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Baruch HaShem, 4 New Videos From David And Chaim (10/10)

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It also annoys me how some people who claim to be conservatives continue to over-hype Fred Thompson. 

It's been revealed that Howard Baker is the reason that Fred Thompson ran for the senate in the first place.  He basically begged him to do so, so Thompson did it for him.  Then, Howard Baker apparently decided that he didn't like John McCain enough (I think he preferred him over Romney or Giuliani) so since about March, he started to work on convincing Thompson to run for president. 


     Huckabee was trying to be like Senator Lindsey Graham in accusing opponents of illegal alien invasions of being bigots and racists. 

     Huckabee also incorrectly thinks that the illegals that come from Mexico and South American countries, are all Hispanic.  Many are mestizos. 

       Just a month before he officially began his presidential campaign for the GOP nomination:

Huckabee also seems to be looking forward to the idea of possibly becoming a minority in the US.  He once said the following:

"Huckabee said the nation will need to address the concerns of the Hispanic community because of its growing influence and population base. "Pretty soon, Southern white guys like me may be in the minority," Huckabee said jokingly as the crowd roared in laughter. He told the LULAC delegates that their presence in the state's capital city was very important because Arkansas has one of the fastest growing Hispanic populations in the nation. "Your gathering is so very significant for our state," Huckabee said." 

His pandering to La Raza and LULAC has been outrageous.  From a couple years ago:

Huckabee refuses to call them illegal.  He also wants to give financial aid to illegals and their children.  Many Americans have trouble affording school in the US; yet, Huckabee's concern is making it more affordable for illegals.  He doesn't care about Americans.

In the Arkansas State Senate a couple years, a legislature Jim Holt introduced the following:

“Sen. Holt has introduced a bill modeled after Arizona's Proposition 200 to make sure that immigrants without proper documentation don't vote in elections.”

“But the bill goes further, much further, than assuring clean elections. It would require proof of citizenship for state services: education, medical care, any and all.”

And as governor of Arkansas, Huckabee insisted that this would be racism.   


    As suspected, Howard Baker is the national chairman of Fred Thompson's cammaign.  The same former senator, who forced Thompson into running for a senate seat in the 90's. 

    And two of the three co-chairs are Spencer Abraham and Elizabeth Cheney. 

    The voters don't want to vote for someone who has a Bush or Cheney involved in their campaing.  I think conservatives will be making a mistake if Thompson receives the nomination.

Videos 1 and 3 hang on me every few seconds.  Then it resumes for a few words and hangs again.  I know a woman that has the same problem with watching the illegal license video.  Clearing the cashe didnt help at all.

Does anyone else have this problem and if so, what is your connection speed?

Excellent Videos!!!


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