Author Topic: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical  (Read 3454 times)

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Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« on: October 18, 2007, 02:32:42 PM »
Are Taliban Really Muslims? 
As a Muslim girl I was taught to do good. The Prophet never said anything about killing the innocent. Rational Muslims must declare a Jihad on the false Jihad.
Ghazal Omid (8/12/2007)
The writer is an Exile Iranian Political Activist, A Shia Scholar and an Author of "Living in Hell"

As a child every Muslim girl learns that she needs to be good, do her prayers five times daily and know that God is more than just a word. He is closer to our body than our veins and He sees and hears everything, as we say in Arabic many times over in our five daily prayers. He said so Himself.

This closeness means God watches us as we make our daily decisions in everything we do; from laundry to politicking and playing God with people's lives. Our Creator has said many times over in the holy books, Torah, Bible and Koran, that He watches us without resting. He says this not to scare us but to give us assurance we can lean on him in thick and thin. We can seek Him and He will answer. It is not to make Him important, even though He is, but to let us know that He knows who is who and what we are doing.

Muslims believe in an afterlife as the Prophet taught in the holy Koran. It seems surreal that what we were taught as sacred is now regularly on the daily news. Seems to me the Muslim Afterlife has become more a fad than the real deal. Everything from virgins to heaven seems to be for sale!
Bin Laden, Al Qaeda and other Islamist teach that you can buy your way to heaven by killing innocent non-Muslims! That blasphemous concept was not in the lesson plan when I studied Islam. I am still trying to figure out, where did the Prophet say that you can kill the innocent and go to heaven?

Once upon time, Muslim children were taught they should behave and do good things because their book of deeds will be opened in front of everyone in the afterlife. There was a time when children were told that if they do naughty things, God would let everyone in the afterlife who comes to get their assignment to Heaven or Hell know about their misuse of Islam or any other religion. Children became good people, embraced, fear out of respect and, of course, deep love for God during their adult years.Money was never part of the Islam agenda until Bin Laden become the entrepreneur Muslim!

We were taught that the Prophet himself (Peace be upon him) was the symbol of kindness. As a moderate Muslim, perhaps I should be the last to admit this but I am very distraught when non-Muslims challenge me about the time of Prophet Mohamad and recite a litany of disturbing stories, some with a hint of truth and some entirely bogus.

My blood boils when people wrongly judge a Prophet who was so kind. I have studied his path that he used to pass on the same street every day, allowing a non believer to insult and pour hot ashes on him. After many years of heaping abuse on the Prophet, when the man became sick, Prophet went to his bedside, calling him friend and asking about his health.

It bothers me when people seem to have an On and Off switch for history and jump from the 21st century to 1400 and judge Prophet Mohamad based on what they see today. As heart broken as I am, I can not really blame them because I too am upset with the behavior of some ignorant individuals who call themselves Muslims.

When sincere but uninformed people judge the actions of Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) based on the actions of a bunch of killers of innocents such as the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Bin Laden, Khomeini and Khamani, I do not blame the questioners and can offer little defense because we, as Muslims, don't do anything to stop these contemporary madmen. So, what can we expect of others who don't share our knowledge and belief in the Prophet.

As a Muslim, my pain doubles. It is my Muslim duty to stand up to those who insult the Prophet but first I must stand up to the men who use Him and destroy our Prophet's legacy as they destroy Islam that he worked so hard to bring to his good followers. What is our mission? When a Muslim is called to a Jihad, he is not called to kill but to defend his religion. That is the meaning of the word Jihad and the true purpose: to defend our religion when it is threatened. Our religion has been hijacked by so-called Islamist. A billion Muslims are suffering the consequences of a bunch of Pirates calling themselves Muslims and we do absolutely nothing to censure or stop them.

They are killing the innocent, robbing, bombing and turning our children into the next generation of suicide bombers to bargain for Heaven, or, more likely, Hell. I challenge my fellow Muslims to ask themselves, if Prophet Mohamad was here would he agree with this? If your answer is No, you ought to stop this madness. You ought to stand up.

Our God, the God of Creation who created 124,000 prophets, in giving us books mentioned in the Koran, called five of his prophets the greatest men of three religions: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohamad. He has created every man, woman and child in this world and he is the only one who can give a life or take a life.

When the Taliban commits the great sin of taking hostage innocent Korean civilians and kills them while calling themselves Muslims, I am at the end of my talking point. I can no longer tell non-Muslims, you can't say that about my religion or prophet because I myself am guilty of doing nothing!

Remember, on the day that we go back for judgment, God says, "I am going to place you in rows." He doesn't say, Row One Christians. Row Two Muslims. Row Three 3 Jews. He said in Rows. You shall stand and you shall answer. He will ask, "What you have done for me?" We may be tempted to answer, "Dear God, you didn't need anything." He is going to tell us, "No, I didn't but your neighbor did. Your friends did. And, he is going to ask all of us, "Why, as Muslims didn't you stand up to the Taliban and demand freedom for the innocent the day you heard the news of innocent people becoming their hostage? Why didn't you say that God will never forgive the man killers who wrap themselves in phony religious protection?

He is going to tell us He will not forgive the Muslims because they didn't stand up to the religious charlatans. Even though we knew this was the right thing to do, we didn't do it. God has said many times, not only to his prophets but also to others, "You will feel me in your heart." While you are reading this article, close your eyes knowing that killing the innocent in the name of God is "Haraam" or Taboo in Islam. Then you will know that God has spoken to you.

Every Muslim must demand today, "Stop killing the innocent and free the hostages." Or, in your after life, you will be answering to God Himself for not standing up for the truth.

The misnamed Jihad responsible for the atrocities now enveloping our world is the real threat to the future of Islam. Rational Muslims must declare a Jihad on the false Jihad.

Don't just stand on the side walk waiting for someone else to do something. Muslims must shout, "Spare the innocent. Release the hostages. Stop playing God with people's lives in the name of God."

Ghazal OMID.
Shiah Islam Scholar
Author, Living in Hell
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

"When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one... When you gaze into the abyss, it also gazes into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2007, 02:45:20 PM »
The writings of this moronic woman should be disregarded.

This brain dead fool continues to call the pedophile, mass murderer, liar, terrorist, thief Moham a prophet.

There's only two kinds of good mooozies.

The ones at room temperature, no longer wasting oxygen...and ex-mooozies.

As long as this woman hasn't renounced Mo and Islam, she must be regarded as an idiot and an enemy. 


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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2007, 08:32:27 PM »
Of course they are.  >:(

Ghazal OMID.
Shiah Islam Scholar
Author, Living in Hell

Says it all damn Mullahs they lot of them.

Iranians are great ones for claiming how peaceful they are, yeah right, tell that to the endless bodies that are eaten by camel spiders.

And just ask a real Irainian Jew how safe it is living on their cities and working on their streets.

I am mean the real Jews not the Irainians that claim to be jews, huge difference.

Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2007, 09:04:25 PM »
She does not represent the majority of muslims, true muslims are radical terrorists.


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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2007, 09:06:23 PM »
She does not represent the majority of muslims, true muslims are radical terrorists.

So you are sayings theres good muslims?

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2007, 09:14:31 PM »
Sorry there is not one good muslim! >:(


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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2007, 09:19:01 PM »
yeah we know that but not sure that Lou is on about tho  :-\


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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2007, 12:10:41 AM »
The Prophet never said anything about killing the innocent
:::D oh that was too funny!

First of all, thats no "prophet", secondly, all he ever did was kill, rape, loot, molest....and who is "innocent" in islam exactly?

Offline q_q_

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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2007, 03:26:13 AM »
There's an Italian "sheikh" who also says The Koran doesn't sanction violence. In fact he is very Pro-Israel and says The Koran says Israel belongs to The Jews. I don't think he's using taqiyya. He's just making Islam what he wants it to be just like Sarah used to do when she was a Muslim. Neither are/were real Muslims.

Sheikh Professor Dr Abdul Hadi Palazzi, an amazing guy, has some fascinating articles going into some detail. I think he has islammic qualifications, is an Alim.  I wouldn`t say he is not a real muslim!   He has refuted many people that make claims againts islam, there are instances of that on the web. But I haven`t seen a debate between him and a (knowledgeable) muslim. They tend to just slander him.

Most muslims, knowledgeable or not, are anti israel, and knowledgeable ex muslims have islam pegged as a violent religion, and mohammed as an evil man, so , from the start of islam.

Personally, I just say that looking at what some "true" islam is, some theoretical islam, is to take a theological position as to what is true islam and what is not.  It`s really irrelevant.  To get into a discussion over whether Osama Bin Laden is a true muslim or not, is to concede that I care or know what is the true understanding of islam.  What is relevant is *the reality of islam*. The reality is they are terrorists or supporters of terrorists, and they hate us.
I have been partly influenced in understanding by Walid Shoebat. He believes islam is an evil religion, like nazism. Infact, he thinks it is like a satanic inversion of the bible.   But he doesn`t always made that case, sometimes he skips that stage and says what is relevant is the reality of islam.  There were some interviews with him on the tovia singer show that were not archived. And there is no more multimedia section on his website. Nevertheless, he has some stuff on youtube.   Walid though can quite fairly make that case that islam is an evil religion, he is an ex muslim, so he had a theological position on it. 

There are sometimes some rooms on paltalk (paltalk is a chat program, nothing to do with so-called arabs!), rooms where knowledgeable ex muslims debunk islam and debate muslims.  One of these guys has made some videos
click "see all 233 videos" bottom right, and you get
Another person, not an ex muslim, but a brilliant female, with a very pleasant voice..

Most muslims do not know the history of islam, neither do they know arabic.  Because they only know what they were told to make them believe islam.  Dawa - islammic propagation.missionary work, does not include much islammic history or arabic. 

I might get Craig Winn`s book , that may have the history, all from islammic sources. And maybe Robert Spencer`s book(s).  Though I don`t really care about islam .   

When I was in a muslim area I used to have muslim friends I used to argue with. Mostly them trying to convert me and me proving them wrong. I never really showed them mohammed was evil. I just learnt islam from them and countered their arguments.

Do check out the famous " Believe It Or Else " / islam comic book.  It`s hilarious


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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2007, 03:57:48 AM »
Now let me see............

They stink, they're cruel, violent, sadistic, phsycotic and kill everthing that moves......................... Yep! They're muslims allright.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2007, 07:57:10 AM »
Time for a new aviator newman! ;)


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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2007, 09:11:49 AM »
The Koran says Israel belongs to The Jews

It does say that, AND for Jerusalem being sooooooooo important to the muslims (3rd holiest, if Im not mistaken, I lose track they have so many 'holiest' sites) its not mentioned even once, their entire claim is some dream old baby raping mo had, as told by his child rape victim wife, and doesnt even mention it by name, just to the 'furthest mosque', except there was no mosque there in his lifetime.... ??? how could that mean Jerusalem?

There are a few muslims who will talk like this, however their heads usually end up on the chopping block, the greatest sin in islam is to question it.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2007, 09:29:56 AM »
I think we should invite muslims here to debate things and find out what their favorite animal is.We need to share in their diversity.
Nah just kidding! :::D


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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2007, 10:01:01 AM »
I think we should invite muslims here to debate things and find out what their favorite animal is.We need to share in their diversity.
Nah just kidding! :::D

Ok how this you disagree and chop chop  8;) for diversity we can use a big sword or a little one.  :::D

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2007, 10:06:52 AM »
I hate Diversity.Its a code word know!Keep us from the strangers ways!


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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2007, 10:07:47 AM »
and find out what their favorite animal is

well according to the youtube video i saw....donkeys :D


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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2007, 10:13:08 AM »
Poor little donkeys

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2007, 10:17:00 AM »
No I think its the pig! O0


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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2007, 10:23:16 AM »
Damn I don't have a piggie one  :::D


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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2007, 12:07:45 PM »
By the very definitions set out by moe, and the koran, anyone who does not FULLY submit and follow the koran and teachings of moe without question, is not a muslim.  The real muslims are the ones we see frothing at the mouth in their "death to America" , "death to Israel" or "death to whoever they are mad at that day" marches.  They can wear the silly clothes, bow to a rock 5 times a day and only read the less offensive passages, but unless they follow islam blindly and totally they arent really muslims by the definitions set out by moe.

Offline q_q_

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Re: Are Taliban Really Muslims? - Intresting artical
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2007, 12:37:08 PM »
The Koran says Israel belongs to The Jews

It does say that, AND for Jerusalem being sooooooooo important to the muslims (3rd holiest, if Im not mistaken, I lose track they have so many 'holiest' sites) its not mentioned even once, their entire claim is some dream old baby raping mo had, as told by his child rape victim wife, and doesnt even mention it by name, just to the 'furthest mosque', except there was no mosque there in his lifetime.... ??? how could that mean Jerusalem?

There are a few muslims who will talk like this, however their heads usually end up on the chopping block, the greatest sin in islam is to question it.

also, I think sheikh palazzi points to a verse(ayah) in the quran whose tafsir(commentary all muslims accept), says jerusalem belongs to us.  The verse is something like   They have their kibla(direction of prayer), and we have ours.
This is referring to them having macca and us jerusalem.

Personally, I am not interested in debating muslims, unless maybe, they start with me.   But the easiest thing is just point out that mohammed married a 6 year old girl and consumated the marriage at 9. They will say that is not pedophilia since apparently she had reached puberty. Fact is, there are was a story of a 5 year old girl in peru that menstruated.  She is still a 5 year old girl.    They will admit he did that with a girl. Was mohammed a pedophile? They will say no, but let the jury decide. This story about the girl 6 9 (ohh, there`s a pun!!)  is told in Hadith Sahih Bukhari and maybe Sahih Muslim too. Sahih means "Sound/Reliable"  All hadith are authentic, some are considered more reliable than others, but that is a collection of ones they call reliable - ones that have a good isnad(chain of transmission), and I presume they think, do not contradict the quran.    You really want to get into this nonsense?
You`ll end up having to make the forum moderated, because of all the muslims posting anti-semitic garbage.   

Kahane never tried to win over muslims.
You could try converting them to christianity, that can work. But those that are, are usually not won over by logic, buy by the old christian love thing. Any honest muslim knows islam has no basis, but it unites them against the jews, so it makes a good weapon. Either way, for reason mentioned, I think this isn`t the place for it.