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Democrats are obsessed with death. They murder babies through abortion, they applaud Hamas murderers, and when they are in the position of prosecutor like Commie'le Harris, they let murderers out on the streets while prosecuting law-abiding citizens. They even listen to death metal, and death-themed music.
General Discussion / Re: Gender is binary. Race is not.
« Last post by Binyamin Yisrael on August 28, 2024, 06:50:39 PM »
White, black and Middle Eastern are meaningless terms in Torah law.

On a Jewish forum, Torah law should be more important than science.

You're the one that brought Torah Law into this. I simply attacked the liberals for acting like all non-whites and those they deem to be non-white are all the same.


Please promote this important video everywhere possible.



No apologies. I wish this strain of COVID was deadly and they all dropped dead. And, no hyperbole, America is finished if Kamala is elected. With Trump, it'll just be on life support.
And after Trump? America is played put for us Jews come home to Israel now!!
It's Israel's black plague.  :thumbsdown:
The neighborhood wasn't much better before the African jigab00s arrived there was FSU pimps,prosttutes,drug dealers,junkies & pick pockets way before the Eritreans & Sudanese ever got here!!!  The Russian underworld made that neighborhood horrible before all those schvartzers arrived!!
General Discussion / Re: Gender is binary. Race is not.
« Last post by Hrvatski Noahid on August 28, 2024, 11:24:44 AM »
Race is based on Science. It has nothing do with Halacha.

You don't know the difference between race and sub-race. "Politically correct" morons doesn't know the difference between race and ethnicity. White is a race. Black is a race. Middle Eastern is not a race. It's a sub-race or ethnicity.

Race is human taxonomy.

White, black and Middle Eastern are meaningless terms in Torah law.

On a Jewish forum, Torah law should be more important than science.
General Discussion / Re: Gender is binary. Race is not.
« Last post by Binyamin Yisrael on August 28, 2024, 11:02:51 AM »
Race is based on Science. It has nothing do with Halacha.

You don't know the difference between race and sub-race. "Politically correct" morons doesn't know the difference between race and ethnicity. White is a race. Black is a race. Middle Eastern is not a race. It's a sub-race or ethnicity.

Race is human taxonomy.

General Discussion / Re: Gender is binary. Race is not.
« Last post by Hrvatski Noahid on August 28, 2024, 12:51:16 AM »

They are Jews. Self-hating Jews are still Jews. In Islam, if someone doesn't want kill all Non-Muslims, he or she is not a Muslim. In Xtianity, someone who doesn't believe in Yeshu is not an Xtian. In Judaism, if you're mother is Jewish, you're Jewish.

A race is "a group of persons related by common descent or heredity."

Obviously, Jews and Gentiles are different races.
Torah and Jewish Idea / Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Last post by Hrvatski Noahid on August 28, 2024, 12:46:09 AM »
With the genetic and memetic mechanisms of human reproduction contextualized within physics, it is now possible to further examine the role of information in the processes of life. Consider, as was previously mentioned, that life processes tend towards complexity and specificity, whereas the rest of the universe tends towards disorder. Indeed, proponents of evolutionary theories are known for their expansive view of life on Earth, which scientists think began with simpler life forms and moved towards more sophisticated organisms over millions of years.

Given that neuroscience and psychology are themselves subsets of the more expansive domain of biology, it would stand to reason that not only would we expect to see a trend towards genetic complexity, but also a trend towards psychological sophistication. To some degree, this would seem to be the case given the progression of world history from small tribal groups to international alliances of hundreds of millions of people. However, before moving immediately to issues of meme propagation, one must first consider how the laws of physics might shape the fundamental mechanisms that guide the processes of human thought.

Karl J. Friston is a member of the Royal Society, a recipient of the Golden Brain Award, and hailed by some as the “genius neuroscientist” whose theories may transform artificial intelligence. Among his many achievements is the provocative, insightful, and surprisingly simple Free Energy Principle, which Friston has proposed as a kind of unified brain theory. Despite the exciting potential of his ideas, they are notorious for their complexity, difficult mathematical style, and almost-tautological nature, and are also infamous for being understood only by Friston himself and perhaps some other select few around the world:

“At Columbia’s psychiatry department, I recently led a journal club for 15 PET and fMRI researchers, PhDs and MDs all, with well over $10 million in NIH grants between us, and we tried to understand Friston’s 2010 Nature Reviews Neuroscience paper – for an hour and a half. There was a lot of mathematical knowledge in the room: three statisticians, two physicists, a physical chemist, a nuclear physicist, and a large group of neuroimagers – but apparently we didn’t have what it took. I met with a Princeton physicist, a Stanford neurophysiologist, a Cold Springs Harbor neurobiologist to discuss the paper. Again blanks, one and all.” (Ticket to Heaven by Zachary R.J. Strong, PDF version, p 107)
General Discussion / Re: Gender is binary. Race is not.
« Last post by Binyamin Yisrael on August 28, 2024, 12:22:46 AM »
That's a good counter point. Jews are both a race and a religion.

Jews are a nation and ethnicity, not a race. Jews are a white ethnic group, not a separate race. Saying Jews are a race is like saying Italians are a race. Both are white ethnic groups. Both are Mediterranean Caucasians. The other Caucasians are Nordic and Alpine. The type of Mediterranean we are is Semitic. Jews also accept converts of any race or ethnicity. But I'm talking about the nation as a whole.

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