Well done commentary done with insightful
accuracy and conviction. Chaim’s take on the
various candidates is “second to none” and
David’s take on the days of a “nickel a shtickel”
days of yesteryear and how there has been a truly
astronomical inflation increase that has devastated
the nation across the economic spectrum is “right on
the money.” Everyone should watch this great segment,
wake up, and support the great Ron DeSantis for
President as he is more ‘sincere’ than the other
candidates and would do a substantially better job on
most if not all issues. Don’t buy into the media reaction
to these debates by so-called, biased experts because
while they might have “some” valid assessments and
perceptions of the candidates at large on specific issues,
they may not “fairly” extend to DeSantis his well deserved
praise and encouragement due to that very foolish bias.
One can observe and be critical but should be unconditionally
supportive of the right candidate especially when they meet
most if not all of the proper criteria. Let that old “cliche” saying;
“the people deserve the government they get” due to who
they vote for be a thing of the past by voting correctly.
The Most Important thing is to Keep Up With Your Generous
Support of Our Blessed and Heroic Hilltop Youth!