Here is your information, SerbianUnity:
FROM:"Croat Fascist Extravaganza Coming to Your Town
Croat neo-Nazi band “Thompson” that glorifies the Holocaust in its lyrics is going to hold a fascist extravaganza in your town too.
Their Seig Heil-ing schedule for November in North America:
02.11.07. - NEW YORK
Croatian Center in Manhattan (upstairs), 502 West 41 Street, New York
04.11.07. - TORONTO
Koolhaus, 132 Queen’s Quay East, Toronto
10.11.07. - CHICAGO
Croatia Cultural Center, 2845 West Devon Avenue, Chicago
16.11.07. - VANCOUVER
Croatian Community Center, 3250 Commercial Dr., Vancouver
18.11.07. - SAN FRANCISCO
ARC at Willowglen dvorana, 680 Minnesota Avenue, San Jose
Thompson’s embrace of Nazism and his glorification of the Holocaust prompted the Dutch authorities to ban the group’s music in the Netherlands in 2004.
You can learn more about Thompson by visiting the Simon Wiesenthal Center and"

You also have this:

by the way,
could you please go in the "Introduce Yourself" section of JTF,
so that everybody could be acknowledged you're here, among us ?
As for me, like Yasmine and the other JTFers, I welcome you, Brother.