FTF, I don't think Yacov meant any disrespect by using the term "born again." He was just posting about this history as he understood it.
He seemed to be trying to say that Ann amoung others believe that everyone not belonging to a group called "born again" chriastians is going to go to hell. Many christians believe that this is the case, the actual position in the New Testament is unclear what it actually says is that all true christians will go to heaven, (a true christian is "born again" using the christian definiton of the term) it doesn't say what will happen to anyone else, it does not mention them going to hell, it just doesn't say anything on the issue. Anyway, Yacov was saying that the idea of a "born again" christian is a new idea, it's like talking about a mitzvah following Jew, though it's true that it's new for christians to bother attaching that moniker to their title.
I'm sorry that I reacted like this, I'm very used to muslims trying to argue that the New Tetsament was modified to add in the born again idea, and it's something I'm rather tired off.
I hope I have not upset anyone with my actions here.