Author Topic: My story of not being allowed to wear Jewish symbols in a Jewish School  (Read 2739 times)

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Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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My purpose in this world is to fight on behalf of Jews throughout the world. I began what will be a life long dream, in 8th grade when I tried to spread the idea. I printed out slogans for various Jewish causes and taped the prints to my shirt. My friends asked about them and I explained my views about the Jewish people. They tried to silence me, and they won the battle, but the war goes on.
   Since birth my father taught me about the various Jewish causes and what true Judaism represented. Judaism is not “bagels and lox” or “Food, Clothes and Education”, rather it is a belief in G-d and an unexplainable love that every Jew has for every other Jew. That is the Judaism that the liberal Jewish Organizations of today have forgotten and that is the Judaism that I believe in.
   The first slogan, and the least “radical”, was one that said “Free Pollard!” Jonathan Pollard who still suffers today in an American jail, deserves to be free. He send classified documents regarding the Iraqi Nuclear Reactor in the 80’s to Israel, who used the information to destroy the reactor. He should have been given a medal but instead he sits in jail, suffering because we don’t care. Israel and the American Jewish Organizations should have monthly protests to free Pollard and should withhold funds from any presidential candidate who does not promise to pardon him upon being elected. We do have the power to get it done, but we have to be willing to make a couple threats. We must show Ahavat Yisrael, those who did so much on behalf of blacks and Puerto Ricans and Africans and Arabs certainly must do the same, if not more, on behalf of one of their own.
   The “Free Pollard” slogan did not bother any of the teachers much and they stated how it was a sad occurrence that he remained in jail. It would have been nice if they had done something about it, but at least they didn’t get too upset about it.
   There were various symbols that came after the “Pollard” one, from the slightly radical to the “blatantly offensive.” The ultimate symbol that I wore, and the one that got me in trouble in the end, was of the drawing by Tatiana Soskin. Her drawing showed Muhammad depicted as a pig writing the koran.
   It was a Friday and I later found out that sometime recently before the teachers had voted to ban students from wearing political symbols. Not knowing that such a vote took place, I proudly placed Tatiana Soskin’s drawing on my shirt and began heading towards my class. An english teacher told me in a not so pleasant voice, to take it off. I, of course, refused. The angered teacher then informed me that I could talk to our school principal, Mrs. Schaffzin, about it. I gladly went to the office and waited for Mrs. Schaffzin to come out of her meeting. As I waited outside I began to cry for reasons still unknown to me.
   While I was waiting, my hypocritical social studies teacher came to talk to me. She informed me that wearing such a picture is offensive and gave me the rest of the liberal garbage she believed. I never could understand her. On the one hand she claimed that she did not think it was important to tell us about her own personal views, and on the other she had tons of liberal posters on the walls of her classroom. That is the type of hypocrisy that far too many American Jews show. Unfortunately often times it’s about more important things than posters.....
   Finally Mrs. Schaffzin told me that wearing such symbols was offensive to certain teachers, she did not name any specifically, but nonetheless she said it was offensive. Already in tears I was not able to think straight and was unable to logically disprove many of her points. For example, she claimed that the school is supposed to represent the community. Well the community has a wide variety of views and as such my right-wing Jewish views are probably representative of at least 1 percent of the community. She later tried to explain to me how the “Palestinians” have just as legitimate of a claim to the land as we do. Hearing such a thing from a “Jewish” figure is down right shameful. To have such a self-hate that one immediately recognizes someone else’s claims and refuses to even look at the issue logically is outrageous. First of all most of the “Palestinians” are just Arabs from various countries that came to Israel in the 1920’s-30’s (when it was called “Palestine” and under British control) to work for the Jews who were building an industry and needed workers. Being that as it is that would suggest that the “Palestinian” people really don’t exist as a unique nation and are just a collection of various other Arab groups. Even if we do say that such a people does exist, which it doesn’t, then certainly Jordan should be the one to give up the land. Jordan is already over 50% “Palestinian” and is instead ruled by a king and his small group of followers. Instead of dividing the Jewish State, which is small already, Jordan should be divided and the “Palestinians” can develop their civilization there. The problem with this plan is that the Arabs will reject it. Not because it isn’t plausible, but because the sole purpose of the “Palestinian” people is to fight against Israel and take away Jewish land. If instead “Palestine” is created on Arab-Muslim land, it defeats it’s purpose.
   One of her later arguments was that I should be quiet or else she will prove to me that I’m a racist. Well today I would tell her that I am a racist and there is no need to prove it to me, because I already know it. In fact nopt only am I a racist but all Jews are racists. G-d repeatedly tells us in the Torah that we are “A Chosen People” and a “Holy People.” Certainly that is racism in its most blatant form, but nonetheless I believe in it. Judaism comes before all else to me, if to be Jewish I have to be a racist, so be it. Of course, no liberal Jew would dare say such a thing because he has fought so hard against racism and has claimed time and time again that racism is “un-Jewish.” For him to be told now that not only is racism not forbidden by Judaism, but it is even an important part of the religion, will cause him to go crazy. Here he has claimed something for so long and now he is told he is a liar. No one wants to be told they are liars, but in order to avoid that one must not lie. One must either believe in all of Judaism or none of Judaism. There are parts of Judaism that we may not like, but if we are Jews we must follow them anyway.
   After the argument regarding the slogans, I wrote a letter to Mrs. Schaffzin, imploring her to allow me to continue to wear the slogans. She refused and went so far as to contact my mother. Schaffzin told my mom that she thought I was “angry” and that I should go see a psychologist. Unfortunately my mother agreed to have me go to a psychologist and indeed I did. After eight or so sessions the psychologist decided that I was normal and just had some strong political views.
   In the end, I won, because I remain as strong politically as I ever was. My views have not changed much, if it all, and I have benefited from experiencing the irrational hatred that is directed at those with my political views. They tried to silence me and they certainly won, but the fight will go on. Throughout my life I will advocate for true Judaism and for a free and safe Israel. Am Yisrael Chai!

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Re: My story of not being allowed to wear Jewish symbols in a Jewish School
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2007, 11:35:47 PM »
sorry it's a little long  ;D


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Re: My story of not being allowed to wear Jewish symbols in a Jewish School
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2007, 11:40:54 PM »
Tell them.....(1) they're disgusting, self-hating kykes, (2) to get stuffed and (3)....(if they're deform Jews) tell them they're pork-eating heretics who are a hare's breath from kissing a cross and taking a baptism!

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Re: My story of not being allowed to wear Jewish symbols in a Jewish School
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2007, 11:42:11 PM »
Tell them.....(1) they're disgusting, self-hating kykes, (2) to get stuffed and (3)....(if they're deform Jews) tell them they're pork-eating heretics who are a hare's breath from kissing a cross and taking a baptism!
it was 2 years ago, so I cant go back but it was disgraceful and all the kids there saw it.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: My story of not being allowed to wear Jewish symbols in a Jewish School
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2007, 11:54:18 PM »

You need to reach into your back pocket, pull out a stiletto, and carve a Mogen David into the stomach of those morons...that way you can leave them a little "Jewish symbolism" to display at the beach.

Offline Mstislav

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Re: My story of not being allowed to wear Jewish symbols in a Jewish School
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2007, 11:57:57 PM »
One of her later arguments was that I should be quiet or else she will prove to me that I’m a racist. Well today I would tell her that I am a racist and there is no need to prove it to me, because I already know it. In fact nopt only am I a racist but all Jews are racists. G-d repeatedly tells us in the Torah that we are “A Chosen People” and a “Holy People.” Certainly that is racism in its most blatant form, but nonetheless I believe in it. Judaism comes before all else to me, if to be Jewish I have to be a racist, so be it. Of course, no liberal Jew would dare say such a thing because he has fought so hard against racism and has claimed time and time again that racism is “un-Jewish.” For him to be told now that not only is racism not forbidden by Judaism, but it is even an important part of the religion, will cause him to go crazy.

I would not say that is 'racist' but ethnocentrist.
The satanic barbaric deathcult of islam spread like a cancer throughout the world, killing and destroying everything it touches. muslims are like the hiv/aids virus, subverting the societies of non muslim lands only to allow the cancer of islam to consume and destroy. muslim, I curse and hate you, your 'prophet', 'g o d' and deathcult.   

Because the West needs to be won again and the stakes couldn't be higher . . .

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Re: My story of not being allowed to wear Jewish symbols in a Jewish School
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2007, 12:02:44 AM »
One of her later arguments was that I should be quiet or else she will prove to me that I’m a racist. Well today I would tell her that I am a racist and there is no need to prove it to me, because I already know it. In fact nopt only am I a racist but all Jews are racists. G-d repeatedly tells us in the Torah that we are “A Chosen People” and a “Holy People.” Certainly that is racism in its most blatant form, but nonetheless I believe in it. Judaism comes before all else to me, if to be Jewish I have to be a racist, so be it. Of course, no liberal Jew would dare say such a thing because he has fought so hard against racism and has claimed time and time again that racism is “un-Jewish.” For him to be told now that not only is racism not forbidden by Judaism, but it is even an important part of the religion, will cause him to go crazy.

I would not say that is 'racist' but ethnocentrist.

either way, certainly not something any liberal Jew would dare admit.

Offline Mstislav

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Re: My story of not being allowed to wear Jewish symbols in a Jewish School
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2007, 12:05:44 AM »
One of her later arguments was that I should be quiet or else she will prove to me that I’m a racist. Well today I would tell her that I am a racist and there is no need to prove it to me, because I already know it. In fact nopt only am I a racist but all Jews are racists. G-d repeatedly tells us in the Torah that we are “A Chosen People” and a “Holy People.” Certainly that is racism in its most blatant form, but nonetheless I believe in it. Judaism comes before all else to me, if to be Jewish I have to be a racist, so be it. Of course, no liberal Jew would dare say such a thing because he has fought so hard against racism and has claimed time and time again that racism is “un-Jewish.” For him to be told now that not only is racism not forbidden by Judaism, but it is even an important part of the religion, will cause him to go crazy.

I would not say that is 'racist' but ethnocentrist.

either way, certainly not something any liberal Jew would dare admit.

A liberal Jew should be proud of being apart of a people chosen by HaShem Himself and work to earn the privilage and honour of being chosen.
The satanic barbaric deathcult of islam spread like a cancer throughout the world, killing and destroying everything it touches. muslims are like the hiv/aids virus, subverting the societies of non muslim lands only to allow the cancer of islam to consume and destroy. muslim, I curse and hate you, your 'prophet', 'g o d' and deathcult.   

Because the West needs to be won again and the stakes couldn't be higher . . .

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Re: My story of not being allowed to wear Jewish symbols in a Jewish School
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2007, 12:07:49 AM »
One of her later arguments was that I should be quiet or else she will prove to me that I’m a racist. Well today I would tell her that I am a racist and there is no need to prove it to me, because I already know it. In fact nopt only am I a racist but all Jews are racists. G-d repeatedly tells us in the Torah that we are “A Chosen People” and a “Holy People.” Certainly that is racism in its most blatant form, but nonetheless I believe in it. Judaism comes before all else to me, if to be Jewish I have to be a racist, so be it. Of course, no liberal Jew would dare say such a thing because he has fought so hard against racism and has claimed time and time again that racism is “un-Jewish.” For him to be told now that not only is racism not forbidden by Judaism, but it is even an important part of the religion, will cause him to go crazy.

I would not say that is 'racist' but ethnocentrist.

either way, certainly not something any liberal Jew would dare admit.

A liberal Jew should be proud of being apart of a people chosen by HaShem Himself and work to earn the privilage and honour of being chosen.
But that is not the nature of the liberal Jew, he hates himself. He hates everything he represents so he goes to fight for every single cause on Earth except his own.

Offline Mstislav

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Re: My story of not being allowed to wear Jewish symbols in a Jewish School
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2007, 12:11:15 AM »
One of her later arguments was that I should be quiet or else she will prove to me that I’m a racist. Well today I would tell her that I am a racist and there is no need to prove it to me, because I already know it. In fact nopt only am I a racist but all Jews are racists. G-d repeatedly tells us in the Torah that we are “A Chosen People” and a “Holy People.” Certainly that is racism in its most blatant form, but nonetheless I believe in it. Judaism comes before all else to me, if to be Jewish I have to be a racist, so be it. Of course, no liberal Jew would dare say such a thing because he has fought so hard against racism and has claimed time and time again that racism is “un-Jewish.” For him to be told now that not only is racism not forbidden by Judaism, but it is even an important part of the religion, will cause him to go crazy.

I would not say that is 'racist' but ethnocentrist.

either way, certainly not something any liberal Jew would dare admit.

A liberal Jew should be proud of being apart of a people chosen by HaShem Himself and work to earn the privilage and honour of being chosen.
But that is not the nature of the liberal Jew, he hates himself. He hates everything he represents so he goes to fight for every single cause on Earth except his own.

It is sickening to hear about and even witness this.
The satanic barbaric deathcult of islam spread like a cancer throughout the world, killing and destroying everything it touches. muslims are like the hiv/aids virus, subverting the societies of non muslim lands only to allow the cancer of islam to consume and destroy. muslim, I curse and hate you, your 'prophet', 'g o d' and deathcult.   

Because the West needs to be won again and the stakes couldn't be higher . . .