Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Arkan and the "White Tigers"

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serbian army:

--- Quote from: Serbian Cetnik on October 18, 2007, 09:24:22 AM ---No he didn't. I'm from Knin in Krajina, and Arkan was, stoping refugees and abused them into joining his "voluntary" guard
wich was in the beginning voluntary.

Of course he saved serbian lives but he also destroyed serbian lives.
->True<- Serbian heroes are Radovan Karadzic, Milos Obilic, Ratko Mladic, Cica Draza and many more.

but NEVER Arkan, Milosevic and Legija.

I hated djindjic too. but that doesn't change the fact that those three are bastards. Might aswell be croats.

Don't argue with eachother over these bastards, It is below us. Unite and praise true heroes instead.

--- End quote ---
At that time he was not allowed on teritory of Krajina or RS :::D, secont where he would take these voluntary guard to fight? :::D name one place where he took them.
he is a hero, he saved my life in 1992


Now I understand it you are practising to become a clown?


Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
where do you think the refugees were going?
beside ratko was annoyed with Arkan, because he thought he was a cowboy. He was expelled out of RS several times.

serbian army:

--- Quote from: Serbian Cetnik on October 20, 2007, 05:57:12 AM ---where do you think the refugees were going?
beside ratko was annoyed with Arkan, because he thought he was a cowboy. He was expelled out of RS several times.

--- End quote ---
:::D where was fighting in serbia at that time :::D he expelled arkan because he liked absolute control, and it was very bad move, arkan and his boys went first to fight than arterially would follow, bad move by ratko :o

Well...I guess my impression of Arkan is quite positive. Thats from a personal experience.


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