You have to define them or else it's not a useful list.
1. Affirmative action: Giving jobs to people for their race
2. Politically correct: That which the left wing political parties want said or not
3. Transgender: A man or a woman sexually mutilated by a plastic surgeon and drugs to appear as the opposite sex, or someone with a sex-confusion-type mental disorder.
4. Microaggression: A mundane statement that a liberal can read sinister elements into, which includes all mundane statements
5. Israel-Palestine: A way to say Israel does not belong to Jews.
6. Palestinian: A 1970s invented people, created for the purpose of killing Jews, taking Jewish land and saying that Israel belongs to Arabs.
7. LGBT: Lesbian, "Gay", meaning homosexual, Bisexual, meaning a homosexual who also has non-homosexual sex, and Transgender, defined in (3).
8. White Privilege: Few attempts are made to define this in terms of white people solely, because all you can come out with is everyone makes it easy for white people, which is easy to disprove. What this refers is the belief that black people and non-white people face much more obstacles from "outside forces", meaning white people, in trying to succeed. With that understanding, we can see this is an insult that white people are out to keep the black man down, and so their lives are easier because there are no groups trying to keep them down like that. This provides justification to take organized efforts to take away opportunities from white people, and typically used as a way to denigrate a successful white person, saying that his skin color and not his ability or work earned him his success.
9. Person of color: Any non-white that votes democrat. PoC status may be revoked, as was done with Hispanic males, if they vote Republican.
10. Black and Brown Owned Business: a recent "politically correct" (see (2)) term to encourage people to buy from stores based on the race of the owner.
11. African American: A term invented by Jesse Jackson to call all black people in America African first, regardless of their ancestry.
There you do the rest.