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Ask JTF For November 4 Broadcast

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Do you ever get fatigued in the middle of the day? If so, what do you do or consume to give yourself an energy boost? I often experience this, especially in the fall and winter, and I'm trying hard to resist the temptation to consume caffeine when this happens. I know you never consume caffeine. So I'm curious to know what you consume instead of caffeine to give yourself an energy boost when you get fatigued. Thanks.


There are anti-Semites like David Duke who blamed Israel for 9/11 more than they blame Muslims. If an Islamic nuclear bomb goes off in America do you think American Jews will suffer consequences? And can these anti-Semites become demagogues?


England seems to constantly be flourishing, economically. The sterling is double the dollar and London one of the most advanced cities in the world. The politics isn't completely corrupt and both the health and education system adequate. Yet multicutralism has been increasing. England has one of the best trained army force in the world.
Why do you dislike England and the British?

Gam Bashan veGam Gilad:
Hello dear Chaim, :)

First, I would like to apologize. I wasn't very active on the forum lately, much to my regret, due to my work and other occupations I recently had. I am still heavily tied up at work, but I am trying to be on the forum whenever I have time.

  My question is this: I've been listening to the "Never Again" and "The Jewish Answer" shows from the JTF Archive website. These shows are SO great!! I enjoy every minute of them! ..And they ARE eternal. Their message is actual today more than ever!

Now, at the end of these shows you always say "there are special rules" for the JTF organization, that prevent you from telling the viewers to make a check for you, but you can instead tell them to write to JTF.

Why were those special rules made for JTF?

Thank you and shavu'a tov, :)

Gam Bashan veGam Gilad.

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It seems to me that you're hypocritical when you say that Holocaust Deniers should be killed. As I recall, you yourself denied that the Nazis targeted the Gypsies as they targeted Jews and Serbs while also denying the 5 million Gentile victims who died alongside the 6 million Jewish victims. I'd like to think that you have good intentions even when you're misguided but this denial seems almost as bad as someone taunting JTF by saying 'Adolf Hitler zt"l'.


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