Immodest dress usually suggests that a woman is looking to attract a male through her attire. That is not the way it is meant to be in Judaism or Christianity. Relationships built on lust are impure, and will surely lead to sex out of wedlock.
So I take it your not a huge fan of Girls Gone Wild?
What if we lived in a world where men only valued brains...but women were not allowed to have intellectual discussions (like if an intellectual discussion was considered immodest)...that would be great for the beautiful but dumb women, but would that be fair to smart women?
Beauty and brains are just two things that make people attractive. Each have their place, and both men and women can individually choose which they want more of in a partner/mate before or during marriage.
If we lived in a JTF America, one with morals, women would concentrate less on their looks and more on their mind. Of course you're always going to have your retards, but that can't be helped.
Beauty is a great thing, but a women does not have to expose every bit of her body she can without being technically nude to prove her beauty. I find that quite unattractive.
That's why most Jews don't approach women, but, instead, are introduced through third parties.
Well, I agree with you that some women over-do it, but a man with any sense would probably not find that attractive anyways. I also think wholesome beauty is the best and that the most beautiful women are never the ones that have to starve themselves to look decent (a little on the heavy site/athletic are ok with me).
The immoral fashion industry full of queers and starving models sets the stupidest, cruelist, and most obscene standards, and it is criminal that they have such a loud voice. I'm already over it and see right through it, but it is horrible, especially for younger people like teens and early 20's. So I would like to shut them out and I would not mind a society where these people are marginalized rather than being center stage.
However, my main disagreement is about the standards of social interaction between normal, decent men and women. I think it is unnatural to be overly sexually modest...In fact I think it some cases, it is a complete farce.
And as far as being introduced through 3rd party...Ok, that is of my rabbis met his wife that way and they have an extremely nice family of 6 or more kids...But I also don't think there should be any stigma attached to meeting people and having a social life that includes women even if it leads to premarital sex.
For some people, having one partner in their lifetime is fine, but for others...let's just say nature didn't intend it that way and I doubt Hashem did either.