General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ari on March 18, 2008, 12:39:04 AM
I haven't. >:( :(
I haven't. >:( :(
Yes i actually attempted it they have a way you have to relax yourself and first pick a point in the room where you want to go for starters.When i felt it happening i got scared and stopped
I've had several supernatural type experiences.
many times i have been, i was for some reason scared of what might happen even in a short term affect
no but i have had an out of super natural experience with my body. :::D
nope, only an out of mind experience :D
Yes. A long time ago I attempted it and, like Mord, got scared when it actually happened. Didn't try it again.
is there some online tutorial ?
Guys what i am telling you i have not told anyoneelse when i was 8 to 10 years old i was sleeping in my bed late at night i saw my self floating like my body was still there but you can say my spirit was going upwards i couldnt move next thing i know i was in a room filled with demons after sometimes my spirit went inside my body and i woke up.Now this could be a dream but at that time it felt very real
Now those who say this was a dream i was born prematurely i think 2 weeks early and when i was born my father and other doctors say that my heart had stopped beating for 10-20 seconds it means i had went to heaven and then returned ;D
Guys what i am telling you i have not told anyoneelse when i was 8 to 10 years old i was sleeping in my bed late at night i saw my self floating like my body was still there but you can say my spirit was going upwards i couldnt move next thing i know i was in a room filled with demons after sometimes my spirit went inside my body and i woke up.Now this could be a dream but at that time it felt very real
That's one reason I don't think anyone should actually attempt to do an OBE. You never know what kind of danger you could be putting your soul, mind, or body in.
Guys what i am telling you i have not told anyoneelse when i was 8 to 10 years old i was sleeping in my bed late at night i saw my self floating like my body was still there but you can say my spirit was going upwards i couldnt move next thing i know i was in a room filled with demons after sometimes my spirit went inside my body and i woke up.Now this could be a dream but at that time it felt very real
That's one reason I don't think anyone should actually attempt to do an OBE. You never know what kind of danger you could be putting your soul, mind, or body in.
Dude i didnt try anything i was very young at that time was just sleeping
I remember one time I was driving out in the middle of nowhere (no gas station in either direction for probably 20 miles) and looked down to realize I was out of gas. I had forgotten to fill up and remembered being very low on gas before I left and was upset with myself. My cell phone was dead. I was in trouble. I was driving on fumes.
I started praying and asking Hashem to help me. I looked down... and to my utter amazement, watched my gas gage slowly move up to a quarter of a tank - while I was driving!
Nothing was wrong with the gage and I tracked the gas so I knew it was truly empty to begin with. I now had a little over a quarter of a tank which got me to the next gas station perfectly.
It still amazes me to this day. You have no idea how amazed I was. It still astounds me!
I remember one time I was driving out in the middle of nowhere (no gas station in either direction for probably 20 miles) and looked down to realize I was out of gas. I had forgotten to fill up and remembered being very low on gas before I left and was upset with myself. My cell phone was dead. I was in trouble. I was driving on fumes.
I started praying and asking Hashem to help me. I looked down... and to my utter amazement, watched my gas gage slowly move up to a quarter of a tank - while I was driving!
Nothing was wrong with the gage and I tracked the gas so I knew it was truly empty to begin with. I now had a little over a quarter of a tank which got me to the next gas station perfectly.
It still amazes me to this day. You have no idea how amazed I was. It still astounds me!
Wow wow!!
Here is continuation to what happend when i was in hell(if i can say that) it was like inside of a pyramid and i was trying to avoid all the demons there i cant remember but i think they saw me and i also talked to them after sometimes my spirit was transfered back to my body and as soon as it fully enterd the body i woke up this has to be a dream right :(
this has to be a dream right :(
Did you feel yourself be pushed back into your body or just woke up from your dream?
Also, were you able to control your actions? And final question...all throughout this dream, did you feel or knew it was a dream?
I cant remember correctly as i had previously stated i was very young at that time its hard to explain first i couldnt move when my spirit was going out of my body the position of my spirit was same as mine that is my spirit was not standing up but was resting like i was after it returned from hell it enterd my body in the same resting position and as soon as it enterd i woke up
Hmm, not being able to move, eh? It could have just been a night terror then.
If you were young, then there was no reason for you to go to "hell"in a dream. You were just an innocent child. So in my opinion, it was just a nightmare.
One more thing i forgot to tell you guys for some reason ::) that place was populated with muslims :::D :::D :::D
I remember one time I was driving out in the middle of nowhere (no gas station in either direction for probably 20 miles) and looked down to realize I was out of gas. I had forgotten to fill up and remembered being very low on gas before I left and was upset with myself. My cell phone was dead. I was in trouble. I was driving on fumes.
I started praying and asking Hashem to help me. I looked down... and to my utter amazement, watched my gas gage slowly move up to a quarter of a tank - while I was driving!
Nothing was wrong with the gage and I tracked the gas so I knew it was truly empty to begin with. I now had a little over a quarter of a tank which got me to the next gas station perfectly.
It still amazes me to this day. You have no idea how amazed I was. It still astounds me!
I had a 1970 GTO and when I opened up the throttle I could see the gas gauge slowly move from half a tank to a quarter tank and then to empty but I don't think there was anything supernatural about that.
I think that happens to those that eat bad Mexican food and " Run for the border "
Hmm, not being able to move, eh? It could have just been a night terror then.
If you were young, then there was no reason for you to go to "hell"in a dream. You were just an innocent child. So in my opinion, it was just a nightmare.
One more thing i forgot to tell you guys for some reason ::) that place was populated with muslims :::D :::D :::D
:::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
Spot on!!!!
Hmm, not being able to move, eh? It could have just been a night terror then.
If you were young, then there was no reason for you to go to "hell"in a dream. You were just an innocent child. So in my opinion, it was just a nightmare.
One more thing i forgot to tell you guys for some reason ::) that place was populated with muslims :::D :::D :::D
:::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
Spot on!!!!
exactly :::D :::D :::D
Hmm, not being able to move, eh? It could have just been a night terror then.
If you were young, then there was no reason for you to go to "hell"in a dream. You were just an innocent child. So in my opinion, it was just a nightmare.
One more thing i forgot to tell you guys for some reason ::) that place was populated with muslims :::D :::D :::D
Ya, if you saw lots of muslims, it was definitely hell! lol
Yes, when I was fifteen years old, I awoke one night and looked towards my right side. I then noticed that I was seeing my room by from atleast three feet above my bed. I then thought, "Am I dying? Am I dead?"
Then I got so scared that I felt myself shoot back into my body and woke up gasping. I was not under the influence of any substance and I have never had such an experience before or since.
When you feel like you cant move it is your spirit that left to visit another place that happened to me once i saw people in my family that were dead for a couple of years
Shlomo I think that's a wonderful story and I believe you. I've heard other people say that kind of thing happened for them too, that God provided for them just when they needed it most.
God is awesome!
Sleep paralysis can be caused if your mind wakes up while your body is still in a state of REM sleep (REM sleep paralyzes your muscles so you don't act out your dreams). Although I noticed that it helps to pray if I get scared during sleep paralysis incidents. That way it seems to end very quickly, but if I just keep trying to struggle to move it takes longer.
i do the same
Great story Shlomo. I have had that falling thing Mills.
Yes, but in the back of my mind I still kind of knew I was dreaming so it wasn't too bad.
Well at least for me, it's a feeling of falling back. It's just so weird.
uh...yeah...that happens after a few bottles :::D :::D :::D :::D
So, is it like, your standing on a roof, and then the roof colapses, and you can actually feelyourself falling to the groumd, and the experience is so reaal. does that count towards what were talking about?
I sure have!
Listen to what happened to me just last night...
I went to sleep a little earlier than usual; it had been a long day.
Suddenly I was sound asleep...almost as soon as my head lay on the pillow.
I couldn't sleep well, so I just woke myself up, fixed a hot cup of potent coffee, and got dressed.
Then I noticed a body was in my bedroom.
But it wasn't just any body.
My own body was in my bed.
Sound asleep.
I grabbed my car keys and headed out the back door.
Things were just getting a little too creepy if you know what I mean.
Was my body dead?
No, I wasn't dead...at least not yet.
Which is exactly why I decided not to leave any "evidence".
I walked back inside, up the stairs, loaded my .45 Colt. and fired three slugs right into my own body which was sound asleep in my bed.
Bullets seemed to have no effect on me, and the loud "pop" "pop" "pop" didn't wake me up either!
Was I actually the person I was watching in my own bed snoring like a log?
Or was all this something to do with "the Jane"?
You know what I mean..."Boo"...Texas Tea"...
No way, Jose...Joy Powder was on my mind!
I mean, like either me with the carkeys, or the other guy in my bed was "stemming it", so it was time to ride.
I reached into the glove compartment, pulled out "Map To the Hollywood Stars", and stepped on the gas.
All of a sudden a thought exploded in my head, just like a long draw on a bottle of cheap whiskey...
If I was out of my body, then who was asleep in my bed?...and who was it now crashing my own car right through the front door of the 32nd Precinct?
Come and get me, G-Man! You can't touch this! I'm not just me, but me!...unnerstand?...
Faster faster faster...That's it! I'll take it over the cliff! ha ha ha ha!....That'll teach them all a lesson! ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!
I sure have!
Listen to what happened to me just last night...
I went to sleep a little earlier than usual; it had been a long day.
Suddenly I was sound asleep...almost as soon as my head lay on the pillow.
I couldn't sleep well, so I just woke myself up, fixed a hot cup of potent coffee, and got dressed.
Then I noticed a body was in my bedroom.
But it wasn't just any body.
My own body was in my bed.
Sound asleep.
I grabbed my car keys and headed out the back door.
Things were just getting a little too creepy if you know what I mean.
Was my body dead?
No, I wasn't dead...at least not yet.
Which is exactly why I decided not to leave any "evidence".
I walked back inside, up the stairs, loaded my .45 Colt. and fired three slugs right into my own body which was sound asleep in my bed.
Bullets seemed to have no effect on me, and the loud "pop" "pop" "pop" didn't wake me up either!
Was I actually the person I was watching in my own bed snoring like a log?
Or was all this something to do with "the Jane"?
You know what I mean..."Boo"...Texas Tea"...
No way, Jose...Joy Powder was on my mind!
I mean, like either me with the carkeys, or the other guy in my bed was "stemming it", so it was time to ride.
I reached into the glove compartment, pulled out "Map To the Hollywood Stars", and stepped on the gas.
All of a sudden a thought exploded in my head, just like a long draw on a bottle of cheap whiskey...
If I was out of my body, then who was asleep in my bed?...and who was it now crashing my own car right through the front door of the 32nd Precinct?
Come and get me, G-Man! You can't touch this! I'm not just me, but me!...unnerstand?...
Faster faster faster...That's it! I'll take it over the cliff! ha ha ha ha!....That'll teach them all a lesson! ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!
ehm...is that a joke? or did it actually happen!? ??? :o
I wish I could.
I'd like to get out of my body and have some of the fun that Russell Crowe or Warren Beatty have with theirs! :D
Re: "...ehm...is that a joke? or did it actually happen!?..."
That depends on whom you ask: Me, or that other me asleep in my bed! :D :( ;D
Re: "...ehm...is that a joke? or did it actually happen!?..."
That depends on whom you ask: Me, or that other me asleep in my bed! :D :( ;D
:::D :::D Now don't start confusing me!
Re: "...Now don't start confusing me!..."
I get it now! :o
Re: "...Now don't start confusing me!..."
I get it now! :o
not as in confusing my s..ual identity, if that is what your refering to :::D :::D :D
Re: "...Now don't start confusing me!..."
I get it now! :o
not as in confusing my s..ual identity, if that is what your refering to :::D :::D :D
lol :::D