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This couldn't be more obvious but I still hear Jews including Israelis who say Biden is a friend of Israel and who hate Trump and claim he is antisemitic.
A vote for Biden is a vote for a two state solution and worse...  It's almost a done deal now and in a second term there will be nothing holding him back from this stupidity... Biden  could not care if Israel ceased to exist... He would never mention it again... What Biden is doing for now is trying to convince the gullible and lulling the suspicious... Jew's and people who support Israel should not vote for Biden or if they are party line democrat voters just not vote for president.
This couldn't be more obvious but I still hear Jews including Israelis who say Biden is a friend of Israel and who hate Trump and claim he is antisemitic.
Obviously not, it will feature Fakensteinian propaganda nonstop.
They will match together hopefully. Keep the wicked together please, God
F's of a feather flock together... The world has larger issues to deal with than this... The Presidential election season is on us... This has implications for the U.S and the entire world going forward... This is where all are efforts should be placed going forward... The rest is luction.
General Discussion / Re: Was the savage Oct. 7 attack scheduled by Putin?
« Last post by cjd on June 03, 2024, 08:13:12 PM »
Does anyone on this forum believe Putin had anything to do with it? Why or why not?
I don't believe Putin needed to get involved in this picture or did... I strongly believe Putin wishes Trump was still in office... I believe Putin actually was hoping to work closer with the United States...The 4 years Trump was in office things were sort of quiet... Trump was a president that believed in working out issues ( Art of the deal)... I believe Trump would have got Russia and the Ukraine to work things out... Neither have a 100% lock on issues that they are killing each other over... The added oil revenue Russia is getting due to Biden's oil policy may have pushed Russia into starting a useless war and at the end of the day there may be buyers remorse on Russia's part.
The fakies interrupted the faggies during the their faggotry march.

General Discussion / Re: The New Testament Teaches Jew Hatred!
« Last post by Hrvatski Noahid on June 03, 2024, 06:57:13 AM »
She makes great videos.
General Discussion / Re: negroes explaining why they attack jews
« Last post by cjd on June 03, 2024, 06:54:20 AM »
                                                                                                                                            :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  Never any valid justification or rationale for
  these ignorant ungrateful beasts to even think of
  these type of wicked actions or thoughts and is really
  no wonder why they are cursed in the Bible.
  “Those” that have a ‘mindset’ like that and do these
  things have to be dealt with at the very least,
  in an equally harsh manner!
This is an issue that has been building for well over 50+ years... Back in the 1960's liberal Jews put in a great deal of time and effort organizing the Negro civil rights movement... What they ever thought they were going to get out of this was a mystery to me then and still is to some extent this very day... What Jews got in repayment was a good kick in the rump from blacks and distain from a large part of the rational American population by organizing a movement that may have died on the vine...  Truth be told a large part of the black population has taken this help and have become productive and just want to live in peace however there is the part that just can't make the transition into humanity... This is the segment that is being instigated into violence by socialist liberals as a useful tool to destroy the country... Jews are the first victims in this mix...  The Biden administration spends most of its time pitting population groups against each other possibly to distract the population for noticing destructive policy it puts in place each day... Sadly unless people start voting differently and remove the race baiters from power this issue will only become worse.
General Discussion / Urgent prayer
« Last post by Hrvatski Noahid on June 03, 2024, 03:32:09 AM »
Please pray for a complete recovery of Rabbi Singer's father:

Shlomo Zalman HaKohen ben Leah
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