Author Topic: Hamas' Use of Human Shields, Explained  (Read 1875 times)

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Re: Hamas' Use of Human Shields, Explained
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2021, 10:36:38 PM »
I go in complete blood rage when I watch IDF videos.

1. The world does not care that they kill us. The more you talk about them taking extreme measures to kill us, the more they say "well it must be really bad for them that they have to do that". Only the morality of Israel's cause and the immorality of the Muslim cause is relevant, and neither of those things will ever find their way into an official IDF video, and so they might as well be Al-Jazeera.

2. The argument of them hurting their citizens is beyond worthless. Anyone anywhere in the world can go talk to a Muslim, and 70%+ will speak of those killed by Hamas while trying to attack Israel in the most glowing complimentary terms. A great honor they'll say. Some braindead retard in the knesset decided to become the only muslim life activist in the world, and really thinks that showing the world we care about people that want to kill us makes us look nice. The opposite, they say "well if you're nice stop killing them". Go talk to the people running into the bomb shooting building. They are honored to help murder Jews. There are no guards to keep them there, and plenty of ways for them to slip out unnoticed, but they are honored. Now the world says "well if they were evil you'd not be nice, but you are so they must be good and you must be evil."

3. Saying you give advance warnings like leaflets and calls to the murders in Gaza before you retaliate is a sin. You are murdering the Jews they are now able to. There is literally no one in the world nor will there ever be who will decide that the Arabs are bad and Israel is good because they called the terrorist to warn them they were destroying the building. It again undermines the entire morality. If someone attacks you, you attack them back and make sure they can't attack again; the world understands this. Saying "well we warn before dropping the bomb on the empty building" means that it's not a case of righteous revenge, it's a pointless show of strength. You dropped a bomb on a building to show you were tough, it wasn't a retaliation, because those keep the enemy from fighting back as effectively. This was a controlled demolition, like a strict father punishing his naughty Hamas son. You don't look moral you idiot, you look like they say, the occupier who has his cheap labor state (as if) that you terrorize when they don't comply. That's what this really is too, an attack designed to cause terror. A very, very, very ineffective one. The military capacity of Gaza is in no way reduced by the airstrikes on empty buildings.

4. Saying 2 rockets fell on Israel means you were attacked once and then decided it is best to let your citizens be murdered rather than attack Hamas. This isn't about Hamas as much as it is about the world, so the last line is a lie, Israel fights to protect the illusion of love it seeks from people that hate it in the world. If they fought even for five minutes to defend our citizens there would be no Gaza. They fight so they can make retarded videos like this that make no one that didn't like us like us and our best friends suspect ill intentions. You fight for the rotten abomination of being seen as more moral than Hashem. Military action to protect Jewish citizens is typically punished brutally by the traitor courts, and is extremely rare. Israel is not safer because we demolished a few old buildings. So you say thousands of rockets just fell on Israel. So that minus 1 rocket is on your receipt, stupid commie, all those other rockets you shot at your citizens by not attacking the rocket shooters.
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Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Hamas' Use of Human Shields, Explained
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2021, 10:55:36 PM »
I think your criticism of the IDF is too extreme. Unlike politicians, the IDF actually does something to save Jewish lives.
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Hamas' Use of Human Shields, Explained
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2021, 11:27:53 PM »
I think your criticism of the IDF is too extreme. Unlike politicians, the IDF actually does something to save Jewish lives.

I have lots of family in elite units there. They are quite aware of the situation. Let my cousins loose, no more Gaza.

The IDF, excluding the politically-motivated-promoted officers that are leftist traitors, would very much like to take out our enemies and would make much better videos. Whoever runs the IDF youtube channel is a leftist's leftist. And might as well be Neuteri Karta with how effective the videos are. Like you make the same statement 10,000 times and it's not convincing anyone to support Israel, well let's run it again.

When Israel sends my cousins in with no artillery support, it is not acting to defend its citizens and certainly not its soldiers. It is acting for the benefit of more faggy videos which will convince more people to hate us. Because Hashem does miracles we live, no good IDF soldier is without a story or two of his own or a close friend.

As for the IDF taking actions to save Jewish lives, they will, for instance after the 200th bomb that falls which is their fault (and the politicians who command them) for not destroying them, they'll go help people from burning buildings, life savers. If I watch while your neighbor beats you up and then come help you after, very nice but I'm not the friend you needed. 1967 was the last time the IDF was used to protect the Jewish people. In '73 and every conflict since, they have been used as I said, with the politicians allowing them to do their job after enough Jews have been sacrificed to Baal.

You don't think that. Your Croatian president,  whoever he is. Albania shoots 2000 rockets at your populated cities and he sends a leaflet warning where he will strike back, and blows up an empty building. You would curse him 10,000,000 times more than I cursed the traitors handcuffing the IDF. Or would you make a video about how moral Croatia is for letting its men be murdered?
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Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Hamas' Use of Human Shields, Explained
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2021, 12:04:57 AM »
I see your point, but the IDF does kill the bastards:
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: Hamas' Use of Human Shields, Explained
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2021, 12:32:26 AM »
I see your point, but the IDF does kill the bastards:

You're going to make me scream. Killing a "terrorist leader" in Gaza is like killing the biggest cockroach in a crack house and declaring the infestation neutralized. He will be celebrated and his family will be national saints. They were dreaming of this day for a while most likely, and now live in luxury, and every mother on the block will wish she could have raised a murderer like his mother did.

 There are, without exaggeration, easily a million Muslims in Israel alone that would jump at the chance to replace him. So they shoot tactical rockets that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to make sure they kill only the terrorist leader and not the eager replacements around him. Do you expect even the slightest change there?

Finally, I would never kill that animal, he's perfect. That one would have killed at least five of his brothers back home, and made double the women commit suicide. Muslims are wonderful at wiping themselves out, killing them makes problems for you and makes more of them. The humane option to prevent death in Israel is to remove them. They will continue to kill each other, there is nothing we can do to make them stop that, but we can keep them from killing others in our land.

So that is not only worthless, it's a waste of a perfectly good muslim that would have done his best to eradicate Islam and Muslims from the world like his brothers almost all do when it's only them.
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Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Hamas' Use of Human Shields, Explained
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2021, 10:20:30 AM »
Apparently, you scared the IDF enough that they removed the video.
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Offline Dan193

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Re: Hamas' Use of Human Shields, Explained
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2021, 11:59:43 AM »
That video on Youtube you posted how Hamas uses civilians as human shields was deleted.

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Re: Hamas' Use of Human Shields, Explained
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2021, 08:13:13 PM »
I go in complete blood rage when I watch IDF videos.

1. The world does not care that they kill us. The more you talk about them taking extreme measures to kill us, the more they say "well it must be really bad for them that they have to do that". Only the morality of Israel's cause and the immorality of the Muslim cause is relevant, and neither of those things will ever find their way into an official IDF video, and so they might as well be Al-Jazeera.

2. The argument of them hurting their citizens is beyond worthless. Anyone anywhere in the world can go talk to a Muslim, and 70%+ will speak of those killed by Hamas while trying to attack Israel in the most glowing complimentary terms. A great honor they'll say. Some braindead retard in the knesset decided to become the only muslim life activist in the world, and really thinks that showing the world we care about people that want to kill us makes us look nice. The opposite, they say "well if you're nice stop killing them". Go talk to the people running into the bomb shooting building. They are honored to help murder Jews. There are no guards to keep them there, and plenty of ways for them to slip out unnoticed, but they are honored. Now the world says "well if they were evil you'd not be nice, but you are so they must be good and you must be evil."

3. Saying you give advance warnings like leaflets and calls to the murders in Gaza before you retaliate is a sin. You are murdering the Jews they are now able to. There is literally no one in the world nor will there ever be who will decide that the Arabs are bad and Israel is good because they called the terrorist to warn them they were destroying the building. It again undermines the entire morality. If someone attacks you, you attack them back and make sure they can't attack again; the world understands this. Saying "well we warn before dropping the bomb on the empty building" means that it's not a case of righteous revenge, it's a pointless show of strength. You dropped a bomb on a building to show you were tough, it wasn't a retaliation, because those keep the enemy from fighting back as effectively. This was a controlled demolition, like a strict father punishing his naughty Hamas son. You don't look moral you idiot, you look like they say, the occupier who has his cheap labor state (as if) that you terrorize when they don't comply. That's what this really is too, an attack designed to cause terror. A very, very, very ineffective one. The military capacity of Gaza is in no way reduced by the airstrikes on empty buildings.

4. Saying 2 rockets fell on Israel means you were attacked once and then decided it is best to let your citizens be murdered rather than attack Hamas. This isn't about Hamas as much as it is about the world, so the last line is a lie, Israel fights to protect the illusion of love it seeks from people that hate it in the world. If they fought even for five minutes to defend our citizens there would be no Gaza. They fight so they can make retarded videos like this that make no one that didn't like us like us and our best friends suspect ill intentions. You fight for the rotten abomination of being seen as more moral than Hashem. Military action to protect Jewish citizens is typically punished brutally by the traitor courts, and is extremely rare. Israel is not safer because we demolished a few old buildings. So you say thousands of rockets just fell on Israel. So that minus 1 rocket is on your receipt, stupid commie, all those other rockets you shot at your citizens by not attacking the rocket shooters.

Screw the lousy bastards in gaza.
Israel sends those lousy aholes 1700 tons of food every Thursday.
Cut off their Thursday supply of food.
Give them something REAL to b’tch about instead of fake ‘suffering’
שמע ישראל
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Re: Hamas' Use of Human Shields, Explained
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2021, 06:02:40 PM »

Screw the lousy bastards in gaza.
Israel sends those lousy aholes 1700 tons of food every Thursday.
Cut off their Thursday supply of food.
Give them something REAL to b’tch about instead of fake ‘suffering’

The only logical course of action in the current situation is to kick them out. Every other proposal is a world of drama with no conclusion.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge