Author Topic: Rays upon rays of hope flowing from Brazil  (Read 835 times)

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Offline Israel Chai

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Rays upon rays of hope flowing from Brazil
« on: May 20, 2021, 11:29:52 AM »
So Brazil was a cesspool of corruption. Bossonaro trued exposing it for 30 years but the left owns all the media. With social media, people heard was he was saying and voted him in. He took all the money from the corrupt people and organizations and went around building schools and roads and water pipes, abd arresting drug cartels. The leftist supreme court keeps releasing the drug dealers, taking his power and kicks out his people.

He makes a speech that he can't do anything about it unless the people authorize him. Every city, town and inhabited piece of earth in Brazil was filled with a massive rally to the sound of "Su autoriza! Su autoriza" (I authorize).

So now we're all waiting eager to see how "Myth", as we call him, will take down one of the most entrenched and powerful leftist organizations in the world. Pray for Brazil and its largely conservative population, and know that out of all nations, this is the only I can objectively show is moving in the right direction.

Su Autoriza!!!!!
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