is Hashem who told Job that he wasn't there when the world was made to know why things happen, but it can't hurt to ask for some obvious miracles, and shy of the Temple being controlled by us, the land coming back to life is the next thing I'd ask for. Can you like pay a bunch of people to all dedicate their study to that, and actually try to study things related to that topic, and all do personal prayers together that water and grass would sprout up in some area we know isn't controlled by the Arabs. Make it as big of a thing as idolaters make of their things, it needs to be seen if the same effort yields results. Anyways ending with research question: Does it appear that evil is more powerful in the world because people that serve it ask it for more than we ask of Hashem?

I still haven't figured out the next thing to say to keep the energy going after the unity trigger (say "Mishnah says that Moshiach will come if ten Jews are in unity" to one or more Jews), but I figured out why saying "but it's been thousands of years and we still haven't" kills the vibe, or maybe I figured out a reason. There is an abomination from unity to someone ununited with you that is given as a reason for the destruction of the temple. A Rabbi's rich friend got him to divorce his wife with lies and loaned him money to pay her the ketubah, and to pay it off he was serving them drinks and his tears were falling into the cups of wine as he served them. Work that breaks your ego makes you stronger, this is an abomination because work that breaks your ego makes you weaker when done for one who is not united as you are. The next statement may have something to do with trust, that to be united you have to trust me and we have to trust each other to stop me right away if for some reason I become untrustworthy. As of yet the only thing I've managed to do to keep the measurable energy that comes out of every Jew stable when you say that, is saying nothing after and it keeps going a few seconds as they all sit and expect a groundbreaking statement after, then get bored and don't trust that I can come up with anything, which I still can't.

Everyone's suddenly focused on Russia and China in America and forgets that a muslim shrine is sitting on the magnetic center of the world where the Temple must be rebuilt, and the current situation there benefits them at the bottom just like every major one around the world since it went up.

The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Important things
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2021, 08:09:24 PM »
Not to confuse their statement that the heart is wicked with Jeremiah's that there is wickedness beyond measure in it. You surely can push out all kinds of evil from your heart but if you let it, it wants to be valiant for what's right always.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Important things
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2021, 12:23:35 AM »
Actually one thing everyone should do, but you can message me for specific problems, is the following if you follow my instructions to the letter. Take a mason jar or any sealing container made from something that doesn't leave harmful residue in acidic liquid like plastic does. Cut a pineapple, 1/4 of an average one is plenty. Leave it in the jar filled with water overnight, roughly 8 hours. When you wake up, as soon as possible (you can do it before tzitzit, it's for health), drink one liter while sitting down over the course of five minutes at most.

There are over 200 different drugs that this will solve the problem their harmful drug reduces the side effects from, not to mention wipe out all parasites in your system and deal with problems the medical world is too archaic to understand because of widespread corruption.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Important things
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2021, 12:57:23 AM »
You can use that pineapple up to three days with lesser potency, but make sure it's air-tight.

If you calculate how many worlds there are with levels to them, there are a bit more than 40,000 planes of existence, at least that I know about excluding worlds from the "other side", where there are much less. The beings in those worlds would render virtually everyone in this world mentally incapacitated from fear, especially the higher ones, and the theory of infinite realms of existence serves the same purpose as the absurd big bang theory, to define the world in two dimensional physical terms that essentially attacking the morality of morality by defining the accumulation of power as the only good, after degrading the significance of our existence.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge