General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: nikmatdam on July 18, 2008, 01:23:22 AM
this is why we shouldn't listen to anything america has to say on any matter whatsoever... nik.
Let's Learn About "Peace" From Pinchas
Weekly Parsha Commentary by Binyamin Zev Kahane
Translated by Lenny Goldberg
The concept of "peace" has been so badly distorted in this generation, that the very mention of the word has come to represent a specific political point of view. What is even worse is that when an opposing point of view adopts this concept, they are compelled to adopt the same axioms of the "new" and twisted interpretation of the concept of peace.
The Torah Policy of Peace
Though it is not an easy task, we suggest examining the original concept of "peace" as it was meant to be understood in our sources. In such a way we will be able to map out our "basic policy guidelines" for Torah peace that, with G-d's help, will eventually guide the Jewish government in the land of Israel.
The original source for learning the proper interpretation for the concept of "peace" is from Pinchas, who embodies the ultimate man of peace. Why him? Because he is the man who G-d Himself chose to give the covenant of peace. Such a covenant was not even given to his grandfather Aaron the Cohen, who was coined "lover and pursuer of peace"! Pinchas' attribute of "peace" was on a higher level than Aaron's. In this article we will try to understand why.
Peace with the Wicked is not Peace
The question that begs asking in Parshat Pinchas is: "Why was Pinchas given of all things, the covenant of peace? Wouldn't it have been more appropriate to give him the covenant of zealousness, or the covenant of saving Israel, or the convenant of saving the honor of Israel, etc. Does not Pinchas' act of killing represent the absolute opposite of today's concept of "peace"??
It is this very question which portrays the confusion and perversion of concepts relating to the idea of "peace". After all, what has peace come to mean today? It means shaking hands with evil (and the more evil he is, the grander the peace is, for "peace you make with enemies"), saying "Peace, Shalom, Saalam," and being photographed on the White House lawn - hoping that now they will stop killing you. In other words, the new and distorted concept of "peace" means that one comes to terms, or makes peace with the evil.
Obviously, for any logically thinking person, this definition does not go down "smooth". After all, normal instincts say that no good can come about by giving in to evil and making peace with it. Nonetheless, many people get dragged along behind the distorted interpretion, due to lack of an alternate interpretion. And so, against their will, they take the lofty and holy concept of "peace" - and start defining it in ways that they themselves have doubts about.
First Step - Uprooting of Evil
What we must do then, is to rescue the concept of peace, and define it properly so that we can restore the holiness of the concept. By doing so, not only will we know the Jewish definition of the concept, but we will have the added benefit of not having to associate the holy concept of peace with the abominable ideas of murderous Western leaders!
Pinchas' act of killing Zimri and afterwards meriting the peace covenant teaches us that the Torah's way of bringing peace is by making the world a better place. The first step towards this goal is the uprooting of evil and evil-doers from the world. "Sur Me Rah" - turn from evil, or remove evil - this is the first step in making the world a better place. On the other hand, making peace with evil, or even worse, giving in to it, is the very opposite step that one can take if he wants to arrive at peace.
Peace is not the mixing of good and evil and the attempt to create a coexistence between them, as we have been trained to think! The very opposite. There is no coexistence between good and evil, nor is there partnership between good people and evil people! The Master of the Universe expects from the righteous that they will burn out the evil from the world - "and you shall burn out the evil from thy midst", the Torah commands us in so many places - and only in such a way will peace reign in the world.
Pincahs Didn't Cry
This concept is so powerful, that the sages compare the offering of sacrifices on the altar which is a symbol of peace -- to the killing of the wicked. "To teach you, that when the blood of the wicked is spilled, it is as if a sacrifice was offered". (Tanchuma, Pinchas, 1) For these are the two sides to the peace - remove yourself from evil - do good. There is not one without the other.
That is why Pinchas was worthy of receiving the peace coveneant. For when all the leaders, including Moshe and Aaron cried ("and they cried") from the wicked's threat, hiding themselves in their tents or in their yeshivas, the younger Pinchas arose, and eradicated the evil. True, his grandfather Aaron was a symbol of the love and pursual of peace, but evidently he was weaker in the area of uprooting evil. And since there is no peace without the purging of evil, Aaron had to leave the peace covenant for his grandson Pinchas, who was able to intergrate both sides of the peace.
"As long as the wicked rule in the world, so to speak, the Holy One Blessed Be He does not sit on his throne." (Yilkot Shmoney, Tehilim 47)
Pinchas was completely righteous but he did not act on an impulse. He carried out the law as Moshe taught, but Moshe was unable to respond to this threat because he could not respond to Zimris question about why Moshe was able to have a Midianite woman while they were forbidden to Bne Yisroel. Moshe and Aaron cried because they felt so close to the Holy Land, the 40 years was up, and the people fell into immorality again. And the people had good reason to doubt Pinchas because he was descended from Yitro, a renowned convert who used to fatten cows for Idol worship. This is why Torah repeats the fact that Pinchas geneology from his fathers side is from Elezear son of Aaron HaKohen.
Pinchas asked Moshe what the law was concerning the wanton sexual immorality with a non-Jew in front of Moshe and in front of the Tent of Meeting. Moshe had already told him the law concerning this but he could not act. So Pinchas seized the moment and acted righteously and zealously. Because of his deed Pinchas was rewarded with the Brit HaShalom {covenent of peace}.
It is true that peace is a hard to define state. Peace as the American hippies of the 60s understand it cannot last. Peace must be be obtained through struggle. Just as Judaism admits there is a struggle between freedom and slavery, we also see a struggle between peace and conflict. In order to maintain peace we must be strong and uphold a rigorous set of rules. We cannot let everyone do what they want or else the peace is broken.
Read my Parasha talk @ http://lgfsucks.wordpress.com
I gather you consider America evil. I see more good from America than evil. I consider the Islamic states far more evil than America. If you hate America so much why are you living here?
I gather you consider America evil. I see more good from America than evil. I consider the Islamic states far more evil than America. If you hate America so much why are you living here?
Muman, I believe you are DIRECTLY sent from HaShem. Dont get offended, but I do.
Thank you for your kind thoughts. I am sent just like everyone else on a mission. I feel that my mission is to find the truth. I am not perfect, but I learn every day. I believe Judaism has much wisdom and that a wise man is able to apply the wisdom he learns to his life.
I do believe that peace is the ultimate dream. We all yearn for the era of Moshiach which will be a time of peace and prosperity. But at the same time we live in the world of struggle. The rabbis have taught that everything is from Hashem, both the good and the bad. This is how I deal with the untimely death of my brother. He died while working in the world trade center on 9/11 for Cantor Fitzgerald. It is believed he was one of the jumpers. My mother has struggled with Hashem since, but through my teshuva she has become more religious. When I first returned she was skeptical about Hashems existence. But over time her belief has grown. I have also affected my father who calls me every week to discuss the parsha. I feel, like many, that we are in the time right before the coming of Moshiach. Rabbi Mizrachi @ torahanytime.com talks about this quite a bit.
This world has fallen quite a lot since Hashem created it. It is the mission of the Jewish people to repair the damage which occured starting with Adam HaRishon & Chavas sin. I fell very low in my younger years but with Hashems help I was able to survive and prosper. I daven each day for the peace and kindness of Hashem on all creatures.
Shalom and have a Wonderful Shabbat!
Thank you for your kind thoughts. I am sent just like everyone else on a mission. I feel that my mission is to find the truth. I am not perfect, but I learn every day. I believe Judaism has much wisdom and that a wise man is able to apply the wisdom he learns to his life.
I do believe that peace is the ultimate dream. We all yearn for the era of Moshiach which will be a time of peace and prosperity. But at the same time we live in the world of struggle. The rabbis have taught that everything is from Hashem, both the good and the bad. This is how I deal with the untimely death of my brother. He died while working in the world trade center on 9/11 for Cantor Fitzgerald. It is believed he was one of the jumpers. My mother has struggled with Hashem since, but through my teshuva she has become more religious. When I first returned she was skeptical about Hashems existence. But over time her belief has grown. I have also affected my father who calls me every week to discuss the Parasha. I feel, like many, that we are in the time right before the coming of Moshiach. Rabbi Mizrachi @ torahanytime.com talks about this quite a bit.
This world has fallen quite a lot since Hashem created it. It is the mission of the Jewish people to repair the damage which occured starting with Adam HaRishon & Chavas sin. I fell very low in my younger years but with Hashems help I was able to survive and prosper. I daven each day for the peace and kindness of Hashem on all creatures.
Shalom and have a Wonderful Shabbat!
You are a wonderful person, that all would be like you. And I only PRAY that ALL people would focus on Torah- WHAT can a person possibly lose? Only gain.
What a sadness in your family's life, perhaps people should be more reflective considering this situation. Yes, HaShem is GLORIOUS. MARVELOUS. OUTSTANDING and AWESOME. I am glad that you were a strength for them, it had to be something terrible.
You have a WONDERFUL Shabbat- I pray great and wonderful blessings on your life.
america is not evil... only it's sick gov't. is... for they are the ones ramming the plo state down our throats... they are the ones threatening us if we don't go to madrid ('91) or give up the gush ('05)... so yes... they are evil... very, very evil... and ingenius ones too as they have you and most people totally fooled into thinking that they are tzadikim, v'tahorim and heroic-rescuers and lifesavers all over the planet when in reality they are the world's genociders and villains... and not much of anything worth praising or respecting... nik. out...
just like the concept of "human rights" and "amnesty".
good things hijacked by evil people..the same goes with "peace". Words don't mean anything to me anymore.
america is not evil... only it's sick gov't. is... for they are the ones ramming the plo state down our throats... they are the ones threatening us if we don't go to madrid ('91) or give up the gush ('05)... so yes... they are evil... very, very evil... and ingenius ones too as they have you and most people totally fooled into thinking that they are tzadikim, v'tahorim and heroic-rescuers and lifesavers all over the planet when in reality they are the world's genociders and villains... and not much of anything worth praising or respecting... nik. out...
that is taking what I am saying to its crazy extreme. I dont think Bush is any kind of saint nor anyone in government. According to Jewish wisdom a tzaddik should not be a politician. I am not a Bush clone and I never voted for the man. But because of the hatred from the left I have become forgiving of his iniquity. Yes, his Israel policy has turned to dust and he will not stand for the good of Israel. Yes, he is a lame duck who has had to bend over for the liberal democrats. Politics is not righteous and it destroys the soul, IMO.
It is good to shine the light on the immaturity and foolishness of our government. I do not expect America to ever be a Torah observant country. This should be the job of the nation of the Jews, it should be Israels job. If we could all re-unite as the Jewish people and ask Hashem for his forgiveness then maybe we could stand proud against the evil-doers.
Nik, I understand your position and I feel your struggle. I think you want to wake everyone up to the faults which exist in our system. I still am proud of America and want her to succeed. Maybe we can work together and bring all of our souls to follow Hashems commands.
immaturity...? the gov't. is far from childish... they are reshayim... and your giving them a pass like this to downplay the level of their evil is truly sickening and is contributing to the shedding of our blood... both of americans here and jews in israel... don't cut them any slack... they are a pack of wild animals... and bloodthirsty ones at that... and everything you have ever been taught or have learned about amer. history has all been an utter lie... all of it... nik. out...
immaturity...? the gov't. is far from childish... they are reshayim... and your giving them a pass like this to downplay the level of their evil is truly sickening and is contributing to the shedding of our blood... both of americans here and jews in israel... don't cut them any slack... they are a pack of wild animals... and bloodthirsty ones at that... and everything you have ever been taught or have learned about amer. history has all been an utter lie... all of it... nik. out...e
The muslims who did 9/11, planned and implemented, are the wild animals. The US govt who demands Israel to commit suicide, are cold, calculated criminals.
I agree completely with nik's comments about the evil American government. The government is evil and does want to harm little Israel.
thank you for that chaim... i appreciate it... shavuah tov... nik.
immaturity...? the gov't. is far from childish... they are reshayim... and your giving them a pass like this to downplay the level of their evil is truly sickening and is contributing to the shedding of our blood... both of americans here and jews in israel... don't cut them any slack... they are a pack of wild animals... and bloodthirsty ones at that... and everything you have ever been taught or have learned about amer. history has all been an utter lie... all of it... nik. out...e
The muslims who did 9/11, planned and implemented, are the wild animals. The US govt who demands Israel to commit suicide, are cold, calculated criminals.
Exactly. I yearn for the day when they are burning in hell wishing they never messed with Israel in the first place.
Such a shame Nik was banned.... seems all agree on how deprave the governments have become.... Some perhaps more knowledgeable than others but the conclusion is basically the same...
I would like to point out Nik's opinions are very similar to the gentile-hatred seen on some of the garbage boards that get no visitors. I remember one evil moderator named doom777 commenting on how Islam was admirable because they all worshiped God as opposed to America which was all materialistic.
Such a shame Nik was banned.... seems all agree on how deprave the governments have become.... Some perhaps more knowledgeable than others but the conclusion is basically the same...
I sure dont miss him... Maybe you can look for that kind of stuff somewhere else?
PS: I failed to ever find a posting he made which made any sense. It shocks me that so many people here even understand what he was trying to say or do.
PPS: Niks rambling and often offensive posts are being used by our enemies to defame JTF right now, as we post...
Muman613, to quote, perhaps the most knowledgeable individual on this entire forum: MassuhDGoodName, verbatim:
"All of your admonishments directed towards nikmatdam are exactly those things the ancient Israelites thought and said to the Prophets of Ha'Shem.
The Prophets wandered on foot, sparing no one their rambling speech patterns and visions, warning of what was to befall the nation short of their repentance.
They, too, were dismissed as "conspiracy zanies", madmen, hallucinating fools, etc... .
They were also eventually murdered by the "proper" classes who were fed up with those who made them "uncomfortable".
After the prophets were proven to have spoken Truth, the same who murdered them and insulted them forced their children to "canonize" them in speeches and worship services, only to again repeat history irregardless of any lessons learned.
Most recently, as a matter of fact, the Jewish People denounced Rabbi Meir Kahane and his thoughts, demanded his imprisonment and death, ruined his life and the lives of his family; even going so far as ADL & others intervening with the U.S. State Department to make sure the names Kahane and JDL and Kach appeared on the "International Terrorist Organization" List.
Forget nikmatdam's views on the Vatican...I suggest listening to the interviews and reading the books put forth by Father Malachi Martin, someone who was granted privy to the inner chambers of Vatican City as a respected Catholic Priest.
nikmatdam has every right here to be different than yourselves, to think thoughts of which you disapprove, and to communicate in a style of prose unapproved by the "Halls of Academe"."
I doubt it if anyone could have placed it forward more worthy than this individual. I may not have personally agreed with all of his positions but at least this fellow is researching as to why the most obscene things, lies, criminal activity and deceit are occuring while most remain sitting "idly by"....
Muman613, to quote, perhaps the most knowledgeable individual on this entire forum: MassuhDGoodName, verbatim:
"All of your admonishments directed towards nikmatdam are exactly those things the ancient Israelites thought and said to the Prophets of Ha'Shem.
The Prophets wandered on foot, sparing no one their rambling speech patterns and visions, warning of what was to befall the nation short of their repentance.
They, too, were dismissed as "conspiracy zanies", madmen, hallucinating fools, etc... .
They were also eventually murdered by the "proper" classes who were fed up with those who made them "uncomfortable".
After the prophets were proven to have spoken Truth, the same who murdered them and insulted them forced their children to "canonize" them in speeches and worship services, only to again repeat history irregardless of any lessons learned.
Most recently, as a matter of fact, the Jewish People denounced Rabbi Meir Kahane and his thoughts, demanded his imprisonment and death, ruined his life and the lives of his family; even going so far as ADL & others intervening with the U.S. State Department to make sure the names Kahane and JDL and Kach appeared on the "International Terrorist Organization" List.
Forget nikmatdam's views on the Vatican...I suggest listening to the interviews and reading the books put forth by Father Malachi Martin, someone who was granted privy to the inner chambers of Vatican City as a respected Catholic Priest.
nikmatdam has every right here to be different than yourselves, to think thoughts of which you disapprove, and to communicate in a style of prose unapproved by the "Halls of Academe"."
I doubt it if anyone could have placed it forward more worthy than this individual. I may not have personally agreed with all of his positions but at least this fellow is researching as to why the most obscene things, lies, criminal activity and deceit are occuring while most remain sitting "idly by"....
I have yet to see a single thing written by Nik which is educational or pertinent to this forum. You are comparing Nik to a prophet, I read the Prophets and I will tell you that Nik is no prophet. I dont want this to become a personal issue because it is not. The purpose of this forum is for us to be able to express our dislike with the candidate Obama. Other than that I dont think this is a place to discuss each and every conspiracy which pops up.
Please point me to something which Nik said which is relevant? I still fail to see why you think so highly of him. Once you do this then I may change my opinion.
Such a shame Nik was banned.... seems all agree on how deprave the governments have become.... Some perhaps more knowledgeable than others but the conclusion is basically the same...
I sure dont miss him... Maybe you can look for that kind of stuff somewhere else?
PS: I failed to ever find a posting he made which made any sense. It shocks me that so many people here even understand what he was trying to say or do.
PPS: Niks rambling and often offensive posts are being used by our enemies to defame JTF right now, as we post...
You are right I did like his readings but I know everyone read all of it before. Not me :o meh. But i hope they do get ONLY the terrorists that really terrorists that are islamic pure hatred and cowardace.
Muman613, to quote, perhaps the most knowledgeable individual on this entire forum: MassuhDGoodName, verbatim:
"All of your admonishments directed towards nikmatdam are exactly those things the ancient Israelites thought and said to the Prophets of Ha'Shem.
The Prophets wandered on foot, sparing no one their rambling speech patterns and visions, warning of what was to befall the nation short of their repentance.
They, too, were dismissed as "conspiracy zanies", madmen, hallucinating fools, etc... .
They were also eventually murdered by the "proper" classes who were fed up with those who made them "uncomfortable".
After the prophets were proven to have spoken Truth, the same who murdered them and insulted them forced their children to "canonize" them in speeches and worship services, only to again repeat history irregardless of any lessons learned.
Most recently, as a matter of fact, the Jewish People denounced Rabbi Meir Kahane and his thoughts, demanded his imprisonment and death, ruined his life and the lives of his family; even going so far as ADL & others intervening with the U.S. State Department to make sure the names Kahane and JDL and Kach appeared on the "International Terrorist Organization" List.
Forget nikmatdam's views on the Vatican...I suggest listening to the interviews and reading the books put forth by Father Malachi Martin, someone who was granted privy to the inner chambers of Vatican City as a respected Catholic Priest.
nikmatdam has every right here to be different than yourselves, to think thoughts of which you disapprove, and to communicate in a style of prose unapproved by the "Halls of Academe"."
I doubt it if anyone could have placed it forward more worthy than this individual. I may not have personally agreed with all of his positions but at least this fellow is researching as to why the most obscene things, lies, criminal activity and deceit are occuring while most remain sitting "idly by"....
Our prophets did not say that remotely controlled drones with missiles hit buildings and bombs were used to then topple the buildings while thousands of people saw that something else happened and then science proved that what people thought they saw and what the video tapes captured actually did happen while nik is wrong. No, our prophets did not make blunders like nik has been making here.
Perhaps you might try reading some of his books. Have either of you ever waded through Eric Jon Phelps tome "Vatican Assassins"? I can say I have....
You can say what you wish, but I do know that Nik, however wacked out one feels he is, is perhaps more knowledgable and supplies answers to questions/debate far better than many of the other ignorami and collective bashers here.
I've been on this forum perhaps longer than all of you. I've seen people come and go. Nik was ok. People had the choice of reading or not reading.... Instead bashing, mocking censorship and expulsion... I wonder if there is any on this forum that is as knowledgeable as Nik is on Torah, Gamara, Mishna, Zohar or Lomdus? Give the poor fellow a break....
Maybe we should we start a new movement?
Bring Nik Back
Bring Nik Back
Free Nik
Free Nik
Sham out!
:D :D :D
Perhaps you might try reading some of his books. Have either of you ever waded through Eric Jon Phelps tome "Vatican Assassins"? I can say I have....
You can say what you wish, but I do know that Nik, however wacked out one feels he is, is perhaps more knowledgable and supplies answers to questions/debate far better than many of the other ignorami and collective bashers here.
I've been on this forum perhaps longer than all of you. I've seen people come and go. Nik was ok. People had the choice of reading or not reading.... Instead bashing, mocking censorship and expulsion... I wonder if there is any on this forum that is as knowledgeable as Nik is on Torah, Gamara, Mishna, Zohar or Lomdus? Give the poor fellow a break....
MarZutra most of our members did not want to see Nik get banned they just wanted him to ease up a bit on the conspiracy posts. It was a sin for a person with his Torah background to waste all his time posting about conspiracies. The more he was asked to cut back the nuttier the posts became. I follow the forum on the most recent page. It became so discouraging to read some of this stuff that I found myself walking away from the computer because it was post after post for two weeks. Add to this the fact we were getting complaints from some of our gentile membership that they were put off about the constant bashing of the Vatican. If someone like myself who waits all day for the time that I can get on the forum to walk away I can only guess the amount of visitors that were turned away by such posts. The Vatican posts were one thing but to say that the towers were taken down on 911 by the American government using missals is really more than people can accept. I think the issue should drop for a while and possibly Chaim or Shlomo can come to an understanding with Nik about posting more reasonably if he were to return.
Perhaps you might try reading some of his books. Have either of you ever waded through Eric Jon Phelps tome "Vatican Assassins"? I can say I have....
You can say what you wish, but I do know that Nik, however wacked out one feels he is, is perhaps more knowledgable and supplies answers to questions/debate far better than many of the other ignorami and collective bashers here.
I've been on this forum perhaps longer than all of you. I've seen people come and go. Nik was ok. People had the choice of reading or not reading.... Instead bashing, mocking censorship and expulsion... I wonder if there is any on this forum that is as knowledgeable as Nik is on Torah, Gamara, Mishna, Zohar or Lomdus? Give the poor fellow a break....
If he was so knowledgeable why didnt he post anything which contained any knowledge. It is easy to claim all this knowledge but the only way to judge is through writing and communicating. I have no idea where you get the idea he is a Rabbi, has all this torah knowledge, etc. His writings seemed to indicate otherwise.
I dont care what he does or thinks and I have no desire to stop him from speaking... But his writings that I am familiar with dont demonstrate any Torah knowledge aside from what most of us already know. Maybe I am wrong, please point out what it is you are impressed with...
Thank you,
PS: What questions has he answered? It seemed he was copy/pasting pages and pages of nonsense...
You can say what you wish, but I do know that Nik, however wacked out one feels he is, is perhaps more knowledgable and supplies answers to questions/debate far better than many of the other ignorami and collective bashers here.
I've been on this forum perhaps longer than all of you. I've seen people come and go. Nik was ok. People had the choice of reading or not reading.... Instead bashing, mocking censorship and expulsion... I wonder if there is any on this forum that is as knowledgeable as Nik is on Torah, Gamara, Mishna, Zohar or Lomdus? Give the poor fellow a break....
I agree with you that nik was a good guy and had the best intentions, just a few of his ideas were off the wall and incorrect and he will refuse to accept reason on them. That can happen with anyone. But the problem was that he broke the requests of Chaim again and again and again, so someone canned him. I don't like that people bashed nik, but it tends to get rowdy on this forum so I zone it out sometimes. I don't think people should be flaming nik.
Our prophets did not say that remotely controlled drones with missiles hit buildings and bombs were used to then topple the buildings while thousands of people saw that something else happened and then science proved that what people thought they saw and what the video tapes captured actually did happen while nik is wrong. No, our prophets did not make blunders like nik has been making here.
Stop making generalizations about him just because you disagree with what he said.
Our prophets did not say that remotely controlled drones with missiles hit buildings and bombs were used to then topple the buildings while thousands of people saw that something else happened and then science proved that what people thought they saw and what the video tapes captured actually did happen while nik is wrong. No, our prophets did not make blunders like nik has been making here.
Stop making generalizations about him just because you disagree with what he said.
Well, people on some other forum said I was a f-n ahole for taking up for nik, who is a Rabbi, I was also named a moron b/c of it. If I stood by a Rabbi, even though I did NOT agree, I will say in the end here- I AM NOT GUILTY.
Basically, if showing Love to a Rabbi is wrong, then simply put, I dont want to be right.
Even if he was all totally wrong 100%, I know that I will NOT be held accountable, because I showed respect that ANY Rabbi deserves.
(Besides, one person with 'conspiracies' is HARDLY worse than the racism I see against the black race as a whole here.)
Same as a Priest, Minister, Pastor, etc (for people of the Chriatian Faith)
EXCEPT those in leadership that do that absolute UNTHINKABLE.
You've all heard Ol-MarZutra's position re: Nik, even via simply using his post which started this thread and too Chaim affording him credit... Anyone who doubts Nik's knowledge on Torah, perhaps there should be a thread "Ask The Rabbi" and bring Nik back to specifically answer Jewishly related questions... My 2 cents...
You've all heard Ol-MarZutra's position re: Nik, even via simply using his post which started this thread and too Chaim affording him credit... Anyone who doubts Nik's knowledge on Torah, perhaps there should be a thread "Ask The Rabbi" and bring Nik back to specifically answer Jewishly related questions... My 2 cents...
Well, I suggested something to the same exact effect. I would listen to him, about Torah. Nik is TOUGH. He posted what he posted, and wrong or not, I have not seen anyone ever put up with so many attacks, and that is the TRUTH. He told someone to "Shut the hell up" and stop being an ahole" that iss NOT an attack, NOT like what Nike went through.
Perhaps you might try reading some of his books. Have either of you ever waded through Eric Jon Phelps tome "Vatican Assassins"? I can say I have....
You can say what you wish, but I do know that Nik, however wacked out one feels he is, is perhaps more knowledgable and supplies answers to questions/debate far better than many of the other ignorami and collective bashers here.
I've been on this forum perhaps longer than all of you. I've seen people come and go. Nik was ok. People had the choice of reading or not reading.... Instead bashing, mocking censorship and expulsion... I wonder if there is any on this forum that is as knowledgeable as Nik is on Torah, Gamara, Mishna, Zohar or Lomdus? Give the poor fellow a break....
MarZutra most of our members did not want to see Nik get banned they just wanted him to ease up a bit on the conspiracy posts. It was a sin for a person with his Torah background to waste all his time posting about conspiracies. The more he was asked to cut back the nuttier the posts became. I follow the forum on the most recent page. It became so discouraging to read some of this stuff that I found myself walking away from the computer because it was post after post for two weeks. Add to this the fact we were getting complaints from some of our gentile membership that they were put off about the constant bashing of the Vatican. If someone like myself who waits all day for the time that I can get on the forum to walk away I can only guess the amount of visitors that were turned away by such posts. The Vatican posts were one thing but to say that the towers were taken down on 911 by the American government using missals is really more than people can accept. I think the issue should drop for a while and possibly Chaim or Shlomo can come to an understanding with Nik about posting more reasonably if he were to return.
Hello Cjd ...I do not know this person you are talking about...I am still new to the forum but if it's ok, I would like to voice my opinion too. I have no doubts and I'm only going on an assumption about Nik..I am sure he is very Intellient, a wonderful person and he loves G-d very much. The problem we have here with his conspiracy posts is this: Nik despite all his great qualities may lack common sense. This lack of common sense can prevent a person from realizing what is a lie and what is not. He believes it was a conspiracy because he recieved the wrong information from the enemy. The enemy did inform Nik that the were lying to him...therefore Nik assumed that the truth was being given. This is a problem with the World today....Good Judgment cannot be used unless one has common sense.
What does everyone think of this looks like a mugshot :::D
Just another quikie store owner here in Toronto who got into this country thanks to our governments insane policy of "multiculturalism".
To answer republic quite factually speaking you are very much correct. Someone posted a thread on whose behind the NWO agenda. There you will find a number of posts dealing with groups like the British Fabian Society, CRF/Trilateral, Bilderberg, P2, Club of Rome, Milner/Rhodes Round Table Group etc. Nik chooses to place the majority of focus on the Vatican and the Jesuit end/view of this, very real, conspiracy. Actually, it isn't much of a "conspiracy" considering many Elitists openly state there is such an agenda. When one researches the history of the Catholic Church, more specifically the Vatican and such individuals as Ignatius of Loyola or Francisco Xavier who formed the Society of Jesus in 1534, especially researching the history of their dealings in the far East as well Central and South America, many questions can be asked and answered...
A further example, if you wish to research yourself is the Jesuits established missions throughout Latin America and founded a model commune for Paraguayan Indians in 1632. Further, as most Catholics and Protestants can claim base knowledge of is the rebellion against the Catholic Church/Pope/Vatican called the Reformation. Then the counter Reformation and some evidence suggests a counter counter Reformation. Nik argues the fact, or possibility of the facts that this Counter Reformation against the Protestants (and other non-Catholics), actually a very particular branch of Catholocism, never really ended. Like many other Societies, the Vatican with its Jesuit arm works hand in glove with other entities like all those mentioned in the former thread.
Is it fact? I don't know. Is it logical? Absolutely as history does repeat itself and the specificities of Catholocism/Vatican/Pope/Reformation/Crusades etc. all lend evidence to its possibility... ;)
Our prophets did not say that remotely controlled drones with missiles hit buildings and bombs were used to then topple the buildings while thousands of people saw that something else happened and then science proved that what people thought they saw and what the video tapes captured actually did happen while nik is wrong. No, our prophets did not make blunders like nik has been making here.
Stop making generalizations about him just because you disagree with what he said.
Rational Thought, It is ABSURD to begin comparing Nik, or any poster here, with the neviim. It is a defense of the honor of the neviim that I criticized that ridiculous rant I was responding to. Furthermore, I have not made any "generalizations" in the passage you quote. NIK MADE THOSE ARGUMENTS. The arguments are huge blunders because they are illogical and completely contradict all the evidence and scientific conclusions drawn about the events and all things known to have happened. You yourself may not have seen those particular comments, but NIK MADE THEM. Yes, the drones, the missiles, all of it. So to compare this with what our prophets used to say to warn the Jewish people..... I mean come on. It's nothing against nik, let's just not be ridiculous, and let's give the neviim a little more credit than that. The neviim didn't make those kind of blunders. Nuff said. No reason to attack me over this. If you agree with nik, you're sadly mistaken, but this kind of comparison, as I said, is absurd in either case.