Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Could Serb posters please provide some REAL information on this man and his paramilitary group. All I have ever read about him is that he led an "ethnic-cleansing" unit and that he was gunned down in Belgrade a few years ago. Also, why do the white-"supremacists" worship this man?
Thank You!
This is one example of who is Arkan, I REALLY CAN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HIM...
serbian army:
He saved my life in 92', muslim animaLs were there to kill us but his boys came on time O0 O0 ;D People can say whatever they want but all I can say is THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE :)
Oh yes I remember seeing this interview. The interviewer, Richard Carleton (who is dead now and burning in hell) made the Serbs look like a bunch of savages whilst apologising for every single muslim/bosnian and kosovar muslim crime. He showed one video of Serbs apparently killing muslim men and projected the entire episode on every single Serb. Funny how he failed to mention the constant rape, pillaging and unadulterated slaughter of Serb men, women and children by the muslims themselves, or showed the photos of Serbian women with their limbs and genitals ripped off or children with heads torn in half. Funny how he failed to mention the constant muslim aggression and terrorism committed against the Serbs for years upon years. Funny how he failed to show the slaughter perpetuated by the indiscriminant bombing of Serb villages and towns. This beast of an interviewer is burning in hell and his whole family should burn in hell with him.
--- Quote from: AussieJTFer on October 13, 2007, 08:58:26 PM ---Could Serb posters please provide some REAL information on this man and his paramilitary group. All I have ever read about him is that he led an "ethnic-cleansing" unit and that he was gunned down in Belgrade a few years ago. Also, why do the white-"supremacists" worship this man?
Thank You!
--- End quote ---
Arkan's name was Zeljko Raznatovic.
He is a Serb from Montenegro.
He started very early with criminal activities he left his home on early age and became active in robberies and dealing. He arranged also Assassins.
He was a criminal by profession.
He also had strong connections with the UDBA (State Security Administration).
UDBA was the secret police of communist Yugoslavia. The agency was known as a union of dangerous en violent men. It was necessary to create such hardcore agency to protect the whole state from collapsing. Many of those communist oriented men from the UDBA used later their talents in criminal activities.
That’s why the Yugoslavs (Serbs) have an image as cold bloody criminals in Europe.
Arkan was one of them. He had a leading position in the undergrounds from Europe and Yugoslavia. When the war started in Yugoslavia Arkan organized a paramilitary unit.
They had some military operations but they fought in general for their own benefits and took advantage of the situations for their personal interests. They were several times banished from Krajina and Republika Srpska because of that.
Arkan was also a close cooperator of Milosevic and his regime.
Arkan is not popular among Krajina Serbs or Serbs from RS.
He is popular among young “gangsters” and criminals. Trust me serious people don't pay attention to people like him.
But I must admit this: when Arkan was alive the Albanian criminals were very quite in Europe.
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