They were caught both in Detroit and in Atlanta double counting stacks of Biden votes. In Atlanta it is on camera and they were also caught hiding boxes of ballots under a table, pulling the out after the they cleared out all the observers because of the fake water main break and lies that the count stopped. This is an egregious foul and should render the entire result in that corrupt Atlanta center invalid. And there is much more.
Vote dumps happened. We can now confirm there was vote dump in Phoenix. That is why there are 72,000 so called mail in ballots which were never mailed out but were counted.
In Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, and in Milwaukee, if they really check there, I think there will be over a million votes that were created out of thin air.
There was massive fraud by so called 'adjudication'. It means that a democrat Trump hating employee copies a Trump voter ballot into a new one, checking D everywhere. When they do that, there was nobody to look and control what they were writing in.
There are numerous other fraud measures taken by the democrats.
They did it with many different methods. This Democrats are really creative. This I have to admit.
Imo the worst tactic was to go from door to door and buy this empty voting letters from poor people. I saw a video were a black Democrat drives around with staples of Dollars in his car. Even the bought letters were visable. Dead voters and non existant voters were also there. In the case Tucker spoke of they simply counted batches of votes that were vastly for Biden twice. If all was not sufficiant, they simply switched votes in the computer programm from Trump to Biden.
Alledgedly, they even manufactured letters and brought them at night in. I am not shure if it was legit or not. But the media and Big Tech surpresses every discussion about this and the courts do nothing. So we will not find out.
For this post I would be banned on most social media.