Except for all the major negative reactions in teens. Most of which are still being covered up, even in the categories they admit like blood clots and shingles.
You seem to have missed the important part: Quote by me:
Nothing has been occurring to them above the normal population rates
To quantify something, we need a comparator. Saying 1 person had something happen after they were vaccinated means nothing. 1 person stubbed his toe after being vaccinated too, but that doesn't mean the vaccine causes toe stubbing.
Also, you have to lie to people who aren't there everyday, I am. https://abcnews.go.com/US/children-young-months-now-covid-19-vaccine-trials/story?id=77353416
Once again, you don't read properly, and you aren't careful with words.
Do you know what TRIALS are?
I referred to national vaccination campaigns, not a company's ongoing clinical trials which consists of a small number of volunteers to TEST what happens in children. Pay attention to what you're reading and you won't have to falsely accuse other people of lying.
Quote by me
None of the vaccines are even approved in kids yet. It's amazing how you claim it's killing kids when they are not being vaccinated in any country's campaigns at this time.
Approval refers to EUA or other regulatory approval for mass marketing to the population. They don't have it yet.
The vaccination campaigns are based on the populations approved by regulatory agencies.
But keep on demonstrating that you have no clue what you're talking about. It really helps your antivax cause.