Author Topic: Where I Live : Jewish hurricane aid tops $1.5M  (Read 1350 times)

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Offline mosquewatch

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Where I Live : Jewish hurricane aid tops $1.5M
« on: October 10, 2007, 07:53:59 PM »
Posted on Fri, Sep. 14, 2007

A New Year begins well: Congregation Beth Israel, celebrating its third High Holiday without a synagogue (services are/will be in Larcher Chapel at Keesler Air Force Base), received uplifting news this week.

The United Jewish Community, in its Hurricane Katrina Fund report, provided the following numbers with regard to recovery on the Mississippi Gulf Coast: the total funneled here exceeded $1.5 million, with $125,000 going to Beth Israel, and the rest going into the community because, says immediate past president of the congregation Steve Richer, "We wanted to help our neighbors. I think it captures the spirit of charity" that characterizes the High Holiday.

Recipients besides the synagogue were the Mental Health Association of Mississippi ($405,600); NY Board of Rabbis, for pastoral counseling and clergy support primarily in Mississippi ($334,400); Israel Trauma Coalition, rebuilding resiliency in Biloxi schools and among first-responders and public employees ($306,350); Hillel, for Hillel's Alternative Breaks to volunteer in Mississippi ($123,750); Jewish funds for justice ($100,000); Mount Sinai Medical Center, Mississippi Coast resilience and recovery programs ($88,482); KaBOOM! Operation Playground, Long Beach ($55,000); and Raven Transport, freight to transport donated beds ($2,756).

I do not have the words too express my gratitude towards the Jewish community where I live. They have been an outstanding example of people who appreciate and love life. We live as Christians and Jews, side by side with each other, and do so with respect. A sincere "Thankyou" for those that have helped in our continued effort in rebuilding our homes and our  lives. And a sincere thankyou too all the people in this forum for accepting me as I am, with my faults and flaws. G-d bless.
No peace, without FREEDOM.

Offline nopeaceforland

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Re: Where I Live : Jewish hurricane aid tops $1.5M
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2007, 01:16:45 AM »
That's a beautiful story!  :)