Author Topic: Biden attacks US allies Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel and now Great Britain  (Read 1488 times)

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Offline Ulli

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He is very bad to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel and Great Britain but is nice to Iran, Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood. Even Hisbollah got a multi million funding via Lebanon aid. What he wants to archieve with this?


'America should remember who their allies are': Brexiteers blast 'senile' Joe Biden after he issues astonishing rebuke to Boris Johnson for 'inflaming tensions' in Northern Ireland in 'sausage war' spat with EU
Joe Biden accused Boris Johnson of 'inflaming tensions' in Northern Ireland over its EU sausage war
When he meets the Prime Minister on Thursday, he is tipped to set up a new 'Atlantic Charter'
But the US President has ordered his officials to issue a rare diplomatic rebuke to the British Government
Yael Lempert, charge d'affaires at US Embassy in London said UK's stance was imperilling the peace process
Rebuke came as crunch talks between Britain and Brussels over sausage imports failed to make breakthrough
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Slobodan

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He is on the Europien toure. Wonder if he will visit Serbia. The first and last US president that visited Serbia was Richard Nixon. We where all hoping in Serbia that Donald Trump would be the second one, but he promised to do that after he gets re-elected. Biden did visit Serbia a few times, as a Vice President. Anyway, I don't expect anything good from him. Although better him than Hilary Clinton.

Personally, I think the Saudi Arabia is the country that trully deserves a regime overthrough. They still live in a middle ages, where women and non-muslims can get punished by chopping their arm off or stoning or wipping, for not covering their face, or for drinking alcohol or for having a Bible and similar. Not to meantion that they are arming ISIS. To have such country as an ally? No thank you.

Turkey under Erdogan is planning on reinstituting Ottoman Empire, and regaining control of the lost teritories. They want to be the number one Muslim country, the leader of the Muslim world. That is why Saudi Arabia is themain cometition of their. You could say Iran too, but Iran are Shiat, so maybe they would tolarate them. Better let Turkey ad Saudi Arabia destroy each other, then be an ally with any of them.

The Great Britain, actually the England. The historical enemy of the Serbs. Not the best friends with the Jews either, from what I heard. They made you give Sinai back to Egypt.

Some allys...
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Offline Israel Chai

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Biden does not know he's president. Why would Obama do this. Much easier question.
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Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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The Great Britain, actually the England. The historical enemy of the Serbs. Not the best friends with the Jews either, from what I heard. They made you give Sinai back to Egypt.

Do you mean in 1956? Israel, England, and France together went to war against Egypt. The US and USSR pressured Israel to end the war at the same time the US was ignoring Soviet atrocities in Eastern Europe that was happening at the same time.

If you are referring to when we gave back Sinai the second time, that was because of the peanut farmer and the fat pig Sharon, who pressured Begin.

Online angryChineseKahanist

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Saudi Arabia? Didn't they plan and carried out 911?
Weren't those hijackers from Saudi Arabia?
So now those murderers are our "allies"?

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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The British are also responsible for the Ottoman Empire giving Sinai to Egypt when Egypt was ruled by the British in 1906. That's how it came to be part of Egypt. If it would have stayed with with the Ottoman Empire, the British would have had to win it in World War I and it would have been part of the British Mandate.

Offline Nachus

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  :usa+israel:                                                                              :fist:

 All points well considered, and
 despite everything, Biden has so
 far proven to be a worse disaster
 than was even predicted.